Founders Fulfillment Freedom by Mike Shreeve

Founders Fulfillment Freedom by Mike Shreeve

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Old Price: $129.90

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Download Founders Fulfillment Freedom by Mike Shreeve

The Secret To How I Scale My Companies Without Losing My Marbles

Dear friend,

If you’ve been listening to me yammer on for any length of time then you know this already:

Your offer shapes your lifestyle.


If you have an offer that’s crazy to run and operate…

… you’re gonna have a crazy and hard to operate lifestyle.

Calm offers = calm life.

It doesn’t matter what kind of marketing and sales system you have if your offer is a hot mess to operate. If anything, a really good sales and marketing system will just accelerate that hot mess of an offer you have and make things much WORSE at a much bigger, faster, and more painful scale.

But it’s not just your lifestyle that’s directly affected by your offer design either.

Your financial life is built by the financial realities your offer creates.

The clients you attract are attracted to you because of your offer.

Therefore, if you want to control your finances, who you work with, and what your life will look like as a business owner…

… you gotta focus on designing better offers.

That’s why, for a few days only, I’m opening an offer I’ve only ever sold to our high ticket clients for $3,600. But don’t worry, you won’t pay even close to that.

It’s called:
Founder’s Fulfillment Freedom
How To Create World-Class, Premium Offers That Get Results For Clients… Without You!

In this course, I’ll show you exactly how I have designed and created multiple premium offers ($6,000 - $65,000 in price) that run without any input from me.

We’ll cover:

    Why getting yourself out of day-to-day fulfillment is actually better for your customers and clients (and how it gets better results for them too)...

    Remove yourself completely vs. only doing work in your zone of genius… I’ll show you both strategies and why you might not actually want to remove yourself 100% (especially if you love what you do)...

    The biggest risk to your offers today and why you might accidentally be killing your sales by holding on too tight to fulfilling everything yourself…

    How your subconscious is secretly keeping you from scaling your business as long as you’re stuck in the day-to-day…

    Why getting out of fulfillment so you can stick your toes in the sand and ride off into the sunset might actually be selling yourself and your business short… and how one simple mindset shift allowed me to get MORE enjoyment out of life and business… while adding millions to my bottom line…

    How to better understand your actual roles and responsibilities as a business owner in the Help Industry and how that can free you to stop feeling guilty about exiting the day-to-day and letting clients get results themselves without you (this breakthrough alone is worth the price of the program)...

    Hate your current clients? I’ll show you how to design offers that attract better clients BECAUSE you’ll be removed from fulfillment…

    What to do first once you’ve removed yourself from the day-to-day that instantly makes your offers better, easier to sell, and will turn you into the #1 go-to in your niche… (this is key if you want long term business growth)

    How refocusing your energy on just one thing can completely free you from having to be solely responsible for getting results for your customers or clients…

    Owning an asset vs. owning a job: one of these is much, much more risky than the other… and I’ll show you how to avoid putting too much time, energy, and effort into the wrong one…

    How I’ve compiled my entire work commitment to Peaceful Profits to just 2 half days per week…

    How (and why) to get others to innovate, improve, and invent in your business for you and without you… (aka: how to get other people to keep your business growing and making money without you having to stress about it all the time)

    What the basic function of an offer is supposed to be in your business and why getting this wrong means you’ll be stuck in fulfillment forever…

    How to use better offers to make marketing way, way, way easier…

    The #1 thing missing in most offers which keep owners stuck and unable to scale… (it’s the same reason clients don’t get good results)

    How to avoid the “access to the guru” trap and how to sell offers that don’t involve you to people who really just want to work with you personally… (this is key for getting out of the guru business and building something long term)

    Why your current offer is attracting such needy clients and how to change it…

    How I get other people to create new offers to sell without involving me at all…

    Where 50% of the success of any offer comes from… and why you’ll fail without it… (HINT: Most internet marketers have no idea this even exists and is so critical to client success)

    How to design an offer that gets clients and customers to take responsibility themselves instead of passing the blame on to you all the time…

    The one thing you must do to get off the content & offer making treadmill and still have the ability to make new offers, deliver new products, and make sales… (this is how you transition from job owner to business owner)

    How to overcome the uncomfortable feeling of “letting go” so you can get out of the way and let your business grow without you…

    4 signs that you (and your offer) have what it takes to run a business without you…

    “If you want something done the right way, you have to do it yourself.” WRONG! And I’ll show you why…

    The 80% rule that will set you free and allow you to exit the day-to-day faster than you think…

    How I replaced myself as a solo-coach AND how doing so meant my clients got a much, much, much better experience (and results)...

    What will really happen to your P&L when you work yourself out of the day-to-day… stop guessing and speculating, I’ll show you exactly what happens and what’s real when it comes to finances and removing yourself…

    Why constantly trying to maximize margin is probably why you’re stuck in the day-to-day and what to do instead to create more profit in your business…

    The harsh reality of working yourself out of the day-to-day - no holds barred, I reveal all the stuff other gurus hide from the public eye…

    Simple reporting system so you always know what’s going on in your business without you having to micro-manage everything to death… (this is key to being able to take time off without secretly thinking about your business the whole time or checking your email every 10 minutes)

    An exercise that takes 1 - 2 hours a day that will keep cash flow flowing no matter what kind of marketing you end up doing…

    What to do with your free time to make sure you’re still moving forward and not just getting bored and stagnant…

    How to track your progress towards removing yourself using “The Lifecycle of Removing Yourself” calendar… (broken down stage by stage)

    The exact dollar amount we expect from every new offer we create and why I refuse to launch offers that will make us less than [REVEALED INSIDE]....

    3 ways an offer can actually destroy your company and what to do to avoid that…

    5 step process to build offers that will last 20 years or more… (listen carefully to this if you want to get off the hamster wheel of creating new offers every other week just to stay afloat)

    How to validate a new offer in 1 - 2 days…

    How to tell early if you should keep an offer going or shut it down because it isn’t going to get you to where you want to go…

    What to do with offers after you shut them down so that you can still earn revenue from it even if it’s “turned off”...

    How to get paid in advance to work yourself out of the day-to-day by tracking your time better…

    How to avoid designing bad results and the #1 question to ask yourself to avoid creating an offer that backfires…

    Eliminate this one thing and drastically increase the results of your clients…

    How to turn customers into fans by NOT being involved in the delivery and fulfillment of your offers…

    The first thing to replace in your business which will give at least 50% of your time back within 3 - 5 days of implementing…

    One task you can give a $5/hour virtual assistant which will both get better results for your clients AND free up 10 - 15 hours a week TODAY… (you don’t need to wait to get this started)

    $65,000 done-for-you offers are 100% doable… but ONLY if you do this one thing found in Lesson 4 in the Laying The Foundation For Success module…

    The last thing you’ll remove yourself from and how long it takes to do that… (it’s the part that takes the longest and here’s why)

    The exact process I use to scale feedback, thoughts, and input without needing to meet with clients, team, or anyone… (HINT: key is asynchronous communication and automation)

    Never have to come up with your next “money making idea” by getting to Step 5 in lesson 4. Relieve the stress of being the “chief money maker” in your business by doing this… (if you want to focus on what you love and let the money take care of itself, this is how you do it)

    The 1 person in your life who can give you better ideas than any AI ever will on how to improve your offers, create new offers, and make more money in your company…

    The scariest lesson I learned working for Jim Rohn, John Wooden, and Zig Ziglar… this lesson completely changed the trajectory of my company and career…

    Did you know you only need 4 fundamental strategies to remove yourself from your offer? No matter what your offer is now, this works 100% of the time…

    Why there’s only one time when your ideas are worth any money at all in this business… and how to capture that value and retire off of it…

    How to get your entire business off your plate by creating one single document… that you don’t even have to create yourself…

    How to automate without using any software (and why most of the software you are using right now you really don’t need)…

    Instead of “figuring out” solutions to your problems, just bolt on solutions that someone else has already figured out… I’ll show you how…

    3 things I do to remove myself before I ever even THINK about hiring… you can very easily remove yourself from an offer without ever having to hire anyone…

    If I absolutely have to hire someone - rarely - the very first person I hire is [FIND OUT INSIDE]...

    The one thing that’s more effective than automation, hiring, systemizing, or creating SOPs when it comes to working yourself out of the day-to-day… this will change your entire perspective on what it really takes to run a business (it’s less than you think)...

… This Is Just A Snapshot Of What You’ll Learn In Just The First Module Of The Course!

When you order you’ll get:
4 Instructional Modules
23 Lessons
Easy To Follow Workbook
Buy Now
And Get These Bonuses…
Bonus #1:
The Instant Profit Multiplier Presentation

This is a talk I gave about a year ago where I showed people how to double the profits of any offer regardless of niche, offer type, or where you are in business right now.

This method does NOT require additional selling.

This method does NOT require new clients or customers.

This method does NOT require building long and complex marketing campaigns.

Instead, it taps into one of my favorite strategies of all time for getting paid twice for work done once.

It’s only an hour long but might just be the most profitable hour of your entire year.
Bonus #2:
The Path To $1,000,000 A Year

In this short presentation I lay out exactly what you need to make $1,000,000 or more in your business.

I provide:

    The exact offers you need to run

    The pricing of those offers

    How many of those offers to sell

    The KPIs you’ll need to hit from cost per traffic to conversion rates to backend retention and more!

    Pitfalls to watch out for

    The stages you’ll go through and checkpoints to watch out for as you progress through your journey

    How to troubleshoot any problems you may face along the way

    A 90 day plan for going from zero to $100,000/month run rate (this is exactly what I did for Peaceful Profits and ALL of my private consulting for equity clients)

If $100k/month is your goal, it doesn’t get any more clear than this on knowing exactly what needs to get, in what order, how long it will take, and knowing exactly what KPIs to aim for along the way.
Bonus #3:
Client Success Killers Mini-Seminar

My COO, Kailey Green, has been with me through more than 1,000 clients providing Done-For-You, Coaching, and other services and programs. For all that time she has been the one in charge of client success.

I asked her to create training for our internal team to impart some of her wisdom, tactics, and strategies in getting results for clients. For the first time ever, those recordings will be made public and accessible to you. The only way to get access to that training is as a bonus here in this offer.

In this mini-seminar training you’ll learn:

    The 7 most common mistakes service providers and coaches make when delivering their offers that ruins client success…

    The difference in DFY, DWY, and DIY when it comes to knowing what your clients need to be successful…

    The #1 thing holding most clients back from attaining success

    The WRONG way to set expectations… and how it could cost you literal millions in lost sales, refunds, and expensive distractions…

    Why running your business like other “marketing gurus” will ruin your business and why the art of overdelivery is so crucial… (she’ll get real about what “overdeliver really means too and it’s NOT bending over backwards to do whatever the client wants)

    How to know when it’s time to fire a client… and what to do when it was your fault…

    Our 3 favorite ways to deal with upset clients and get them back on track towards success…

    The #1 problem with 90% of coaching programs and why they almost always fail to deliver results…

    And more...

If you wanna make sure that the people who buy from you get results, you’ll want to tap into Kailey’s brain. This alone is worth the price of admission.
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Old Price: $129.90

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