Business by Soul by Celinne Da Costa

business by soul by celinne da costa

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Old Price: $249.90

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A 3-Month LIVE Group Coaching Program for Heart-led Leaders, Coaches, and Experts

First group call May 1st
Business by Soul™Your business gets to nourish you financially, spiritually, and emotionally


    Serve Your Soul’s Purpose

    Unlock Your Inevitable Abundance

    Experience Inner Peace & Freedom

Watch the video below to learn about Business by Soul™:
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March 2024 | Ibiza, Spain

Today, there are more online businesses than ever. That means more and more people are sharing their gifts and services online, and the competition for eyeballs and attention has never been higher.

How do you stand out from the noise?

My journey as an online business owner began back in 2017. Just like with any business, it wasn’t always smooth sailing. But ultimately, it wasn’t the latest and greatest marketing strategy, trend, or tactic that put my business in the position that it is in today, where I’m able to serve hundreds of clients, operate from some of the most beautiful places in the world, take three months off per year, and generate millions with my brand.

Instead, very early in my entrepreneurial journey, my intuition told me to not look for answers externally, but instead, create a rock-solid internal foundation to grow and scale my business from.

And it just makes sense: If you approach your business from lack, thinking you need some “magic” external tactic or strategy because you’re not enough as you are right now, then your business will reflect that; it will be lacking and never be enough to fulfill you.

But when you become a soul-aligned, heart-centered, and prosperous CEO internally, everything you build externally will also be soul-aligned, heart-centered, and prosperous. That’s what I want for you.

Consider this: instead of wasting time, resources, and money trying out the newest trends, hottest marketing strategies, and whatever else the person you perceive as being “more successful” is doing…
What would it feel like to have a soul-aligned strategy custom-tailored to you, your unique soul expression, and whatever success is meant to look like for you?

That is what I want to help you build and achieve in my program, Business by Soul™.

Business by Soul™ is not some course to hack your way into fast success (or rather, a cookie-cutter version of “success” that is sold for the masses, but will never actually satiate you since it’s not unique to your soul blueprint).

Instead, Business by Soul™ will help you become a soul-aligned CEO who is creating a business that is not only profitable, but joyful, and in complete alignment with your highest purpose and destiny while being in service to the collective good.

Once you create this, you become so unique in the market that your ideal clients will be seeking YOU out because they will intuitively feel who you are, what you stand for, and what you can do for them.

I can’t wait to help you build your business by Soul.

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Your business isn’t exciting anymore… you’ve lost your desire to show up and innovate so that you can serve more clients.

You have generated good income while serving your people, but you’re not experiencing the financial abundance you know you’re capable of.

You keep wondering how you will maintain your success with how you feel right now.
“I just want to do the work I love, without the business stuff I hate.”

You love the “soul work” but feel bogged down by the heaviness and complexity of running the actual business (marketing, operations, sales, etc.)
“I’m struggling to convey the true value of my work through marketing."

You aren’t sure how to talk about what you do clearly and magnetically; in a way that gives justice to what you’re doing and attracts the right people into your world.
“I want people to see the value of what I do… and pay what I’m worth.”

It feels hard to get properly compensated for what you do. Potential clients don’t see the value of your work, and you feel insecure asking for what you want to charge.
Take your business to the next level by treating it as a vessel for your Soul’s service, instead of another cog in the wheel of capitalism (I said what I said)
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Reignite the passion and fire in your business making more money than ever while having a business that sets your soul on fire!
Magnetize soulmate clients to you

Stop chasing people down and trying to convince them to work with you. Instead, become the magnetic force that draws in aligned clients who can’t wait to learn from you.
Feel inspired by your work

Stop focusing on business activities that don’t produce revenue or new clients, and learn where to focus your time & energy on revenue-generating activities that you love to do.
Break through the income lid

Articulate your genius, so people feel excited to pay you. Learn how to package your genius into offers people pay premium prices for.
Experience more fulfillment

Learn how to value your genius and your contribution instead of compromising yourself in order to make more money in your business.
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This is for you if...


    You’ve been feeling disillusioned about current condition of industry, wondering if you’re crazy for thinking that there is another way of doing things and still succeeding…

    You’re fed up with following yet another course by yet another guru, showing you a step-by-step system that works for them but not for you.

    You’re ready to level up your business and design your life YOUR way, from your own inner wisdom and core guiding values.

    You want to learn how to fend for yourself and BECOME the version of you who knows what to do, instead of being co-dependent on experts to tell you what to do.

    You’re ready to liberate yourself from old paradigms of marketing that so many of us have been brainwashed with, and become the CEO of the business who’s product is so good, it doesn’t need to trick people to buy.

    You want to stand out in the market, earn abundantly, and effortlessly attract your best clients because you are being your best self - no faking, no pretending…. Just embodying the pure magnetism of authenticity, something that the world really needs right now (and is happy to pay for).

    You are self-led, self-driven and are here to create what you want - there is a difference between explaining a system to a marathon runner who’s ready to run the race and a couch potato thinking about winning the race. You are the runner.

This is NOT for you if...


    "More money" is your primary driver for growing your business - this is for people who are impact-driven and crazy enough to think they can change the world (the money, by the way, WILL come).

    You’re not ready to step out of the matrix brainwashing that’s turned the sacredness of business and being in service into a being another cog in a machine - all good, I’ll be here when you are 🙂

    You don’t care about people and genuinely being of service with your offers - this is for those who are doing this work to better themselves, raise collective consciousness, and contribute to the planet.

    You still need to learn the basics of running a business and/or never landed a client before - this program is geared towards individuals who already have a handle on the basics of running a business and have started generating income to support themselves. The curriculum will not cover basic business setup or client acquisition for those who are just starting.

    You’re looking for yet another step-by-step system and to be spoon fed all the answers - while I’ll be providing you with frameworks and practices to model, this is ultimately your souls journey and I am here to serve as a guide not a drill Sargent. The answers you find in this program will be uniquely YOU.

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Business by Soul™ has been a practical lesson in the value of slowing down. I feel far more confident and experienced how much clarity and a narrower focus can actually speed up the process overall, making it easier, more fun, and improving the end result too.

Sarah Vivienne


Through the program, Celinne taught us how to listen within. Everything I've been trying in my business since then has been more organic, and simpler in a way and it just feels right. I feel like this course will be a resource for me to go back to again, and again as the workbooks are masterpieces that invite you to dive deep within yourself.

Vanina Grisoni


The biggest take on it was looking at my values, my mission, and vision. I have never done that before. So it was, and it has been an amazing way of being present with what I want to have out there.

Leandra Costa

BBS Module 2 Content So Good
10 Core Modules

My inside secrets and strategy propelled my own business, and hundreds of others, into greater levels of abundance. This is the CORE of what I used to scale past half a million without ads, sales calls, or fancy funnels. Get lifetime access to the professionally produced videos and comprehensive Workbooks that guide you through each module

($2222 Value)
Monthly LIVE Group Q&As and Mentorship

Get hands-on live coaching support from me every month to help you implement what you are learning, overcome challenges when they arise, and answer questions on your specific situation. You’ll also get powerful strategies, tools, and insights as others are mentored on the live calls. All calls are recorded and added to the course hub in case you cannot attend live.

($3000 Value)
3 Months of Support & Accountability

In side the Student Only Facebook Group you’ll join a powerful community of entrepreneurs working to expand their businesses. Do this work alongside other business owners to help keep you accountable and moving towards your goal.

($1000 Value)
Bonus Trainings

Guest Trainings by leading experts in Embodiment and Integration Practices, Conscious Sales Training, Soul-Based Systems, and Guided Subconscious Reprogramming Meditations designed exclusively for Business by Soul.

Learn from my proprietary frameworks including the Rewrite Your Life™ Method, the Soul Service Blueprint™, and Living From Soul™, Irresistible Story Framework™ and Hero To Guide Framework™
Lifetime Access to Course + All Future Updates

Get access forever as long as the course is available – including all updates that may come in the future at no additional cost. You can revisit the modules time and time again, beyond our 3-month live container together. You can also opt to continue on the alumni track if you wish to keep attending live Zoom sessions.

($2000 Value)
Professionally Produced Videos and Comprehensive Workbooks

That guide you through each module

($499 Value)
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Learn to uniquely stand out in the market, attract aligned clients, and love the work you do.
Recalibrating to a Soul-Led Life

Connect with your Soul to find your alignment and your core mission so you can become the CEO who leads powerfully, authentically, and with integrity.
Your Subconscious Illuminated

Uncover and rewrite your subconscious blocks that prevent you from fully showing up and instead learn to reprogram your subconscious for success.
Living Your Mission

Release resistance keeping you from living your mission and align your Soul’s purpose to your business so you can tap into your effervescent Source of creativity and cut through the market noise.
Embodying Your Soul Compass

Learn how to become magnetic in your industry by identifying your unique energetic Soul signature – the reason why clients will seek you out and not someone else.
The Soul Service Blueprint™

Get clear on how to identify & attract your soulmate clients, and match your unique Soul gifts to what they need the most, to ensure your offer is relevant and delivers a powerful transformation.
Infusing Your Business with Core Values

Redesign your business around your desires, values, and lifestyle so that every strategy, decision, and action is imbued with authenticity, ensuring that your business reflects not only what you do but who you are.
Soul-Infused Brand Messaging

Learn how to identify your unique story and share it with your audience to create more sales, all while transmitting your heartfelt message to the world.
The Roadmap to Intentional Action

Step into the role of the intentional CEO by identifying your zone of genius and structuring your business model to maximize your productivity, leverage your time, and remain in effortless flow as you expand and grow.
Expanding Your Energy

Unlock how to optimize your energy to achieve more while doing less. Tune into your Soul and make aligned, focused, and heart-led decisions that collapse timelines and propel your business forward with less stress, overthinking, and self-doubt.
Stepping Into Intuitive Leadership

Master masculine structure with feminine flow, to elevate your energy management and optimize your time by tapping into higher sources of creative life force energy, ditch energy-draining activities, and become more efficient so that you can create more with less time while enjoying more of your life.
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Celinne really does have a way of bringing out your story in the most powerful, honest way possible. If you get the chance to work with her, definitely take that opportunity. It was magical!

Amy Porterfield


Celinne is absolutely BRILLIANT at what she does. If you’re in ANY line of work that requires you to authentically connect with a group of people, you need to work with Celinne. She will save you so much time, money and energy from trying to figure all of this out on your own!

Kathrin Zenkina


I came to Celinne because I wanted her to help me unlock my voice… I didn’t realize that when I would work with Celinne, I was basically getting Tony Robbins, Ekhart Tolle, and Peter Mckinnon all wrapped in one.

Hanson Chengg

Reignite the passion and fire in your business making more money than ever while having a business that sets your Soul on fire!

Understand the energetic strategy, emotional intelligence, and mindset acumen required to run a soul-led, multiple-six-figure (and beyond) business.
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Everything you need to create your Soul-Aligned Business
with Laura Wright

Laura Wright is a sales consultant and coach for high-potential entrepreneurs, helping them build powerful sales systems to optimize profitability.

In this training, Laura shares her five-step framework to guide prospects through a transformational sales experience. You'll learn how to identify your true ideal client, create an energetic connection, uncover their vision, elevate their potential, and extend invitations that speak directly to their desires.

With Laura's soulful sales system, you can confidently enroll dream clients without using pushy tactics, while releasing those who aren't a fit.
BBS Guest Laura Wright
BBS Guest Elaina Ray
with Elaina Ray

Elaina Ray is a business strategist, mentor, and self-made multi-millionaire who guides online service providers and entrepreneurs in the personal branding and development space.

In this training, she shares the six core systems that transformed her from just a coach into a CEO, helping clients go from solopreneurs to leaders of thriving businesses. She covers developing high-ticket offers, mastering sales, lead generation, email marketing, content strategy, and client onboarding/delivery.

With her corporate background and entrepreneurial success, Elaina provides the masculine structure and mindset tools to take your business to the next level.
Alignment with Soul
with Leanne Edwards

Leanne is an "Archaeologist of the Soul" and "New Earth Architect" gifted with the ability to guide individuals in remembering their true, sovereign, multi-dimensional selves aligned with their soul's purpose.

In this training, she shares her journey of embodying her soul essence and disengaging from the "mainstream matrix" to operate in a harmonious cycle with life's natural rhythms. You'll learn practices to release programming and traumas that aren't your true self, slowing down to the "pace of grace" that allows sustainable integration. Leanne emphasizes doing daily embodiment work to unify your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects, learning to work with your emotional body, and cultivating unconditional self-love.

The training covers how to trust your soul's wisdom over mental constructs to find your service path, structuring your business as an "open system" benefitting the greater good.
BBS Guest Leanne Edwards
BBS Guest Chantelle Raven
Harmonizing Feminine & Masculine Energetics in Business
with Chantelle Raven

Chantelle Raven, originally a lawyer with a passion for philosophy, pursued holistic counseling and became a CEO before a health crisis led her to discover her calling in Tantra.

In this training, Chantelle guides you to deeply connect with your body's wisdom, emotions and desires to create alignment between your inner truth and outer manifestations. You'll learn practices like breathwork, sound and movement to tune into your body's messages. You'll also explore having the courage to say no to what doesn't resonate, while saying yes to your joy, pleasure and authentic service - even when difficult.

The training supports healing self-worth wounds, surrendering to life's mystery beyond surface desires, and embodying your essential, untamed nature aligned with your dharma.
Crafting Your 7-Figure Offer
with David Martinelli & Russell Breton

David Martinelli helps guide coaches to build automated 7-figure businesses that create both income and impact, while giving them more freedom for other pursuits.

In this training with his colleague Russell Breton, they share a structured approach to developing compelling offers that attract and convert ideal clients at premium prices. You'll learn how to define a specific niche, validate ideas through conversations, filter prospects by their ability to invest, and use strategic advertising to increase visibility. They outline a full sales cycle - from micro webinars and pre-call nurturing to transparent pricing and effective sales conversations. The training covers creating scalable offers in the key areas of relationships, health and wealth that directly address client pain points.

You'll gain tools for crafting a clear, inspiring message to sell your unique transformation in a way that people understand the value and want what you offer.
BBS Guest David Martinelli Russell Breton
BBS Guest Kyle Gray
Creating Your Proprietary Framework
with Kyle Gray

Kyle Gray is an entrepreneur, bestselling author, and content marketing specialist who helps impact-driven coaches use compelling storytelling to craft profitable presentations and funnels.

This training focuses on developing a "proprietary process" - a simple yet powerful way to communicate your unique value proposition and transformation framework. You'll learn how to create a catchy name for your process that speaks to the key client result. Kyle guides you to outline 3-5 high-level steps representing milestones along the journey, using real client stories to illustrate each stage in a way that shifts beliefs about what's possible. The steps should describe the outcomes, not prescribe tactics. You'll master the balance of "teaching to sell" by emphasizing the what and why over giving away the how-tos.

By the end, you'll have a proprietary process to use as the foundation for your messaging across content, sales conversations, and more.
Building Your Dream Team
with Veronica Romney

Veronica Romney is a master marketer and executive mentor who guides marketing leaders to become empowering "Rainmakers" through a holistic approach addressing mindset, strategy and skills.

In this training, she shares frameworks to help you identify the essential "queen bee" role only you can fill, shedding non-essential tasks through thoughtful delegation. You'll learn how to hire the right roles without creating conflicting "Frankenstein" positions, ensuring clarity around duties, partnerships and fair compensation.

Veronica emphasizes aligning personal and company meaning, being willing to part ways if values diverge over time, and even considering non-traditional support roles that enable your ideal lifestyle as a Rainmaker leader.
BBS Guest Veronica Romney
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I suffered from an awful lot of anxiety and panic attacks years ago - it always held me back. Through my work with Celinne, I have been able to move past this and now have the confidence to know that I can actively take steps to move in the direction where I want to go. I feel more empowered, more in the driver's seat of my life and business.

Melanie Mead

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After my work with Celinne, I began to create a practice that is reflective of my own embodiment with deep financial nourishment and with a reach that is further and more deeply aligned with who I am.

Dr Carrie Chojnowski

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During my work with Celinne, I healed my relationship with money, discovered my ‘X’ factor and what makes me unique, and felt more confident than ever as a Coach. Gone was imposter syndrome and all the pressure. I developed a deep sense of confidence in myself, my gifts, and my skills as a Coach.

Jasmine Lipski

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Since working with Celinne I have more than doubled my yearly revenue and am finally hitting $10k months and beyond.

Marie Poza


I’ve helped 100s of heart-led, purpose-driven entrepreneurs, leaders, coaches, and healers unlock deeper levels of fulfillment, impact, and abundance in their lives by coming back to themselves, building magnetic brands, and scaling their businesses to multiple 6- and 7-figures.

By following the principles I now teach, I’ve built a business that’s generated millions while still being able to take three months off during the year, have freedom to work less than 30 hours per week, and run my business from some of the most beautiful locations in the world. These same principles have landed me inside Forbes, HuffPost, Entrepreneur, and Business Insider, as well as on Tony Robbins' podcast and a TEDx stage.

Business by Soul™ is one of my flagship programs designed to help you achieve deeper levels of abundance, joy, and fulfillment in your life through your business.

I can’t wait to walk alongside you as you step into a more abundant and soul-aligned life and business.
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What does my soul have to do with my business?

Your Soul informs your sacred life force, the essence that connects you back to Source (or Universe, God, Oneness… as you prefer to call it!). In the end, this is really about returning to Love and living a life of Love.

Your business is a beautiful way of creating a vehicle through which you can express an aspect of your Soul and create a movement that will be of service to humanity and help many other Souls to awaken, be supported, and step into their next level of greatness.
What does it mean to create a “soul-aligned” business?
Will this help me make more money?
Will I learn the mechanics of how to build a business, especially if I’m new to business?
Is this for me if I don’t consider myself spiritual?
Will this program be a big time commitment?
How is this different from other business programs I may have tried in the past?

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I had a multiple five-figure product launch and have made multiple six-figures in my business in only half a year after working with Celinne.

Taking her course helped me cut through my limiting beliefs and deeply connect with my brand essence and my audience’s emotions. As a result, I was able to create such a strong brand story that while I was getting ready to launch my second product, I accidentally put my landing page live and a few people bought right away.

I recommend working with Celinne because she’s real and excels in cutting through the hidden limitations you unknowingly put on yourself, which prevent you from really connecting with your audience and unlocking your potential to impact the world.

Molood Ceccarelli


The modules were jam-packed with insights and questions that blew my mind, and made me ask myself things I never even asked before.

I wanted to be able to feel confident as a visionary creative, and this is what the course helped me immensely to achieve. I can acknowledge my worth more now, without feeling shy about it or worried that others might think I’m conceited. It’s liberating.

What I’ve learned is helping me implement an email marketing strategy. Some concepts I teach as an intentional social media coach and intentional life mentor are difficult to understand but with storytelling, I can create magic and just like that, make my audience and clients truly get what I’m saying.

Bea Mangar

Old Price: $249.90
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