100K Offer System 2.0 by Kathryn Porritt

100k offer system 2.0 by kathryn porritt

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Old Price: $89.90

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If You Have a Profitable High-Ticket Offer, You Could Easily Start Selling It for $100K… Using This Unconventional Strategy
100s of Coaches, Consultants, and Service Providers Have Used This Strategy to Start Charging $100K+ per Client...
Now You Can Too with our 100k Offer System 2.0
Coaches, Consultants, and Experts:
Every time you sell a high touch package for $10K, you are leaving money on the table
Think bigger!  Use this strategy to go from "high ticket" to "ultra premium", charging $100k plus for each client
"1M in two offers - done!"
“My original dream was to have a Family Office. This is accelerating now into reality. In the last two weeks, we have signed TWO clients at $500K each. So, we've just secured $1M in highly profitable, booked revenue.”
Your Business Will NEVER Be the Same After You Sell Your First $100K Offer


    Knowing that just one or two sales covers all your expenses for an entire year will give you such peace of mind.

    So instead of spending all this time figuring out where the next paycheck will come from, you’ll be able to focus on creating immense value for your clients.


    No more tire-kickers, discount-seekers, and die-hards. $100K clients tend to be amazing, cooperative individuals.

    They will appreciate every second of your time and you’ll have no issues getting them amazing results.


    Jumping from one client to the next impairs your ability to focus and deliver your best work.

    On the other hand, working with only a handful of amazing people allows you to take your time and create something extraordinary.


    You know that big dream of yours? That massive project you keep postponing for “one day”?

    Well, now you have the resources to hire a team and go after it.

Sounds exciting, doesn’t it?
I’ll show you exactly how to get there
I Want You to Erase These Two Words From Your Vocabulary:
What’s “high ticket” anyway?

$997? $2K? $5K? $10K?


See, this term - as well as the prices associated with it - was invented by all these gurus who want you to think small

Because the smaller you think, the easier it is for them to get you results

Forget about that!

We are talking about your life’s work…

A product or a service that transforms lives …

An opportunity that can save someone from agonizing pain or bless them with life-changing results…

That, my friend, is worth much more than $997

I know because…
This Mindset Made Me Millions
My name is Kathryn Porritt and I think big for a living.

    I took my first business to multi-millions
    Became one of the most celebrated lifestyle entrepreneurs in Australia
    Wrote a book for Viking/ Penguin
    Had a following of over 300,000 people
    Sold my business, and went on to help another one sell for $75M and then doubled another multi-million dollar global business...

...All by simply refusing to think small like everyone else
After selling my company, I considered spending the rest of my life on a distant beach, getting tan and sipping cocktails…

But I knew that I had the knowledge that could help other business owners, so I decided to get back to work and find a way to share it.

Fast forward today, I work with some of the world's most extraordinary business owners to help them develop their $100K and million dollar offers.

This is a completely different approach to doing business that has never been experienced anywhere else.

And you now can get a piece of it too….
Hundreds of Entrepreneurs Just Like You Have Already Created Their $100K Offers…
"I Sold a $400k Offer in Week One."
“I just want to share the HUGE breakthrough that happened today. I identified the perfect client. After some in depth discussions, she not only signed, but requested to INCREASE the commission to have me handle more parts of it. *Even being extremely conservative about projections*, this will be at least a 150k commission for me. More realistically - 400k plus. Now I can absolutely see exactly what my 1 million offer looks like. I am not even a week into working with this team. To say my world has changed is the ultimate understatement! I AM SO EXCITED!
Crystal... World Record Coach
"Dream Clients and Multi-Millions."
"I started working with Kathryn when I was about six months into my programs. I had hand drawn models, and ugly branding and my offers were all over the shop. I did not have it together. I partnered with Kathryn and everything has shifted, I now have a multi-million dollar business, I am working with my dream clients on dream projects, I’m in the media and I have so much freedom. Kathryn, I cannot tell you how much I adore and love you. What you have given me has been this amazing world that I've been able to create. What Kathryn says works. I am the living testament to that. "
tina paterson, consultant and author
"500k and Million Dollar Offers"
“We had a good mainstream business with Girl Director but you saw the bigger picture for us, which is the super high end film production, which reconnected me to my passion. I now know how to present myself to investors and we’re now landing $500k, million dollar deals. The initial $100k deals are still fun, but we’re now into career–defining projects that are so deeply important to us with Impact Films. It’s been you, Kathryn and your community of Icons and your amazing team who have opened our eyes to this and enabled this to be our reality.
Michael hole and rachel dunn, impact films
"Working with Kathryn has been such a relief"
“Kathryn, you were such a pivotal person in my life to really open my eyes to the fact that the way that it had always been was not the way it needed to be for me. It was quite shocking when I first came across you, and just thought, “Oh, my goodness, this is like she is saying exactly what I didn't know how to say or articulate”, but felt inside of me, obviously, and I haven't seen anybody else putting that into words, let alone that they have a proven system and results. But the thing that was amazing beyond just being able to work with you as a client was just the realization that I was being called at a supremely high level and it was accessible. I was able to make the things I dreamed of most of all happen with such flow and ease."

katrina ruth, high performance coach and author
People now say, "I can trust you with millions of dollars"
“You know, Kathryn, you've made this impression on me ever since we met. I used to not care so much about how I showed up, my brand, my appearance, my team - because I was great at what I do. But watching you, working with you and your company, and listening to everything you say, it always struck me as: I can trust you with my money, I can trust you with millions of dollars. You’ve changed me. I now show up that way, as does everyone in our team. I want our clients and partners to be able to look at us and go: “yeah, I can trust him with a million of dollars of mine.” Thank you.”

jim padilla, high ticket agency owner and investor
"My Entire Life Has Changed"
"In the first few minutes of meeting you, you changed my life. When I first saw your work and training, everything I knew for seventeen years in this game of sales changed. I went from transactional selling to truly transformational selling and I’m now working with my most exciting clients ever and they’re investing 100k+ with me with ease, and I’m giving my family the best life possible. Thank you, Kathryn."
"I've Completely Rewritten How We Get Paid"
“I’ve completely rewritten the way that we sell podcast sponsorships and who we align ourselves with. This has been completely game-changing for me and my business. I’m building deep relationships that stand the test of time and economic conditions. I can now be incredibly intentional about where I put my focus and how I spend my energy. These are exponential partnerships with exponential opportunities. Kathryn, your friendship, your leadership, this platform that you've created has allowed people to step into their genius, and sometimes it's an uncomfortable process. But with your hand holding and your amazing team, this is something that's possible and attainable.”

harry duran, podcaster and podcast agency owner
"I'm Selling $50K Mastermind Places with Ease."
“I am packing for my vacation tomorrow! Taking a week off at the beach. Already had 2 clients saying yes to my 50K mastermind. Thank you for holding me accountable.”
Solera… Akashic Reader
"I Just Secured a $63 Million Deal."
“I’m in a “pinch me” moment. I have 3 Billionaires that I connected with and all agreed to work with me. 2 of the 3 Billionaires are now my “lines of credit” and will back me in all the deals I do (within the acquisition criteria @ least $20 Million!). Along with some other details, I am part of a $63 Million US dollar deal. Thank you to my 100K family!”
Sophia… Real Estate Investor
"A Lead Role, $25K and $50K In One Week!"
“Just wanted to share some good news from all this work we are doing here. I just booked a lead role in another film and have an offer for a TV show as well, all on the same day! In the past two weeks after finishing "The Personal Style Guide" I've booked a new photo shoot, have gotten new headshot photos done, made a $25k offer and a $50k offer to two different clients and am being flown down to Miami to be a special guest at a magazine party. Thank you Kathryn Porritt, your team and everyone here who continues to inspire me which has helped create all this abundance!”
Colin… Movie Star & Charisma Coach
"I Sold a $111K Pay in Full Offer"
“I had my first ever yes for a $111K pay in full. He's beyond excited and I sent him details of his bespoke transformational experience. This whole process to get to this point was incredibly liberating and I feel SO excited for all the other clients too as I know how to have DREAM transformational experiences for my clients.”
Stacey… Life Transformation Strategist
Are You Ready to Take the Leap and Stop Underselling Yourself?
Here’s Exactly What You Get Inside the $100K Offer System

Module 1: Your Perfect Position in the Market
As an Icon, you dominate your niche.  This status lets you set your own pricing.  We work through your Iconic positioning in the market to set you on your way.

Come away with the exact positioning that represents the Iconic YOU in the market, allowing you to dominate and tell people what you do easily.

Module 2: Your Perfect Offer
We take you deep into the most successful $100k+ offers and show you how to construct your perfect offer based on your expertise, market and the kind of experience YOU want to deliver.

Come away with the perfect 100K+ Offer for YOU.  You'll be able to craft the offer that you will LOVE to sell without giving away too much.

Module 3:  Your Ideal Ultra-Premium Clients
Determining exactly who you want to sell your offer to is not as easy as selecting a celebrity name from People Magazine.  We work on your dream client list and how to find them this week.

Come away with the most comprehensive "ideal avatar" process you have ever been through.  Your marketing will never be the same again.

Module 4:  Pitching Your First Offers
How to get a YES to a conversation is the first step.  We walk you through the Invitation system to get the attention of your most ideal clients, and get a Heck Yes to a conversation.

Come away with the exact way to select and pitch to your ideal clients.  This is WAY beyond a mainstream LinkedIn strategy!

Module 5:  Luxury Sales System
Ultra Premium sales is completely different than mainstream.  Don't you dare give a fast-action bonus to a million dollar deal.  We break down the sales system for luxury clients.

Come away with the most luxurious and personalized sales process you will ever encounter - and use it immediately.

Module 6:  Luxury Marketing System
Want more and more $100k+ clients?  Excellent!  You'll need the Luxury Marketing System to magnetize more of these luxury-level deals and truly build wealth with your Iconic brand.

Come away with the perfect marketing system to attract your 100k Offer clients and deals consistently.
This is information previously only available in our Masterminds.  Now exclusively taught live and updated by Queen of 100K Offers, Kathryn Porritt
TOTAL VALUE: $50,000+
(Kathryn charges a minimum of $50k/ day for her consulting - this is the INSIDER SCOOP on how this is being done over and over and over again by her clients)
PLUS... these incredible bonuses

The Exact $100K Offers that are Selling NOW
A training with our Mastermind clients that shows you EXACTLY what is selling for our private clients right now.  This private training is truly inspirational.

VALUE: $297

The $100K Offer System Blueprint
The exact steps to create your very own $100K Offer - in the ultimate workbook so you can create this again and again and again and again.

VALUE: $497

14 Ultra Premium Offers Training
Discover the 14 ways we sell $100k deals and offers diving into each of the strategies to inspire you to commercialize your influence more creatively than coaching and consulting.
VALUE: $997

This Is the Fastest Way to Grow a Truly Impactful Business, Period
"Working With Kathryn Will Change Your Life."
“I was just trying to navigate a world of the mass market, and I was “successful”, but knowing I was the best in the world at what I did, I absolutely knew I was not reaching my possibilities completely. Now, I am charging hundreds of thousands in each transaction thanks to you, Kathryn. I have such an audacious vision of what I want to do in the world, and I feel so much confidence and so much alignment that now just attracts people to me automatically. You’re some crazy magician, Kathryn. I am so glad I found you.”
"I Am Never Playing Small Again!"
“I’ve been in the clinical psychology space for nearly 28 years. I created a six-figure business but I knew there was more to me, more than I was doing on my own, more than clinical hours and consultations. When I found Kathryn, I suddenly knew everything was possible. My brand is limitless - and even though that was scary at first, I knew the truth. It was time for me to become Iconic. I am never playing small again. You gave me permission to be limitless and provided the safe place for me to dream and act and be. Embody the person you desire to become and join Kathryn’s programs now.”
"I'm now working on my million dollar offer and it's not even scaring me"
“My mission is to reconnect young people to their power. I've got psychology training, counseling, coaching, hypnotherapy, all this amazing stuff in my background. I brought all of that to the Laws of Luxury Inner Circle and the support has been incredible.

When you go through these processes with Kathryn and her team, you get to a point where your dedication to your mission and your message completely outshine anything else. Everybody you need in your life comes out of the woodwork because they've been waiting for you to show up powerfully so they can come to you. Belief in yourself is like a magnetic force. I'm working on my million dollar offer now, and it feels perfectly natural and normal. Because when you're working with people at this level, that's just what happens.

Imagine that for yourself. Imagine how much change you could affect when you're in a financial bracket where all of your needs are taken care of. You're happy, you're healthy, you've provided for your family, everything at home is great. Imagine how much more you can do in the world with those things in place. That's the excitement that I have. That I can have it all. And this container has not only revealed that possibility to me, it's shown me exactly how to do it.”
Ready to Do the Same?
Sign Up Today and I’ll Send You 4 Valuable Bonuses… To Help You Get There Even Faster
Structure of a $100K offer
This super helpful cheat sheet will help get those creative juices flowing and start you thinking about what your $100k structure could look like.
The big Thinking Blueprint
The blueprint to big thinking is about setting yourself on the right path to creating the business future of your biggest and brightest dreams.
No premium offer stands alone... Learn how to create a low-mid-premium tier offer stack to fulfill your ideal client’s biggest desires and give them value for money at every tier.
making time
Too busy to develop a premium program? These simple exercises are things you can do NOW to give yourself the gift of time so you can concentrate on developing your $100k program.
These Are the Exact Workbooks I Send to My Premium $100K Offer Clients, Worth Hundreds of Dollars

...You’ll Get Them for FREE With the $100K Offer System 2.0
To Sum It Up…
Here’s Everything You Get When You Enrol in the $100K Offer System

    6 Modules of Deep Training on Developing and Selling YOUR 100K Offer with Queen of 100k Offers, Kathryn Porritt VALUE: $50,000 (Kathryn charges a minimum of $50k/ day for her mentoring)
    The Exact $100K Offers that are Selling NOW Training - VALUE: $297
    The $100K Offer System Blueprint - VALUE: $497
    Video Case Studies of people selling $100K Offers right now - VALUE: $997
    14 Ways to 100K Offers Bonus Training - Value $997
    BONUS Workbooks - VALUE $297

TOTAL VALUE: $53,085
FAIR WARNING: This Will NOT Work for Everyone
$100K Offer System works unlike anything else.

However, it’s not for everyone.

If you are just trying to make a quick buck selling a mediocre product… It won’t work.

If you don't believe with every ounce of your being that you can make an impact in people's lives… It won’t work.

If you are not willing to make an investment and take a leap, against fear and limiting beliefs… It won’t work.

If you don’t have supreme confidence in your offer and you haven’t successfully sold high-ticket offers before… It won’t work.

Simply, this system was created for a very specific group of people:

Resilient action-takers who know their worth and are willing to do whatever it takes in order to reach as many people as possible. The mavericks, the pioneers, the trend-setters.
I Want to Hear From You… NOW
Jeff Bezos once said that our only job as business owners is to make 1-3 good decisions every day.

This is your opportunity to make one.

The way I see it, you have 3 options:
Find an Excuse to Close This Page and Go Back to Selling “High-Ticket” Offers
It will save you $497 today, which is kind of practical…

But I know that this letter made you realize that you’ve been underselling yourself... And that feeling will be haunting you for a long time.
Use This Page as an Inspiration to Figure It Out on Your Own
You read my success stories… You saw my clients’ testimonials…

You have every reason to believe that you are capable of figuring things out and creating a premium offer on your own.

This is a solid option if you are willing to spend a few years (and thousands of dollars) trying a million different things before you nail it.
Let Me Hand You the Blueprint That’s Already Helped Hundreds of Business Owners Create a $100K Offer
Why take any chances? When there’s a plug-and-play system that works every single time.

Not to mention that you can have it for less than the cost of a semi-decent dinner for one.
But hey, it’s your call…
P.S. In case you just scrolled all the way down here, without really reading anything…

I have this crazy offer for you:

For only $497, I’ll give you access to the exact blueprint I use to help clients of mine start selling their services for $100,000+

That’s right:

I’ll teach you how to take your existing product or service… Repack it… And sell it for $100K.

This way, you’ll be able to reach your financial goals quicker, work with high-quality clients, and ultimately create a bigger impact.

Old Price: $89.90
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