Belief Architecture by Taylor Welch

belief architecture by taylor welch

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Structural Integration
There are core ingredients that already exist in your life. But these ingredients need to be understood, and then reordered so they serve you. For instance, let’s talk about fear.

Is fear good or bad?

Well, it is an ingredient. And life calls for all ingredients. If I went in and just “deleted” all of your fear protocols, it would lead you to very dangerous scenarios. If we cut off fear entirely, your intuition would be less effective. You wouldn’t feel when something is “off.”

You wouldn’t have any premonition. And you’d end up doing very silly things. Given the right challenges, you might jump off a building to prove that you can. This is a bad idea. Fear protects you from a lot. It is not to be deleted.
But when fear becomes rampant and sits at the top of your mental hierarchy, it will destroy your life. All of your past failures will begin to project themselves FORWARD into your future. Anxiety will get bigger. And you will run/hide at the smallest sign of trouble. This is just as dangerous as having no fear at all.

So we must take these ingredients and put them all in the right order. Furthermore, there are things that outrank fear – such as values. Most fear is coming from a 2nd chain of command trying to honor (or obey) the 1st chain of command. We all value our lives, because there is an evolutionary priority baked into our root code: survive.
However, if you have kids you will relate to this: what if the lives of one of your children was at risk? Now all of the sudden, these ingredients are quickly reorganized in a different hierarchy. Any good parent would quickly trade places if their kids were about to suffer or, God-forbid, lose their lives. I would throw myself in front of a moving train to save the lives of one of my kids.

So not all driving forces exist at the top always. They are honoring your values.
Here’s where the infrastructure gets messed up: if you do not know what these values are, you cannot reorganize them. Let’s say you have a value, programmed from when you were a kid, to never let someone else see your weakness.

The longer a value exists, the more persuasive it becomes.

This is why many of the issues and self-sabotaging behaviors an adult deals with have been present for a very long time (long before you started your business or became a leader). When you are unwilling to allow anyone to see you weak, you will not do the necessary work it takes to become good at something.

You become the 50-year old who can’t stop talking about when you played basketball in highschool. You will go to the past to relive the memories of when you were great, even though you refuse to do anything now that can make you great AGAIN.

In a world driven by status and public accolades, “infrastructure” becomes very important. We have to reprogram it and reorder it without deleting anything. This curriculum will show you how to do that.
Goal Setting
S-M-A-R-T goals are great. I’m not knocking them.

They don’t really work, but they’re not inherently evil. Why don’t they work? Because a smart goal is not motivating to the reticular activating system (RAS). Here’s why the RAS exists.

Scientists say that your subconscious picks up every single detail of your life. Anything that comes through any of your five senses. Here are my sources for this (I don’t recommend reading them, but I do want you to know that I’m talking about real science rather than random ideas I ‘discovered’ while on a long walk).

Zimmermann, M. (1989). The nervous system in the context of information theory. In R. F. Schmidt & G. Thews (Eds.), Human Physiology (pp. 166-173). Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer.

Atkinson, R. C., & Shiffrin, R. M. (1968). Human memory: A proposed system and its control processes. In K. W. Spence & J. T. Spence (Eds.), The psychology of learning and motivation (Vol. 2, pp. 89-195). New York: Academic Press.

Dehaene, S., Changeux, J. P., Naccache, L., Sackur, J., & Sergent, C. (2006). Conscious, preconscious, and subliminal processing: a testable taxonomy. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 10(5), 204-211.

Assuming you could find it (which is very hard to do), you could go access the storage system of the subconscious and tell me how often the temperature of the room changed in the classroom you sat in when you were 7 years old. It’s all in there…

The RAS exists to protect us from the overwhelming energy-drain of having to parse and process all of this information. It is not exactly useful to know the temperature from 10, 20, or 50 years ago. So your RAS exists to decide, “What gets through? What matters?”

From an evolutionary perspective, the RAS keeps you alive for longer. If you’re burning energy parsing temperature changes, you are burning more glucose (the preferred fuel source our brains use*). A thousand years ago, what happens if you can’t find enough food to power the brain? You died.

So the RAS exists for our protection. But it can backfire. The RAS prioritizes three categories of information:
* Berg JM, Tymoczko JL, Stryer L. Biochemistry. 5th edition. New York: W H Freeman; 2002. Section 30.2, "The Brain Uses Glucose as Its Primary Fuel Source."

What we value (which is why values outrank fears in the chain of command)

What is novel or new (social media runs off of this loophole in the RAS)

What presents a threat (tricky, tricky; because what threatens you can change based on your belief system)
Here’s a real example of the RAS firing incorrectly: imagine that you are experiencing a string of hardships. Life has gotten tough, and you’re now hypersensitive to failure.

You think about it, and maybe it all tracks back to a decision you made to raise your goals and push for a big target (you can insert any example into this and see how it works, but we’ll use this one for now). After “going for it,” you failed. And maybe lost some money.

You make a decision that you will not be so brash next time. You will slow down, look at all the pros & cons, and calculate your decisions better. This is all well and good, except the RAS is being programmed. There’s nothing wrong with calculating pros/cons. The problem will occur when your RAS realizes, “he wants to make sure he never steps into a risk again, because the last time he stepped into a risky situation, he failed.”
The RAS will begin processing through terabytes of subconscious data to find any sign or queue that you could fail. Obviously, if you do this, you are going to be rendered immobile. You will never even try again. There is suddenly risk in everything. Everything is scary. The world is dangerous. And if you want to honor this need that you’ve given the RAS, you are going to need to move to the jungle away from all people and get off the grid.

I’m being extreme on purpose: to show you how this works and find where it has occurred in your own life.

If this doesn’t change (and there is a specific way you should change it so you aren’t robbing yourself of good & healthy risk-assessment), your goals will get smaller. Your life will get smaller. And you’ll start selling out to “security at all costs.” Which means you will not accomplish what you were born to accomplish.

There is no such thing as 100% risk-elimination. The key is telling the RAS what to find, rather than it assuming it knows what you want. I explain this in detail inside of this program and there are exercises to go through to create the right scripts inside this gateway.
Belief System
Where do your values come from?

Let’s delineate between two types of values, first:

What is important to you to do
What is important for you to be

I don’t want to waste a lot of time on this one, because it’s all covered in the curriculum. But I will break this down quickly for you.

Have you ever felt like you’re making progress and things are going well… but, for some reason that you can’t put your finger on, you’re slowly losing your drive and fulfillment? Like… things are great, but you’re not feeling like they’re great…
This is NORMAL. And it comes from misaligned values.
Similarly, have you ever completed a season of your life that was awesome, but you are slowly becoming depressed? It’s not that your drive is completely gone, it’s that you’re genuinely fatigued all the time and wondering what you’re doing? Lol, everyone has felt this… I just needed you to acknowledge it.

When we don’t live in alignment with our virtues (who am I and what does that person DO), we begin to feel depressed and disconnected.

When we don’t feel the way we want to feel and can’t figure it out, it’s usually because our identity is deviating from what used to be important to us.

Both of these come from your beliefs.
For many years, I have taught entrepreneurs that there are only two differences between people who are winning and people who are losing:
This protocol is all about what you are believing. And what you believe drives all motivation for what you’re doing. You can use discipline until you pass out from burnout – or you can tweak your belief systems*. When you tweak your belief systems, you change your values. When your values change, your entire central nervous system is rewarded for lining up underneath those values; and work feels a lot less like work**.

In this section, we dive deeper into how to find and restructure you belief system to fuel you without the costly drag of discipline. I am a huge fan of discipline, but only in the interests of getting initial traction. If your entire life feels like slogging through mud, you have to change your belief systems.
* The concept of burnout from excessive discipline is supported by: Maslach, C., Schaufeli, W. B., & Leiter, M. P. (2001). Job burnout. Annual review of psychology, 52(1), 397-422.
** The notion of the central nervous system being rewarded for aligning with values is related to: Berridge, K. C., & Kringelbach, M. L. (2015). Pleasure systems in the brain. Neuron, 86(3), 646-664.
And here is where it gets fun 🙂

Everything in your world is connected. People have known this for a long time. But very few practice these principles to create forward momentum. If you don’t feel good, you aren’t going to progress properly.

There are ~10 different exercises, 20+ models, graphs, etc and close to ten hours of training that will help guide you through the easiest ways to create MASSIVE forward momentum in your life.

For example, let me show you one of them…
This might look like a simple image, but in many regards this image rules your patterns of self-sabotage. Whenever you are struggling to get yourself to complete something or to behave a certain way, it is always because of conflicting values.

The difficult part is knowing where to look to find these values and, if appropriate, remove (or re-order) them. It is not always effective to start removing values – I will explain this (in detail) in this new curriculum you are about to get access to. You must rank them and then order them…

Then we ask certain questions to replace them.

When you are frustrated because you’re not seeming to move forward, and it’s almost like your behaviors won’t match your targets – it is because of a value configuration that has gone bad.
Here’s another example: how does the mind cope with failure?
That’s a pretty important subject, right? But left to its own devices, the mind will most likely avoid all chances of failure. You have to remove some programming to open it up a bit.

When you look at the clinical process of learning, it looks like this:
All lessons start with experiencing risk.

Then, through thorough review, we file the lesson. But what if you file the wrong lesson? Then you just become afraid and stop moving. What if we don’t file the lesson at all?? Then you begin to repeat the same mistakes over and over again.

This is not complicated but it is not “easy,” either.

In one section of the curriculum, we walk through an entire process for MAPPING your lessons the right way, which removes fear & introduces calculated decision-making into your future decisions.
What’s Next?
You’ve read the page and are likely very serious about securing this private piece of work for your arsenal. I’m known for being ruthlessly honest even when it hurts me, so here goes:

Because of the amount of time, money & stress I’ve invested to learn and teach this material – it doesn’t make financial sense to sell it for less than a couple thousand dollars. In fact, we’ve only sold this outside of Chamber 3 times, and each time was >$5k. People who have gotten it inside of Chamber obviously paid a lot more than that for it.

If you are going to use it, I need you to actually take it seriously.
But something special is happening this month: this piece of work is hitting it’s 1 year anniversary. And I want to help 100 people remove their roadblocks and get into flow for 2025.
Pay close attention to what I’m about to say: I am not motivated at all by selling a lot of copies of this. It is the pinnacle of my work as an entrepreneur. People think I am good at marketing but I’m a thousand times better at the realm of the mind & spirit than I am at writing sales pages.

They just have no idea because they haven’t experienced it. But for you, it is probably time you jumped off this proverbial ledge of self-sabotage, fear, regret & anxiety once and for all.

So we are releasing 100 (not 101, not 110 – 100 only) copies of this Belief Architecture playbook for you to own and use for your life, mind & business. This will only be open for 2 days (48 hours) or until all 100 copies are gone.

There are two bonuses that I’ve included because they will amplify the material you’re going to get from Belief Architecture.
Bonus 1: Mind Work & Identity Vault
40 hours of audio lessons to listen to while you’re driving, walking, working out, or sleeping. I’m not going to explain this because I don’t have time… but they will be inside of your portal when you get access to Belief Architecture.
Bonus 2: Masters of Belief Collection
Three real life case studies - examples from history that utilized some of this material (although they did not teach it) to accomplish insane things. Presidents, generals & business owners… same rules apply, go through the main curriculum first before diving into these (each case study is 4-5 hours long and there are three of them).

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