Woman-Centered Coaching Masterclass by Claire Zammit

woman centered coaching masterclass by claire zammit

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Unlock Extraordinary Results For Your
Female Clients — and Exponentially Increase
Your Income, Recognition and Impact
Join the elite class of experts who have been trained to rapidly identify and release women’s blocks to power and unleash their highest potentials.
Registration has officially ended.
Doors are now closed for Dr. Claire Zammit’s Woman-Centered Coaching Masterclass program, but you can now join the waitlist here and be the first to be alerted when we open enrollment again:

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In the meantime, we recommend you discover how to Unlock Your Feminine Power in our 7-Week Essential Course. Because of your interest in The Woman-Centered Coaching Masterclass, we’re extending a one-time special offer for you…
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Course Information Page
Are you tired of struggling to attract the clients you most want to serve and get life-changing results in your work?

If you’re one of the many coaches and practitioners who struggle to get clients and referrals, or to have enough confidence to raise your rates, you’ve likely been thinking up until now that your challenge is in marketing yourself or “putting yourself out there,” or that clients don’t want to invest in themselves.

The truth is that if you struggle to have the kind of impact and income that reflects your expertise and gifts, what you have primarily is a RESULTS PROBLEM.

Even if you’re already getting good results and making a good living, chances are, you sense there’s another level of income and recognition in your field that you could reach.
There’s a Revolution Happening in the
20-Billion-Dollar Coaching and Lifelong Learning Industry.
If you work with women – who make up 70% of coaching clients – you can’t afford NOT to learn the “Woman-Centered” Coaching method.

The coaching and lifelong learning industry is booming, and is estimated to continue to surge forward in our new world of constant disruption and change.
So… why is it so challenging to attract the clients you most want to work with, and build a thriving practice?

As demand increases for coaching, therapy, healing and health consultations, transformational courses, and more, so do consumers’ expectations about the results these services can provide.

And here’s the thing: the average person cannot afford to make a bad investment – getting so-so, or even just “good” results, simply isn’t enough.

Your client needs to feel confident that she can get extraordinary results through taking the risk of investing in herself.
The huge problem is that traditional approaches in the fields of coaching, therapy, medicine, and other healing modalities are not informed about the specific barriers that now hold women back. Nor do they adequately prepare coaches or practitioners to identify and address these blockers.

The good news is this: there is a HUGE opportunity right now for coaches who understand these barriers and know how to release them.

Women now make up the majority of the client base for coaching, personal and professional growth programs, retreats, books, and more.

Coaches and practitioners who can create extraordinary results for women will have a line of clients waiting to work with them, in any economy.

    They have a waitlist of dream clients.
    They get a massive number of renewals and referrals.
    They have the ability to solve much bigger, more urgent, complex and expensive problems for their clients.
    And, as a result, they have the confidence to charge a premium and to only work with clients they feel most called to serve.
    They also receive public recognition and opportunities to share their expertise on larger stages.

This is where the Woman-Centered Coaching Approach comes in.

By making the shift to become “Woman-Centered” in your approach, and by training to specialize in working with women in this way, you’ll soon become known as an in-demand coach or practitioner who knows how to get extraordinary results.
I’m thrilled that you have an interest in making the Woman-Centered shift in your work with clients,
and in your business!
Thousands of women like those featured below have created stunning results with this method:
Adria Grew a Worldwide Movement That Flourished to $2 Million in Less Than Two Years.

“I was recently asked to join the Permanent Forum for the People of African Descent.”

Woman-Centered Coaching skills empowered her to connect to her core purpose and leadership and grow a world-changing, multi-million dollar global movement, reaching 7,000 participants from 9 countries to help heal racism.
Kensie Made the Leap From A High-Paid Corporate Career and Tripled Her Income 12 Months Later

“It’s enabled me to do what’s right for me and also support my clients in a much deeper way.”

Woman-Centered Coaching skills helped her reconnect with her confidence and create a business model that worked for her. She went from unknown to creating content that made her irresistible to ideal clients in her high-ticket programs.
Rosemarie is making 3X what she earned as a successful attorney

“I trusted my intuition when it told me that my woman-centered approach would offer me the crucial pieces I needed to discover my purpose… My intuition was RIGHT!!”

The Woman-Centered Coaching methodology was the KEY that enabled her to figure out her true purpose. Now she’s coaching and leading workshops and is a bestselling author making 3X what she earned as a lawyer!
A Note From Claire

Welcome! If we haven’t met before, I’m Dr. Claire Zammit.
I’ve spent the past twenty years developing a step-by-step method to unlock deep, fast, life-changing results for women.

I’m the founder and creator of “Woman-Centered” Coaching – a research-based, proven methodology that’s been road-tested by over two million women, including over 60,000 paying clients from more than 168 countries.

Making the shift in my work to this approach changed everything for me, in the results I was able to create for clients, and in my business.

It’s this “Woman-Centered” approach that underpins all of my individual and group coaching, as well as my online courses and trainings that have enabled me to build what’s now close to a 100-million-dollar business.

I’ve now worked directly with women at every level of business, art, science, education, and government, including New York Times best-selling authors, NASA engineers, Supreme Court justices, thought leaders, Grammy and Oscar award-winning artists, renowned Ph.D.s, M.D.s, tech giants, attorneys and other professionals, coaches, therapists, artists, change-makers, and educators.
I also discovered how to teach my method to thousands of other women who I’ve trained as coaches…

And they’ve been able to get the same breakthrough results in their work with women in diverse niches, including money, confidence, visibility, love and relationships, health and wellbeing, business, leadership, and more.

It’s now my mission to pass on what I’ve discovered to you!

I want to help you get the results your clients deserve, and the recognition, income and success that reflects your contribution.

Woman-Centered Coaching is a revolutionary way of coaching that is specifically designed to help women overcome the hidden and internal barriers that prevent them from achieving their goals and realizing their full potential.

As a result of women’s rise to power, women’s values, priorities, unique challenges, and opportunities have shifted dramatically.

Women no longer simply want to achieve success, nor do they want to return to traditional roles or combine the two in some kind of elusive “work/life balance.”

Millions of women are yearning for something more.

They are making the shift from what psychologist Abraham Maslow identified in his “hierarchy of needs” as going from the “achievement” stage to the “self-actualization” stage.
Millions of women are making a SHIFT from Achievement to Self-Actualization, changing their values, needs, priorities, and most importantly, the support they need to succeed at this new stage.

Women are feeling the impulse to become everything they can be, and to use their gifts to lift up everyone around them.

Paired with the economic and social liberation they have achieved, it’s no wonder that women have become THE MAJORITY OF CLIENTS for coaching, healing, lifelong learning, books, workshops, and self-improvement.

By specializing in serving women with the Woman-Centered Coaching Approach, you’ll be tapping into what Michael Silverstein and Kate Sayre called “The World’s Largest Opportunity” in the Harvard Business Review:

“Women represent a growth market that is bigger than India and China combined, and the majority are feeling vastly under-served… Far too few companies or programs have responded to women’s needs for solutions, for training, for products, or for services that are designed especially for them… it would be foolish to ignore or underestimate the female consumer.”
Waiting to Learn Woman-Centered
Coaching is No Longer a Viable Option.

    The market has changed.
    Are you finding it harder and harder to get women to commit to paying to work with you? You’re not alone. Consumers’ expectations have dramatically increased, and the urgent needs and priorities of women have changed.
    There is increased competition in a crowded market.
    To stand out from the crowd, you need one thing: RESULTS for your clients. THIS is how you go from being “too expensive” to having a line of clients who can’t wait to work with you.
    Marketing positioning and messaging that used to work is no longer working.
    If you want to attract high-caliber, action-taking clients who are ready to do the deep work that’s gratifying for you both, it’s critical that you are informed about women’s most urgent problems, challenges, yearning and aspirations. You need to be ready and prepared to offer solutions they desperately need, and those successes will then allow you to refocus your marketing message in ways that will begin to directly speak to and resonate with women’s experience.

    Women have less time and more demands, and they want guaranteed results.
    Women don’t have years to wait for breakthroughs that may never come. That’s why it’s critical for you to learn how to quickly uncover their hidden barriers, so they can get rapid results from working with you and see clearly that your methods are specifically geared toward them.
    It’s heartbreaking to see your clients remain stuck; you owe it to them to learn solutions that will work.
    Many women have done years of work on themselves but still aren’t getting the results they deserve. It’s time to develop the skills you need to have to be able to deliver irreversible transformational shifts in your clients that will unleash the full spectrum of their potentials. It’s work at this level that leads to renewals and referrals because they are inspired to tell their friends about the amazing results they got from your coaching.
    It’s frustrating and demoralizing to beg clients to invest in working with you and to keep them committed to attending regular sessions.
    You have put many years into developing your skills, and it’s frustrating to have to spend all your time struggling to get and keep clients. Woman-Centered Coaching is the KEY to raising your rates, getting a steady stream of referrals and renewals, and standing out in a crowded marketplace.

Who Can Benefit From Integrating The Woman-Centered Coaching Approach Into Their Existing Work With Clients?
Research indicates that 3 out of 4 of your clients will be women! And those women are seeking support from coaches at stunning numbers, in every single area of expertise.
If you work in any of these areas, becoming “Woman-Centered” in your approach will have an immediate impact on your income, reputation and success:

Life Coach
Executive Coach
Business Coach
Health Practitioner
Wellness Practitioner
Workshop Facilitator
Financial Advisor
HR Professional

Executive Business Leader
Course Creator
Content Creator
Energy Worker
Spiritual Leader

Corporate Professional
Real Estate Broker
Small Business Owner
Grief Coach
Social Worker
Pauline O.
A health expert from Nairobi went from struggling to get clients, to having over 21 paying clients IN NINE MONTHS.

Her online page gained over 5,000 supporters in less than one year and she had more than 70 women reaching out directly to work with her – with no paid marketing.
Julie S.
Julie had never launched a program before, and she got clear on how to build a woman-centered course on prosperity. She generated over $100,000 in a six-month period.

It has allowed her to pursue her passion of wildlife photography outside of the corporate career she spent decades in.
Darcel S.
I was an entrepreneur who made several attempts to create a thriving business, but I consistently fell short and believed I was not worthy to succeed.

The training helped me shift my mindset by unlocking old patterns that kept me stuck. Since then, I’ve launched a group coaching for parents of youth with autism and the impact has been priceless.
Patricia C.
Patricia had been working as a coach for years and getting less than ideal results for her clients.

In her words: “I thought I was pretty good at what I did, but I saw limited results. After I heard what you shared, I realized that there was something missing in the traditional coaching method that I had been trained in.”

When she applied WCC to her work, she saw her clients achieve stunning results.

She writes: “The methodology Claire has, I call it the Holy Grail. These skills have upleveled my ability to coach women in a way that I truly never dreamed was possible.”
Dr. Beatriz O.
As a Double-Board Certified Doctor and Professor at Yale, and a holistic endocrinologist with 30 years of experience, Dr. Beatriz O knew that health transformation required more than just medicine.

Dr. Beatriz used Woman-Centered Coaching skills to help her patients evolve to the next level.

“If you know what question to ask women, then it just unlocks and catalyzes your potential. Developing Woman-Centered Coaching skills, and integrating this in your professional work, helps you be more effective and increases the kind of impact you can have.”

And the transformation wasn’t just limited to her clients… Now she’s giving presentations to rooms with 500 doctors and getting standing ovations.
Eleanor L.
As an advisor to presidential campaigns, an Assistant Secretary of State in Massachusetts, a Yale graduate, and contributor to the New York Times, Eleanor was no stranger to working for large-scale positive change… Her book even has a foreword by the Dalai Lama.

But she’d put her biggest dream project on hold—until she was introduced to Dr. Claire Zammit.

“I’d had this dream about bringing together these innovators to show the emerging new world that’s already in our midst, but whenever I would try to do it, it seemed too big.”

With the support structure from Woman-Centered Coaching, Eleanor was able to identify what was in her way and move forward to live her destiny.
Callie E.
Callie was the CEO of a global corporation, and in her own words, she was still playing small:

“I was stepping into a new level of leadership in my life as a corporate CEO, and really stepping into a very complex playing field. As a woman in a powerful position, I needed tools to navigate the complexity inside of the boardroom. I found myself dumbing down, playing small, and not speaking my authentic truth.

“Then I started implementing Claire’s practices and I discovered I did have the power to hold the space, and to make a difference. I couldn’t have made it through the deals and negotiations if I didn’t have these tools and practices to make myself visible and stop hiding.”
Sharon Lee W.
“Even as an accomplished performer, performance coach, business woman, and mother to a wonderful son, I knew I wanted more. As an alumni of Foster Care, I wanted to give back, but didn’t know how.

My experience with the training has given me the framework and confidence to design programs for young women aging out of Foster Care.”
Kate M.
Kate McGarry is a highly-acclaimed, 3x Grammy Award-nominated artist with ringing endorsements from The Wall Street Journal to The New York Times.

She was also an in-demand vocal coach, but she was undercharging and over-delivering in her client sessions.

“After I developed my Woman-Centered Coaching, I raised my rates significantly and I got zero pushback from any of my clients.”

She earned her first 5-figure payday as a vocal coach empowering other artists.
Mona F.
Mona was struggling personally, in a culture of family dynamics in India that made it feel impossible for her to live life on her own terms as an unmarried woman pursuing a career.

Woman-centered coaching methods changed Mona’s personal experience, allowing her to build an incredible business for herself in the realm of finance.

And she actually made a breakthrough for her entire family’s benefit, even after years of tension over her life choices. She was able to break a multi-generational struggle between her family and the Indian government to bring millions of dollars of profit to her family’s business, after leaders in her family had been unsuccessful for multiple decades.

Now she enjoys coaching famous Bollywood stars as her time allows, while prospering in all aspects of her life and businesses.
Jojo B.
Jojo had hit literal rock bottom. She was faced with the decision of choosing to live or choosing to drink.

She not only chose to get sober, she made an investment in herself to become a Woman-Centered Coach and help others who were struggling as she had struggled. She’s now created a six-figure coaching career based on sobriety, is a published author, and the go-to expert in her field.
The results I’ve witnessed for these incredible women, and thousands more just like them, are why I created the Woman-Centered Coaching Masterclass.

I believe that helping YOU to become Woman-Centered in your work is the key to my own mission in life… to see the rise of women this century on planet Earth.

I have dedicated the last 20 years to studying how to do this, and it truly IS the solution for you, and for the women you are called to serve.

It’s been the key to my own extraordinary results, and it will be the key to yours, too.
I’ve made it a replicable, step-by-step process, and I want to share just a few more examples of coaches who are duplicating my success in their own unique and extraordinary ways.

The extraordinary results speak for themselves…
Experienced Executive Coach Gets Even Deeper Results

Trisha, California

Before taking the masterclass, Trisha was an experienced coach but her clients were constantly backsliding in their progress. Watch this video to see how her client’s took their careers to the next level.
A Brand New Coach Get’s Her First Paying Client

Vanda, Toronto

Vanda was a new life coach who hadn’t yet had any paying clients, and took the Masterclass to pursue the vision she had for her business and the impact she could make. Through the work in the masterclass, she launched her practice and got her first paying client!
Marketing Leader Transitions to Career as a Coach

Jess, Australia

As a marketing and brand expert, Jess immediately resonated with what Claire was teaching about the difference in what truly works for women. She took the Masterclass, and is now launching her career as a coach for the very first time.
Teaching Sold-Out Yoga Workshops

Sarah R, Mexico

Sarah is creating a body of work that feels very true to herself and now has confidence that what she’s offering is something unique that can make a big difference for the women she’s working with.
Reaching A Global Audience as A World Champion

Trish T, The United Kingdom

Trish went from feeling confused about her purpose, to jumpstarting a global fitness company with paying customers around the world. She even used Woman-Centered Coaching skills to win the British Championships in weightlifting!
Took Inspired Action and Secured a $50,000 Project

Rochelle S, Bermuda

Rochelle applies the woman-centered coaching modality in her practice as a consultant. She shows up much more effectively and supports others to work together to create extraordinary results.
From teaching a handful of teachers to training hundreds at a time

Joyce Y, Canada

Joyce immediately applied what she learned in Woman-Centered Coaching to the context of her work as a teacher, was promoted to a position of leadership, and now has a significant role in her profession.
Blew past the six-figure barrier in just 9 months

Corina S, Oregon

Before working with Claire, Corina was feeling stuck, burned out, and resentful. Within just a few months, she stepped into visibility in her business, getting recognized as a top lifestyle blog with her courses and workshops flourishing.
Created Her Dream Boutique Coaching Company

Caroline H, South Africa

Caroline created her dream career at a boutique coaching company helping women clients in the financial industry step into authentic leadership. Her work feels virtually effortless because she is fully aligned with her purpose.
The floodgates started to open wide

Amanda B, Missouri

Amanda left a toxic divorce behind and started attracting 10X the opportunities. The same year she started working with Claire, she successfully launched a group coaching program and multiple professional women’s circles.
From struggling to pay bills to managing investments

Moranne B, Australia

Woman-Centered Coaching gave Moranne the tools to embark on a career where she used her talents to impact women’s lives. She now has the confidence to charge what she’s worth and has created financial security, including two real estate investment properties.
Charging Rates Beyond What She Ever Thought Possible

Ela Z, Poland

Ela left her corporate career, identified and transformed her inner blocks, let go of her false identity, and became a successful, prosperous, and IMPACTFUL business owner, coaching entrepreneurs. She never imagined herself charging $5,000 for a coaching package, but that’s exactly what she’s now able to do.
It would be an honor and joy for me to help you unlock these kinds of results for your clients, in your business, and in your life — and I invite you to join me in my mission to accelerate the rise of women in our time!

That’s why it’s my pleasure to introduce you to the opportunity to
join The Woman-Centered Coaching Masterclass!

Up until now, the only way you could learn the Woman-Centered Coaching method
was as a part of my much-longer, five-figure certification trainings.

The challenge is that we can only serve a limited number of participants
each year in these programs…

So I wanted to create a program that would enable every coach, practitioner,
therapist, healer and change-maker who is working with women to access this training
at a fraction of the time and tuition.

That’s why I developed my new flagship training,
The Woman-Centered Coaching Masterclass!

Wherever you are on your journey, I want to help you fast-track your path to extraordinary results, and I want to give you access to my clear, proven, research-based coaching methods.

Whether you are…

    Just getting started in your work with women
    A seasoned coach or practitioner
    In a leadership role in an organization
    Working one-on-one
    Working one-on-many

In this 6-week training, I’ve distilled down the most valuable, actionable, game-changing components of my Woman-Centered Coaching model.

You’ll receive the most important frameworks, steps, tools and practices that you can immediately integrate into your existing work to give you the power to create deep, irreversible change.

The Woman-Centered Coaching Masterclass is your fastest path to unlock life-changing results for the women you work with… and to create the income, renewals, referrals, and recognition that reflect the value of your contribution.
What is the Woman-Centered Coaching Masterclass?

It’s my interactive and virtual training program that that will give you the clarity and confidence you need to create extraordinary results for your clients…

While also developing a prosperous, fulfilling career/business for yourself in empowering women to reach their highest potentials.

I’ve spent 20 years researching and road-testing my Woman-Centered Coaching model with over 60,000 paying clients, and have trained thousands of coaches and practitioners to duplicate the extraordinary results I’ve been able to create in my own work.

I’ve broken down what’s absolutely essential for you to know to be able to move into action and implement it in your own existing work.

I’ve also identified the key “difference makers” that give you access to the benefits of my approach in the shortest amount of time…

And I want to share all of this with you and train you in the foundations of my Woman-Centered Coaching model:

To begin with, I’ll teach you how to create a powerful “Growth Container,” with your client, which is truly the difference that makes the difference at the very start of your work together.

As a result, your client will show up motivated, engaged, and catalyzed to an even bigger possibility for herself.

You’ll discover how to guide women through the 4 steps of the model that enable your client to expand her vision beyond her current horizon — which is actually a key element in getting extraordinary, valuable, marketable results in your own work.

You’ll then be able to partner with her to identify and break free from the limiting self-concept and patterns that have been in the way of her potentials so she can step into a new story and grow into who she needs to become to fulfill her vision in any area of application, including wealth, relationships, health, confidence, visibility, purpose, leadership, impact, and more.

I’m also going to train you to rapidly develop the 7 Super Skills that are the key “Difference Makers” in unlocking extraordinary results for the women you work with.
The 7 Super Skills
That Unlock Extraordinary Results for Women
You’ll rapidly develop these Super Skills:
Power Partnership
The power to create a “chrysalis” with your client through the relational field for her to connect with her greatest potentials and grow into her fullness.

When your clients encounter you using this skill, it will become clear very quickly that they need to work with you, as they can’t realize their vision without this level of support.
The power to awaken your client to her brilliance and genius, and to her ability to see opportunities that are bigger than she could have imagined before working with you.

You can’t just tell a client she’s brilliant and amazing, you need the skills that enable you to move past her resistance and self-doubt to reconnect with her true gifts and value.
The power to ignite your client’s courage and give her the confidence to step into her biggest game.

This is the missing piece your client will likely not be able to get anywhere else but from you – your belief in her and the championing she needs to be brave enough to take risks and expand beyond the old stories of lack and limitation.
The power to call forth your client’s most resourceful, resilient, creative, powerful self.

If you’ve ever been frustrated by your client showing up as powerless, helpless, and unable to hold onto insights, this skill will change the game. You’ll discover the exact questions you need to ask to call forth your client’s most competent, creative, resourceful self in the midst of her most stuck moments.
Pattern Detection
The power to make the inner barriers that have been holding your client back visible so she can break free from them.

With this skill, you’ll gain the power to liberate your clients from limiting beliefs that are holding them back and that otherwise might take a decade or more to break free from.
Breakthrough Storytelling
The power to liberate your client from the unconscious narratives that have limited her power, and instead create the inner foundation for greatness.

With this skill, you’ll discover what few coaches and practitioners know – that the key to lasting irreversible change is not self-love or self-acceptance, but rather a shift from a fixed mindset to a growth mindset and story. You’ll know exactly how to name new narratives that will make your client unstoppable.
Designing Growth Pathways
The power to rapidly facilitate the process of growth that results in rapid, tangible results.

With this skill, you’ll discover how to turn breakthroughs into fast results by knowing how to spot the most urgent gaps your clients need to bridge, and then set them up for success with actionable clear steps and winning strategies, tools and resources.

I want you to know that as each module in the Masterclass is delivered, you won’t just get a bunch of theory and information, even though you will gain access to all of my best research and content.

What you’ll experience by joining the training is a highly interactive, catalytic, immersive environment where you’ll learn my proven method by actively engaging with the principles yourself through the way the training is delivered.

As your mentor in the program, I’ll model all the principles and skills I’m teaching you. You’ll experience the power of going through each of the steps and learning from me how it feels to be coached by someone using the Super Skills that unlock extraordinary results for women.

Together we’ll create a “Growth Container,” and through each step, you’ll personally be applying what you’re discovering to ignite your own potentials, release your own inner barriers, and grow into who you need to be to serve and succeed at your next level.

Over the next 6 weeks, you’ll be guided to make deep growth-mindset shifts, develop your confidence in facilitating each step in the process, and see live demonstrations of Woman-Centered Coaching in action.

You’ll also get the opportunity to be in the driver’s seat and practice the steps and Super Skills with the support of a coaching script that enables you to replicate the coaching in the demonstration.

You’ll know the exact words to use and the precise questions to ask at each step to get deep and rapid results for your clients!
Here’s an overview of what we’ll cover in each session:
LIVE “Unlock Your Power & Expand Your Vision” Group Activation Session!

Before the training begins, we’ll come together in this special session where I’m going to show you how to make a powerful shift into a growth mindset so that you can become a role model of power and possibility for others.

This process of activation will catalyze your own personal transformation and expand your vision beyond your current horizons.

You’ll get to experience being in a culture that supports women to be powerful and visible, and you’ll have the experience of being amplified and sponsored into your greatness by other women in the group.

I’ll also guide you to set a personal and professional intention for the course and give you a full overview of how to prepare to get the most out of the training.

You’ll leave this session expanded and open to an even bigger possibility for what this journey ahead can create in your life, work, and business, along with some incredible connections with our global community.
Module 1: Activating a “Growth Container” for Extraordinary Results

There’s a radically different way you need to approach establishing the relationship with your client from the very beginning.

I’ll guide you through each step of establishing a “Power Partnership” with your client that forms the foundation for getting extraordinary results in your work together.

Super Skills you’ll develop in this module: Power Partnership

In this Module you’ll discover…

    The inner shifts you need to make that call forth your client’s power and expand possibility without you even saying anything
    The 3 things you need to do BEFORE the first session to ensure that your client comes in with the mindset she needs to get extraordinary results in your work together
    The #1 thing you need to do in your relationship with your client that will have her receive life-changing value from you in the first minutes of your work together
    How to forge the deepest level of safety and trust that enables you to create a “Chrysalis” for the deepest level of growth and breakthrough in your work together

Module 2: Igniting Your Client’s Vision

After you’ve established a Power Partnership, the next step is to “Ignite” your client’s vision by expanding her vision beyond her current horizon.

This is the next critical step, as without your help, your client will aim way lower than what’s possible for her and set her vision from a place of reaction, scarcity, or even lack.

Super Skills you’ll develop in this module: Amplification, Resourcing, Sponsorship.

In this Module you’ll discover…

    The critical step that most coaches overlook, which comes before setting the vision and is the key to igniting your client’s potentials
    The questions to ask to identify the “Hot” areas for your client that you must focus on in your work together to get extraordinary results – these areas are often different from the presented problems the client wants to focus on
    The alchemical practice that ignites potentials, enabling your client to connect with and activate her own inner guidance system

The specific way to set a vision utilizing the client’s senses that enables her to viscerally connect with her potentials and who she needs to become to realize them
Module 3: Identify Inner Barriers for Rapid Results

After you’ve established a client’s vision, the next step is to identify the inner barriers that have been in the way of her success up until now.

In this step, you’ll make the invisible visible and focus new awareness in ways that empower and catalyze a breakthrough for your client like she has never experienced before.

Super Skills you’ll develop in this module: Resourcing, Pattern Detection

In this Module you’ll discover…

    The practice that’s critical for you to guide your client in before inviting her into any self-reflection so that you can navigate this deep territory with safety and power
    The questions, which facilitate rapid new awareness of the places your client has been getting stuck and stopped that provide new, life-changing clarity
    How to identify the exact 3-part belief matrix that is the root of your client’s barriers to success in the area of her vision, and that in the process set you and the client up for rapid breakthrough
    The one thing you must do before moving to the next step to ensure that these awarenesses result in lasting, irreversible change for your client

Module 4: Irreversible Breakthrough Secrets

After you’ve identified the inner barriers that have been holding your client back, it’s time for a life-changing breakthrough experience.

In this step, your client will experience being liberated from the weight of old patterns that have been holding her back, likely for decades. This release is joyful for the client and incredibly fulfilling for you as a coach to be able to contribute so meaningfully to her.

Super Skills you’ll develop in this module:
Resourcing, Sponsorship & Breakthrough Storytelling

In this Module you’ll discover:

    The radical difference between a breakthrough that’s a potent state experience and one that leads to irreversible change, and how to facilitate it
    How to hold the client as she navigates “liminal space” and leaves her old self-concept behind to make way for the new self-concept that is aligned with her future
    How to name the new belief-matrix and story of power and possibility that will truly liberate your client and deliver lasting results – few coaches or clients know how to do this and will often fall into the trap of empathizing with the old story instead
    The final step that’s critical for the breakthrough to stabilize and become the new ground from which your client can create her future.

Module 5: The Growth Codes

This is the step where potentials turn into RESULTS in a client’s life.

You’ll discover how to become the midwife of these potentials by identifying the most salient gaps in mindsets, skills, capacities and structures, and you’ll provide the support and resources for their rapid development.

You’ll also gain access to my proprietary “Growth Codes” where I’ll share the map of the most direct mindset shifts and inner and outer skill development that unlock rapid breakthrough results in key life areas, including relationships, purpose, wealth, health, impact, influence, and more.

Super Skills you’ll develop in this module:
Resourcing, Designing Growth Pathways

In this Module you’ll discover…

    What to look for to be able to map the most direct path to success for your clients, both in terms of their inner development, as well as functional skills
    How to coach clients to source the courage they need to take the bold actions outside their comfort zones that lead to extraordinary results
    How to design “soft-ball” actions that create a virtuous cycle of wins and unstoppable momentum on the growth pathway
    What to do when your client misses the mark and how to get back on course and ensure they become unstoppable.

In addition the Course Modules, you’ll also receive these Program Elements:

The Institute for Woman-Centered Coaching Transformation MATRIX of 21 Patterns (Value $997)

Imagine if you had X-RAY vision to identify the specific barriers holding your clients back — and you knew exactly what to do to facilitate rapid results?

The Woman-Centered Coaching Transformation Matrix is the ultimate map for coaches to help women break free from the old stories that limit their power and success.

You’ll be able to identify:

    The 21 patterns and underlying limiting beliefs that hold women back
    The specific behaviors that keep these patterns in place
    The new stories of power and possibility that facilitate rapid breakthrough
    The missing skills and capacities to cultivate extraordinary results

A Badge for Your Website & Foundations Certificate of Completion from The Institute of Woman-Centered Coaching, Training & Leadership (Value $997)

By joining the Masterclass, you’ll be eligible to receive a badge and a certificate of completion acknowledging your specialized training.
Stand out as a specialist in serving women with this credential that increases your authority and your visibility to female clients, and shows that your work is tailored to their needs.*

You will be eligible for this badge and certificate of completion with your participation in the Masterclass and attendance of our summer EMPOWERING WOMEN LIVE! 3-DAY VIRTUAL Immersion Training!

* Conditions apply.

3 LIVE Group Coaching/Q&A Sessions with Me (Value $2997)

You’ll have the opportunity to be coached LIVE by me to have your own personal breakthrough, as well as witness me coach participants demonstrating the Woman-Centered Coaching skills you’re learning each week. We’ll debrief each coaching conversation so you can unpack and integrate your understanding even more deeply.

Private, Interactive, Woman-Centered Coaching Masterclass Community (Priceless!)

You’ll get access to our private, moderated Community, where you can connect with other members, complete weekly assignments, and learn from the breakthroughs others are sharing. An incredible global network is forming of coaches and change-makers doing incredible work all over the world.
I also want to be unreasonably helpful and model the Super Skill of sponsorship by championing your success in your personal life and business…

So I’ve added a few incredible bonuses to the program that will provide you with even more proven tools and training, to ensure you follow through and get extraordinary results from your participation with me in this Masterclass, at no extra cost to you.

The “Make $2,000 or More” VIP DAY Coaching Offer Playbook (Value $2,000)

Not sure if you have the funds to cover the Masterclass? No problem!

Introducing my secret VIP Day Coaching Offer Playbook Surprise Bonus!

This Brand NEW Bonus is all about how you can potentially make $2,000 or MORE by offering a VIP Day.

Here’s what that means… You can potentially pay for this training with JUST ONE Client!

That’s right, this Playbook gives you a clear & fast path to get a return on your investment, with just ONE “Yes” (and the exact script to make it an easy yes for your client to invest in working with you!).

This done-for-you Playbook will give you everything you need to leverage all you’ll learn in the Masterclass to offer high-value, $2,000 (or more) breakthrough VIP Coaching Days in person or on Zoom!

You’ll get templates, scripts, checklists and everything you need to attract and enroll high-paying clients looking for a coach who can deliver accelerated results.

This is the EXACT process I have used to sell my VIP Days and generate literally hundreds of thousands of dollars… and it can be ALL YOURS (this would take you YEARS of trial and error to create on your own!).

It’s possible to use this ONE simple offer to earn back your entire investment in the Masterclass—And even better, offering a VIP Coaching Day is a strategy you can deploy at ANY time giving you the financial freedom you deserve.

That means, once you learn this approach, you have a way to potentially “turn on” extra income WHENEVER you want. You can use those extra funds to invest in additional training, boost your income, fill a cash-flow gap, create some space so you can take a well-deserved vacation, and so much more!

The Woman-Centered Marketing & Enrollment Breakthrough Kit (Value $997)

This done-for-you bonus is designed to help you quickly make back your tuition and give you a system to create high-value offerings, connect with ideal clients, and effortlessly enroll them to work with you.

The KIT Includes:

    #1 No Clients? No Problem! The Fastest Path to Your First (or Next) 10 Ideal Clients where you’ll get done-for-you client outreach templates for emails, social posts or networking that enable you to connect with your ideal clients, presence the value of the opportunity of working with you, and invite them into a conversation!
    #2 The “Elevate Your Rates” Automatic Offer Creation System that will guide you through the steps to double or triple your rates with integrity by elevating the value you create.
    #3 My most effective Enrollment Script where you’ll discover how to enjoy enrollment conversations and learn exactly what to say to invite your clients into your high-value offering and get to an enthusiastic “YES, where do I sign up?”!

Breakthrough Your Barriers to Confidence and Visibility & Standing in Your Value – LIVE WORKSHOP (Value $997)

You’re not going to get left out of all the empowerment we’re going to generate in the course! The first person I’m going to invite you to champion breaking through their inner glass ceiling and growing into who they were born to be is YOU!

This session is just for you to get my coaching and support to unlock your Feminine Power and release the barriers holding you back from your own next level of impact, visibility, and success. As a result, you’ll gain an even deeper understanding of the process you’ll be facilitating with your clients and be ignited to step into your biggest game and calling.

The Woman-Centered Group Facilitation Mind Map (Value $497)

Accelerate your journey to scale the extraordinary results you’re learning to create from one-to-one, to one-to-many, so you can create a sustainable Woman-Centered Business.

With this mind map, you’ll discover all the most marketable and impactful options for offering group programs, including Workshops, Women’s Circles, Online Courses, Retreats, Trainings, Immersion Experiences, Group Coaching Programs, Conferences, Masterminds, Group Mentoring Programs, as well as how to adapt what you’re learning in the core training to create exponential impact for the women you are called to serve.

NEW! Coaching Essentials – LIVE CLINIC (Value $997)

New to Coaching? No Problem!

This is FOR YOU!

Are you inspired by the amazing opportunity to step into the role of being a Woman-Centered Coach, but are wondering… what it really takes to be a coach, or how to get traction if you don’t have any coaching experience.

“What does it REALLY take to be a Coach?” or “Can I get traction if I don’t have any coaching experience?”

That’s exactly why I designed this Coaching Essentials BONUS LIVE CLINIC to quickly “fill in the blanks” for you and set the foundation for your coaching career.

This Clinic is like a “primer” that fast-tracks your coaching progress and is perfect for you if you’re not already a practicing coach (perhaps you’re curious about starting a coaching career, or you’re a practitioner or other professional looking to add coaching to your practice).

In just 2 hours with me and my seasoned Faculty Coaches, you’ll be up to speed on what the core skills of coaching are, PLUS you’ll get the 4-part structure of a coaching conversation.

This is THE ONE thing EVERY Coach learns as the foundation for their work with clients. (Think of this like the “Rosetta Stone” that can unlock so much of the coaching methodologies we’ll be covering during the Masterclass!).

If you’ve been tossing around the idea of becoming a coach but don’t have any coaching experience, THIS is the missing piece you need to step into your Coaching journey. There’s nothing holding you back now!

And if you’re a seasoned coach – you’ll ALSO benefit from this as you increase your confidence and competence in your coaching foundations.

This Clinic is designed to get you into momentum immediately… and it will make it FASTER and EASIER for you to pick up many of the other Woman-Centered Coaching Methodology skills and approaches, so you’ll be all set!

A Ticket to My EMPOWERING WOMEN LIVE! 3-DAY VIRTUAL Immersion Training – LIVE Your DREAM of Becoming a World-Class Coach with a Prosperous, Purposeful Coaching Business Empowering Women (Value $1997)

Now that you’ve begun to experience what’s possible in getting extraordinary results one-to-one with clients, we’ll shortcut a decade of wrong turns, expensive marketing mistakes, and wheel-spinning by laying out the proven, step-by-step process for building your prosperous, purposeful business empowering women that will be the vehicle for your “Great Work” – informed by the blueprints and decades of development inside my $100-million business.

At Empowering Women LIVE!, we’re going to take all the guesswork out of becoming a prosperous, purposeful World-Class Coach by showing you the fastest way to…

    Build upon getting Extraordinary results 1:1 and scale to leveraged models such as group coaching, workshops, and more.
    Become a MAGNETIC presence others are drawn to work with
    Feel confident making high-value offers and at ease being paid well for your work
    Leverage your unique gifts, genius, life and professional experience to gain visibility and authority in the marketplace
    Embrace the mindsets and business models of a prosperous coach
    Break free from isolation for good – and cultivate a rich network of peers and mentors

At the end of this action-packed LIVE Immersion, you’ll have the roadmap in hand to create the coaching business you love – with more than enough time, and more than enough money to thrive on whatever scale you’re called to serve, while making the biggest impact with your Great Work.

On Day 1: Become a Confident, Magnetic “World-Class Coach”
You’ve developed skills for creating extraordinary results in the Masterclass, but there is nothing like experiencing the entire process LIVE for yourself… in a growth container with thousands of gifted, caring coaches on a mission, gathered from around the world.

To help you stop playing small and being the ‘best kept secret’ in your field, we’ll go deep into the hidden barriers that have been holding you back from stepping into your largest life and disrupt them for good.

No longer will you be stuck on a path where you’ll never be seen, and you’ll finally be brave enough to take the bold leap you’ve been aching to make in your professional life.

I’m going give you everything I’ve got… the distillation of my decades of research and 20,000 hours of coaching, and you’ll experience LASER CLARITY about your own barriers — and know how to grow into the confident, courageous coach you came to the world to be!

This is what it will take for you to become an inspirational presence your clients are drawn to work with… and you’ll leave with the unshakeable confidence to step forward so you can be visible and seen…

It will change the game for your coaching as you witness, are witnessed, and participate in the energetic field.

You can’t find this depth of Woman-Centered transformation and empowerment anywhere else.

THIS is irreversible change!

On Day 2: Unleash Your “GREAT WORK”


I’m going to show you how to step into your “GREAT WORK” by unlocking your genius gifts and drawing from your own life and professional experience to create a prosperous Woman-Centered Coaching Business, Career or Project.

I’ll show you how to put together your custom suite of Woman-Centered Coaching offerings, including how to price and package 1:1 Coaching Packages and other High-Ticket Offers, as well as VIP DAYS, Renewal Coaching Packages, Group Coaching Programs, Workshops, Retreats, Online Courses, and more.

What you learn here will enable you to grow and scale a 6-figure+ business, or add another $20-30k stream of income to your life by doing part-time work you LOVE!

I’ll also guide you to make the mindset shifts that will enable you to break through to the next level, and I’ll work with you to create a plan for the year ahead with a clear success path!

Whatever business journey you want to take, the skill-sets you’ll learn on this day can help you get there!

On Day 3: Map Your Path to Visibility, Prosperity & Reach

You can create your DREAM Business, Career, or Legacy – According to Your Rules!

I know you likely didn’t set out to create a coaching practice simply to take advantage of a growing market opportunity – even though there’s never been a better time to start or expand a coaching business.

Yet, even when what is calling you most deeply is the opportunity to serve others… you still need to have a prosperous business where you can thrive and be in the center of your “Great Work.”

I’ll show you exactly what it takes to structure and package the right offerings at the perfect moment to enroll right-fit, high-paying clients!

And the best part is that I’ll show you how to do all of this without “push” energy, so what was once your greatest source of confusion and misalignment will become the most easeful, systematic part of your business.

With this proven pathway to generate consistent, right-fit clients, I’ll show you how to stand in the center of your unique “medicine” and become visible – confident on a stage of any size – where you’ll be magnetic to the clients you are here to serve.

When you connect my proven, high-converting offer systems, and my effortless, woman-centered marketing and enrollment strategies with your gifts, your life experience, and your talents, you’ll be unstoppable on your path to a thriving, purposeful, prosperous career empowering women.
You might be wondering what support you’ll have during the Masterclass.

Our members-only website provides all the course materials, downloads, and instruction you’ll need to succeed.

Plus, our interactive components make it easy to retain what you’ve learned, and the site is optimized for mobile so you can learn on-the-go.

But that’s not all – I’ll be with you every step of the way.

That’s why I’m going to offer you regular live Q&As, and you’ll have access to our amazing community of co-learners, along with our senior faculty coaches who are there to offer guidance and share their experiences.

Imagine being able to connect with other coaches, just like you, who are deepening their work with women, transforming themselves, and launching, growing, and scaling their businesses and work in the world.

Training Modules with Live Demonstrations & Coaching Scripts

Support on a regular basis through live Coaching Q&As with me

Support from my team of Senior Faculty Coaches who have supported thousands of participants to develop these skills.

Inspiration and support from our amazing community of coaches and change-makers who are transforming themselves and stepping into their greatest work!
By now you might have a few questions, the most important one being…
Will this work for me?

Read on for answers to common questions about the Woman-Centered Coaching Masterclass:
“But I’ve already invested so much in my training.”

Yes, and none of that is lost. You can layer your new skills on top of what you’ve already been doing to get even better results.

The fact is that the industry is changing, and if you haven’t learned Woman-Centered Coaching skills, you won’t be able to address women’s evolving needs.
“I’m not really a coach. Will this work for me?”

Yes! We use the term “coach” broadly to mean someone who influences behavior change. This Masterclass is designed for anyone who works with women and wants to help them experience major shifts in both their thinking and their actions.

It’s designed for doctors, healers, practitioners, leaders, authors, speakers, executives, or anyone in a helping profession. If you work with women – and chances are you do since women now make up 70% of the lifelong learning population – there’s an unprecedented opportunity to make a radical impact with every woman you work with or who interacts with your work.
“My life is so full, I couldn’t possibly take on one more thing.”

This training is designed precisely with busy professionals in mind. It’s a streamlined version of the full year-long Woman-Centered Coaching program, distilled down to the high-level strategies that you can start to use immediately with your female clients.

Dr. Claire Zammit developed and used this methodology to scale her own business and free up time by working with a one-to-many model instead of one-to-one. Whether you decide to continue working with individual clients or groups, with your own increased abilities, you’ll be able to raise your rates so you can work with fewer clients for more impact and income.
“Coaching seems so crowded… Can I really make an impact?”

There will always be a high demand for coaches who know how to get deep, rapid, lasting results for their clients. The rise in popularity of coaching is to your benefit – it has reached an all-time high and is only expected to continue to increase in the next decade.

That’s why it’s so important to develop the skills you need to set yourself apart now, so you can establish a reputation as a highly-skilled coach who is able to take her female clients farther faster.
“I’m just getting started, so I’m not sure I’m ready for this.”

Great! Then you’re ready to sidestep a lot of trial and error. Here are examples of women who’ve used Woman-Centered Coaching to build their businesses from the ground up…

Pauline O, a health expert from Nairobi, who went from struggling to get clients to having over 21 paying clients, with a following of thousands IN NINE MONTHS from ground zero. She grew her online presence from a few hundred to over 5,000 in less than one year, with over 70 women reaching out to her directly (with no paid marketing) to work with her.
“How am I going to justify this cost?”

Even adding just one client for a few sessions will cover the cost of this training, not to mention the referrals you’ll get from all your current and future clients. (And we’ll show you how to get new clients as part of this Masterclass.)

You could quickly recoup your investment with returns that last for decades.

Plus, we’re so confident that you’ll be successful, your investment in the Woman-Centered Coaching Masterclass is backed by our 100% risk-free results guarantee.
“I still don’t feel confident getting clients.”

We get it. It’s one thing to be an exceptional coach, and another to feel confident getting clients. That’s why we’re including two incredible bonuses to help you get high-quality clients quickly.

The first is The Woman-Centered Marketing & Enrollment Breakthrough Kit – use Claire’s training and templates to get your first (or next!) 10 ideal clients, including The “Elevate Your Rates” Offer Creation System, and her very best Enrollment Script, which you can use to communicate the value of working with you so you get an enthusiastic “YES” every time you talk to a potential client.

The second is a free ticket to Claire’s Empowering Women LIVE! 3-Day Live Immersion Training where you’ll experience the magic of Woman-Centered Coaching LIVE, and learn how to create a Woman-Centered career that includes one-on-one coaching, group coaching, workshops, and more. This is three full days to learn how to get clients, taught by Claire, who went from struggling to get clients to being too in-demand to work with private clients anymore, in less than a year.
“I still have my own blocks and barriers, so how can I help others?”

You’re not alone! Most coaches and leaders are held back by the same barriers as the women they’re serving. That’s why the first woman we’re going to work on is you.

We’re going to show you how to work through your own blocks in the Break Through YOUR Inner Glass Ceiling. You’ll be guided by Claire to release the barriers holding you back from your own next level of impact, visibility, and success.

Once you experience your own breakthroughs, you’ll be able to expertly guide your clients through their own transformative experiences.

Whether you are a coach, therapist, doctor, lawyer, teacher, executive, financial advisor, business leader, or ANYONE who works with women…
Becoming Woman-Centered in your approach will change everything, and get extraordinary results for the women you work with…

Which is the key to unlocking the purpose-filled, prosperous life you were born to live.

Here’s what I know to be true: when you apply what I teach you, develop the skills, and follow my 5-step process, you will see extraordinary results.
Let’s take a moment to reflect on the value of my Woman-Centered Coaching program and what it can bring to your life, business, and clients.

What’s it costing you to be overgiving and overfunctioning in your work with your clients now?

To be spinning your wheels in sessions because you lack clarity about what to do to get your clients unstuck?

What’s it costing your business to have clients not move forward and get stopped in endless cycles of backsliding, dropping out, and disappearing?

What would it be worth to be able to unlock your client’s deepest potentials and get life-changing results?

What would it be worth to you to be able to give up struggling to get clients to invest, and instead see the value of what you offer?

Imagine how it would feel to be able to do the deeper work you’re capable of, and to even become a recognized leader in your field?

Imagine how it would feel to be able to unleash power and courage in your clients so they can step forward and go for what they are truly capable of.

Imagine how it would feel for your clients to show up empowered and self-reliant, taking self-responsibility for their own growth and well-being, and understanding that setbacks and backsliding are normal and have mastered strategies to overcome them?

You deserve to have clients see the value of what you have to offer and be happy to pay a premium to work with you…

Where they acknowledge that working with you was the key to them making transformational shifts that are irreversible.

Where your clients want to continue to work with you and urge you to create higher-level offerings.

Where they recommend you and your business to their family members, friends and contacts.

What’s it really worth to you to unlock the potential inside of you and step into your greatest work?

That’s where my Woman-Centered Coaching Masterclass comes in.

It’s your fastest path to unlock life-changing results for the women you work with, and to create the income, renewals, referrals, and recognition that reflect the value of your contribution.

You already know that investing in your education and learning from the best is a smart decision in your personal and professional life.

My Woman-Centered Coaching Masterclass is not a run-of-the-mill online course. It’s a world-class, highly effective system that’s been carefully designed to deliver real, lasting results.

The knowledge and skills you’ll gain from this program are invaluable, and while there might be other ways to learn about coaching women, I believe that none of them can match the level of expertise and guidance I offer through this course.

Think about it – pursuing a PhD in transformation or spending twenty years figuring this out on your own would cost you tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars in tuition, research expenses, and lost time.

And even then, there’s no guarantee that you’d achieve the same level of success and recognition my approach has garnered over the years.

When you enroll in the Woman-Centered Coaching Masterclass, you’re investing in a proven, research-based approach to coaching women that has helped thousands of clients achieve life-changing results.

And as someone who has been coaching women for over 20 years, I can say with confidence that the tools, frameworks, and Super Skills you’ll gain from this program are worth far more than the cost of admission.

So if you’re ready to take your coaching skills to the next level and help your clients achieve deep, irreversible change, then the Woman-Centered Coaching Masterclass is the program for you!

Total Value: $20,000+ USD


If you have any questions or concerns about the course, call or email us.
We are happy to help! [email protected]

So let’s recap…
Here’s What You Get With The Woman-Centered Coaching Masterclass
The Woman-Centered Coaching Masterclass – All 5 Modules

Includes all 5 Training Modules, Transcripts, Practice Guides, Coaching Demonstrations & Rapid Results Coaching Scripts.

You’ll discover how to create a “Growth Container” and learn how to guide women through the 4 steps of the model that enable you to get extraordinary results in any area of application, including wealth, relationships, health, confidence, visibility, purpose, leadership, impact, and more.

You’ll rapidly develop the 7 Super Skills that are the key “Difference Makers” in unlocking extraordinary results for the women you work with.

$10,000 VALUE
The Institute for Woman-Centered Coaching Transformation MATRIX of 21 Patterns

Gain the x-ray vision needed with this ultimate map for coaches to help women break free from the old stories that limit their power and success. You’ll be able to identify the 21 patterns and underlying limiting beliefs that hold women back and the specific behaviors that keep these patterns in place. You will also identify new stories of power and possibility that facilitate rapid breakthrough and the missing skills and capacities needed to cultivate extraordinary results!

$997 VALUE
A Badge for Your Website & Foundations Certificate of Completion from The Institute

Stand out as a specialist in serving women with this credential that increases your authority and your visibility to female clients, and shows that your work is tailored to their needs. You’ll be eligible to receive a badge and a certificate of completion acknowledging your specialized training.

*Conditions Apply

$997 VALUE
3 LIVE Breakthrough Coaching and Q&A with Me

Witness and receive Woman-Centered Coaching in action, and get the support to apply your weekly learnings and elevate your results.

$2,997 VALUE
Private, Interactive, Woman-Centered Coaching Masterclass Community

An incredible global network is forming of coaches and change-makers doing incredible work all over the world. You’ll get access to our private, moderated Community, where you can connect with other members, complete weekly assignments, and learn from the breakthroughs others are sharing.

The “Make $2,000 or More” VIP DAY Coaching Offer Playbook

This comprehensive guide unveils our exact methodology, checklists, and insider tips for finding clients eager to work with you in a deep, one-on-one capacity for an entire day. Yes, you read that right – clients who are willing to invest multiple thousands of dollars in a single day to accelerate their results.

$2,000 VALUE
The Woman-Centered Marketing & Enrollment Breakthrough Kit

Use my training and templates to get your first (or next!) 10 Ideal Clients, including: Done For You Pathway to Your First (or Next) 10 Ideal Clients, The “Elevate Your Rates” Automatic Offer Creation System & my most effective Enrollment Script.

$997 VALUE
Breakthrough Your Barriers to Confidence and Visibility & Standing in your Value – Live Workshop

Be personally guided by me LIVE to release the barriers holding you back from your own next level of impact, visibility, and success. As a result, you’ll gain an even deeper understanding of the process you’ll be facilitating with your clients and be ignited to step into your biggest game and calling.

$997 VALUE
The Woman-Centered Group Facilitation Mind Map

Get the Mind Map to create Woman-Centered Workshops, Women’s Circles, Online Courses, Retreats, Trainings, Immersion Experiences, Group Coaching Programs, Conferences, Masterminds, Group Mentoring Programs, as well as create exponential impact for the women you are called to serve.

$497 VALUE
Coaching Essentials – LIVE CLINIC

If you’ve been tossing around the idea of becoming a coach but don’t have any experience, THIS 2-Hour clinic will quickly “fill in the blanks” for you and set the foundation for your successful coaching career. This is the missing piece you need to have to step into your Coaching journey!

$997 VALUE
A Ticket to my EMPOWERING WOMEN LIVE! 3-DAY LIVE VIRTUAL Immersion Training

In this powerful Immersion, you’ll finally see the pathway to LIVE Your DREAM of Becoming a World-Class Coach and I’ll coach you to shortcut a decade of wrong turns, expensive marketing mistakes, and spinning your wheels by laying out the proven, step-by-step process to build your prosperous, purposeful business empowering women.

$1,997 VALUE

Total Value: $20,000+ USD


If you have any questions or concerns about the course, call or email us.
We are happy to help! [email protected]
There Has Never Been a Better
Presidential Candidate and Author of Everyday Grace, A Woman’s Worth, and Return to Love

Claire is a woman whose work I deeply admire and a friend who I myself turn to for wisdom and counsel.
Bestselling Author and Co-Founder of the Human Potential Movement

Claire’s work empowering women is masterful and her training offers the key at this critical time in human history.
Grammy Award Winning Singer/Songwriter and Record Producer

Claire’s message-as-movement, at its core, is one of activation, responsibility, humanity, compassion, service, integrity, nurturance and excitement. She unceasingly holds the vision for women at the highest version of ourselves possible, for this I will be forever inspired by and grateful to her.
International Speaker, Best-Selling Author, CEO, Consultant, Visionary, Empowerment Specialist, Founder of the Brave Thinking Institute

Claire is someone who I’ve been honored to share stages with, spend time with at retreats and masterminds with, and I’ve even participated as a speaker in several of her summits. I can wholeheartedly say that she’s the best at dissolving the unique, hidden blocks that keep women stuck. If you’re a woman (or work with women in any capacity) I highly encourage you to join Clarie’s Masterclass!
#1 New York Times Bestselling Author of Happy for No Reason: 7 Steps to Being Happy from the Inside Out & Founder of Your Year of Miracles

Claire’s inspired vision and leadership is a true blessing to the planet — we recommend this for anyone seeking rapid results with their female clients.
#1 Bestselling Author of Women Rocking Business, and the CEO of Women Rocking Business training company

Nobody has taught me as much about the journey of supporting women, as Claire. She is a leading authority in the world when it comes to creating a true woman-centered model.
Author of Spiritual Liberation and Star of the movie The Secret

What my dear friend Claire skillfully transmits and teaches is what the feminine is, and how every woman can activate its energy within her, thereby releasing her authentic gifts into her own individual life and into our world, and contributing to a cultural shift of literally cosmic proportions.
Founder of Heart Mind Institute and Author of Radical Responsibility

The empowered feminine voice and energy is more necessary than ever at this pivotal and challenging point in our human history. Claire Zammit is a wisdom teacher for these times, who trains and empowers women to self-actualize and realize their full potential.
Industry-Leading Marketer, Author, and Entrepreneur

When I think about women evolving into their own power, I think of my friend Dr. Claire Zammit. If you want to make a greater impact on the women you serve, I highly urge you to look into her proven approach.
#1 Bestselling Author of THE ENERGY CODES: The 7-Step System to Awaken Your Spirit, Heal Your Body and Live Your Best Life

Meet my friend, Dr. Claire Zammit, who has spent over two decades researching the behavior patterns that hold most women back from igniting their fullest potential. Let Claire show you how her proven methods can bring your community and clients lasting change and authentic success.
Spiritual Teacher and Founder of Integral Enlightenment

As Claire’s husband, I’ve had the chance to witness firsthand the profound, life-changing transformations that occur for women who engage the Feminine Power process—and I’ve seen them emerge as powerful leaders, coaches, and agents of change.

Total Value: $20,000+ USD

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