Money Magic 2023 + 2022 by Cat Howell

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Old Price: $59.90

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The Alchemy of Financial Freedom

Become the master of your very own money dragon. Overcome limiting money beliefs and turn financial reds into greens.

Hi, my name is Cat and I - like most people - grew up with so many messed up ideas and beliefs about what money is and how it works and as a result struggled with loads of fears, doubts and anxieties for most of my adult life.

At the beginning of my entrepreneurial journey I was on a constant feast to famine cycle and always felt guilty about charging clients.

And even when I earned a SEVEN FIGURE SALARY (making $300K take home salary some months) I never had anything to show for.

I could attract it, but it came at a cost (overwhelm, burnout).

Everything changed when I began to dabble in magic and truly began understand the resonance of this resource.

Get an exclusive behind the scenes look at my unique practice of money manifestation and the techniques I use to build a safe, easy and deeply playful relationship with it.

I'll be sharing the journey and what I did at each step - from when I was a freelancer overcoming the fear of invoicing clients...

To when I earned multiple eight figures but was always burned out...

To feeling trapped by it and walking away from it all...

To this new calibration - where there is no hustle or sacrifice and it flows with ease...

So no matter where you're at in your money journey you will be able to walk away with deep clarity and confidence.

What You'll Discover


How to create money and the key to expanding value...


How to cultivate playful millions WITHOUT the sacrifice...


How I leverage the relativity of money to create money and multiply it with little effort.


What resistance means and how to navigate the "in-between" (the place where you have set intentions but not yet received them)


How to accelerate results through balance of the divine masculine and feminine

Transmute Financial Reds into Greens

The biggest block preventing you from receiving the financial abundance you seek are the beliefs you have around money.

That you are not deserving enough...

That you are greedy for wanting more...

That it is not safe to receive money...

That it will never happen to you...

That you are bad with money...

That there is a cost or sacrifice to obtaining it...

No matter how many mantras you sing or how many chakras you open, you can't seem to overcome the beliefs holding you back.

It feels impossible and out of reach.

Let me show you how to overcome these to create a new money narrative and command what is your birthright.


Hey I'm Cat and I'm the author of Magic Source Codes and host of the Flow Protocols podcast. My intention with Money Magic is to help you create a real shift in your financial circumstances by helping you to change the way you think and feel about money.

Who This is For

*Are you always struggling to make money and never seem to have enough?

*Do you feel overwhelmed and burdened by bills and debt?

*Does it feel like money only comes to you at a cost (burnout/overwhelm)?

*Have you hit a monthly amount you can't seem to shift past no matter how hard you work or how many courses you take?...

*Do you feel guilty about charging your worth?...

*Do you feel trapped in your existing business or role because of the money?

*Have you become cynical of money?

*Do you struggle to receive money without guilt, fear or shame?

*Are you done with the feast to famine cycle?

If you answered YES to any of the above then this three day intensive will benefit you.eadline

Student Results


Do I get instant access to training?

Yes, you are purchasing replays from the 2022 and 2023 Money Magic masterclasses and gain instant online access.

What's included in my purchase?

Instant access to the Money Magic masterclass replays + twelve month access to private Money Magic group

Do you guarantee results?

You are the only person who gain guarantee results. The training will show you the commands used to cultivate playful millions - it is up to you to implement and integrate these into your life.

Old Price: $59.90

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