Grant Writing That Gets Funded Training Program by Rodney Walker(Deluxe)

Grant Writing That Gets Funded Training Program by Rodney Walker(Deluxe)

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Old Price: $79.90

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Grant Writing That Gets Funded Training Program by Rodney Walker Free

Learn To Write Grants That Get Funded “Right NOW” within the Next 48 Hours without Even Leaving Your House!
Everything You Need To Know To Write A Successful Grant Proposal That GETS FUNDED Can Be Learned Within 48 Hours…Don’t Believe It? Watch This Video And I’ll Prove It!

Hi, I’m Rodney Walker, President and CEO of Grant Central USA – Grant Writers Association.


You too can learn EVERYTHING You Need To Know To Write A Successful Grant Proposal That GETS FUNDED Within 48 Hours!

How do I know?

Well, let’s put it this way…I’ve seen it happen over and over again to countless ordinary people…just like you who knew ZERO about grant writing and were TOTALLY CLUELESS go from ground zero to GRANT HERO!

But before I share with you a few of their amazing stories…let me tell you how I got started with grants.

Here’s My Story…

I started out like you and every other new grant writer…I was CLUELESS about how to write a grant. I was working for a nonprofit organization as the Director of Education and Youth Development and was one of three other directors.

We had a contracted grant writer who would come around to each of us with a notepad to ask us questions about our program. She would take that information and compile it into what eventually would become a grant proposal.

She would submit it to a potential funder and a month or two later she would let us know that we had just GOTTEN FUNDED! I was AMAZED!

I was LIKE…you take MY words…her words…and his words and you write something down on paper and someone turns around and gives you PAPER…GREEN PAPER!!

I wanted to learn this valuable skill…so I asked her to show me and you would have thought that I was asking her for her last piece of cheese. It was clear to me that I wasn’t getting any of her cheese nor any of her secrets!

I was too young and naive to realize she was thinking about JOB SECURITY……while I was thinking about how I could have a greater IMPACT on the young people I was serving.

I decided if I was going to learn this valuable skill that I was going to have to just learn it on my own…so I dove into the process head first. I piecemeal my first grant proposal together from the bits and pieces of information I was able to gather from the internet.

But there was a BIG PROBLEM!

I wasn’t sure if the things I was modeling my proposal after was GOOD or BAD. But one thing was for certain, this proposal would NOT be my Mona Lisa masterpiece…but more like my FRANKENSTEIN.

I submitted the grant proposal to a funder in Texas called the Hogg Foundation for $25,000.00

I was really excited at the thoughts of how this money was going to make a tremendous difference in the lives of the young people I was serving. About a month later I went to my mailbox and there inside was “THE LETTER”.


I quickly read the letter only to discover it was REJECTED! This was painful. But there was a glimmer of light at the end of my letter. The Senior Program Officer for the Foundation wrote that she would be willing to meet with me if I wanted to discuss the problem areas of my proposal.

I took her up on her offer and soon discovered the countless rookie mistakes I had made. I never got funding from that Foundation…but that meeting was invaluable. I decided this time that I was going to learn grant writing the SMART way instead of the HARD way.

I enrolled in a Graduate Program to complete a M.B.A. in Nonprofit Management. My focus and concentration would be on learning how to get the MONEY! I took a number of Grant Writing Classes and rounded things out by taking Fundraising Classes too.

I figured if I could learn how to win the MONEY that I could be a valuable asset to any organization I would work with…I was right.

I became a sponge to learn as much as I could about grant writingI became a sponge to learn as much as I could about grant writing. I studied grant writing at Duke University and California Polytechnic State University where I completed an Advanced Certificate In Grant Writing.

I read everything I could get my hands on about grants and eventually started writing successful grant proposals that were GETTING FUNDED!!

My grant writing professor noticed that I had a knack for developing good grant proposals and asked me if I had ever considered being a grant writing consultant. This had never crossed my mind…BUT, I gave it some thought…and decided that I’d give it a shot.

I’m glad I did.

I started sharing my knowledge with others and before you know it they were getting funded too!








So when I tell you EVERYTHING you need to know to write a successful grant proposal that GETS FUNDED can be learned within 48 Hours…I mean it!

This training will benefit YOU in a profound way.

You’ll discover EXACTLY where the money is and how to get it!
Learn how to persuasively tell your story so funders want to give to you over your competition.
Gain special knowledge to make your organization a Grant Money Magnet™ with 10 secrets you don’t want to forget!
You’ll benefit by receiving tons of Grant Writing Samples, Proposals, Articles, Videos, Tips and Best Practices to save you countless hours of time while helping you to AVOID common rookie mistakes. And much, much more!!
You will receive proven samples of my award-winning grant proposals (that have won $25,000.00 and another that was awarded $100,000.00!)


My students love this because it provides you with a clear step-by-step examples of what a GREAT proposal is suppose to look like…Model your grant proposal after this one and you will be producing a winner!

I will help you to keep from embarrassing yourself and your organization by AVOIDING several of the common rookie mistakes that immediately raise a RED FLAG in the eyes of the ones giving out the money.

Many grant writers repeatedly make these deadly errors causing their proposals to get rejected time and time again.

I also reveal 3 Little Known Secrets to instantly make funders want to help you get funded more than your competition while helping to SEPARATE your proposals from the rest of the pack to get the money…this secret helped one of my students get funded by having the funder provide her with insider’s information to ensure the decision-makers would vote “YES” to fund her project!
You will also gain my Top 7 Time-Saving Methods to Grant Writing that will quickly help your grant proposals to cut from the back of the line and literally shave months off of the time it normally takes for your grant proposal to get reviewed.
Just think what it will be like for you to get your grants funded months before your competition even hears whether or not theirs will get awarded. Your competitors will probably hate me for showing you this short-cut…but you’ll love it!

You will learn what is instantly the “kiss of death” for most grant proposals and 5 things you can do now to avoid these costly missteps!
You will gain boat loads of insight and confidence with our paint-by-the number tried and proven system to know you are doing things just like the pros.
Never underestimate the assurance of knowing you are doing it right the first time!

Say “Good-bye” forever to guessing how much money you should ask for in your grant proposals…

I will reveal to you a proven strategy used by less than 5% of today’s seasoned grant professionals to ensure you are never asking for too little or too much money from a funder.
You will truly thank me for this one because it will keep your grant proposals from being tossed out of the ball park and laughed at by the decision makers.

You also discover the first two things most funders often look at immediately when they are reviewing your grant proposal and how to make sure it doesn’t offend them.
Discover why over 75% or more of today’s grant applicants come across to funders as being super needy…and how to avoid this colossal mistake in your request.
The only reason why you should NOT take this grant writing training is if you have ALL the Grant Money you NEED…then you have my permission to take a pass.


But the funny thing I’ve personally witnessed is that many of the well endowed nonprofits still sign-up their people for these types of trainings because they know that the right information has the potential of helping them to bring in even more monies to their agency.


Honestly, it could cost you A LOT!

I wonder what would have happen if the Miami-Dade Police Department would not have forced one of their officers to take our training…who initially didn’t want to do it.

They probably would not have received the million dollar grant that we helped them get with sound advice and coaching.

It will most likely COST you hours of valuable time resulting in YOU making careless mistakes!

Unfortunately, I’ve seen too many nonprofits and governmental agencies short change themselves by trying to save a few dollars here and there by not investing into their future!

Don’t get it twisted…the most valuable asset that any of us have is our TIME.

Once time is wasted…it can never be reclaimed.

The Ultimate Grant Writing That Gets Funded training will quite literally put time back into your pocket by helping you to do things right the first time.
Secondly, we’ll show you step-by-step how to cut your grant writing time down in half by using our unique system.
Thirdly, you will gain years of experience from a veteran grant professional who has empowered numerous organizations to get funded including the Magic Johnson Foundation, the Bush Foundation, United Way, Austin Independent School District, YMCA, YWCA, Habitat for Humanity, Hawaii State Teachers Association, Center For Nonprofit Management, UCLA, and numerous Tribal Governments, Law Enforcement Agencies, Fire Departments and EMS Units.



Your achievement will be recognized and validated by Grant Central USA – Grant Writers Association, today’s industry leaders in Grant Development Systems.

This training is widely recognized by numerous organizations and professional grant writers in the field and will be helpful in adding greater credibility to your resume if you are seeking to break into this sector.

Don’t be left outside the gates enviously watching while your competitors learn ALL our SECRETS and TIMESAVING shortcuts to getting grant money!

So how much is all this gonna cost me? R-E-L-A-X! You will be pleasantly surprised.

It will cost you far less than the $1,500.00 to $3,000.00 you would expect to pay a professional grant writer to develop just one foundation grant proposal. You would pay even more for a government grant proposal…closer to $5,000.00 to $15,000.00 depending on the size and scope of the project.

That’s for just one grant proposal!!

Now the full value for this program is at least $100,000.00. In fact, it’s really worth FAR more than that.

Why? Well think about it for a moment…you are going to get the SAME knowledge that costed me over $40,000.00 to acquire in graduate school. I also spent thousands of dollars traveling to Duke University and California Poly University taking certificate programs and advance grant writing trainings.

I’ve condensed the best of the best from what I’ve learned…removed the fluff and added more of what I’d wished they would have shown me into this special grant writing training.

You are receiving in a condensed time what took me years of learning to acquire both from school and writing grants professionally for over 10 years. Just think about how good you will feel as I help you to dramatically reduce your learning curve and make it easy for you to write your first grants!

Plus, you will be able to apply for as many grants as you qualify for which can bring in thousands and even millions of dollars like we’ve helped others to do.

So if you only write 4 grants this year (that’s just one a quarter) you will save yourself well over $6,000.00…The amount you would have to pay any half-way decent grant writer or their services. Taking our training puts that money right back in your pocket…plus adds a lot more.

Your investment of just $1997 for our deluxe course or $795 for our standard course gets you everything I’ve shared earlier…plus a lot more!


This my friend is a steal!!

How So?

Well, think about it for a second. Now you can gain instant access to The Ultimate Grant Writing That GETS FUNDED training online without stepping one foot outside.

In less than 48 Hours you can now experience the same valuable training that once could only be accessed at major colleges and universities…without all the hassle.


Just think about ALL the TIME you will be saving and the convenience of having this training come to you!

How much would it cost you to fly to a grant writing training event location? Typically $300.00 – $500.00 at least…right? Let’s keep it on the low end and say $300.00.

Oh yeah, then there’s the hotel cost of $150.00 – $250.00 per night for a decent place that doesn’t smell like too much smoke. You will need this for two nights…so on the low end we’re looking at $300.00.

It’s highly unlikely that you’ll be fasting on this trip so we have to factor in a daily eating allowance for 3 days…you can get by with at least $20.00 per meal which includes tips…now we’re looking at $60.00 x 3 days which comes to $180.00.

Let’s do the math…

$180.00 for 3 days

$300.00 for 2 nights

$300.00 round trip ticket

$780.00 Travel Expenses…PLUS THE COST OF THE TRAINING.

Is it still worth it? Well if you are coming to any of our trainings it is worth every single penny!

You will get the same valuable training you would receive from our two grant writing workshop and the beautiful thing is you can do this ALL in your pajamas…or any home or office where you have access to the internet.


You will receive training that is more valuable than you would receive from any college or university.

How do I know?

Because this online grant writing course was first offered at Regis University where I trained 16 students when this course was first developed for an 8 week course.

My team and I spent an additional year enhancing the training by conducting exclusive interviews with funders and making our trainings video-based to give you the same experience you would have in the classroom.

The only difference is that now you don’t have to wait on the instructor to get your next lesson because everything is available on demand.

You won’t be learning from some uptight professor who is out of touch with what is happening in the world of grant writing who only has book knowledge…but you will be learning from me and the other experts I’ve compiled to provide you with today’s best insight on the market.


Plus, you can go through the training in as little as 48 Hours or spread your learning out for weeks…because you will have access for up to 6 months to 1 year depending on which course you choose.

But That’s Not All…We Have Also Included Over $495.00 Worth Of FREE Bonuses

When You Take The Ultimate Grant Writing That GETS FUNDED Online Training!

We’ve already helped many others do it. Why not you? SERIOUSLY, Why not you?

As you’ve probably already rightly concluded, the bonuses alone make this training well worth your small investment…ESPECIALLY when you consider you will have the special knowledge to obtain thousands or even millions of dollars worth of grants each year!

I CANNOT Promise you these BONUSES will last forever…So Take Advantage Of Them While You Can.

Now Maybe You’re Asking Yourself…”Should I Invest In This NOW?”

I’m sure you can come up with lots of reasons to “wait.” Everybody’s instinct is to stop short of pulling out their credit card to spend money…especially now. You’re probably no exception. And that’s the best reason I could cite for you to invest in The Ultimate Grant That Gets Funded training right this minute.

You see, you simply will never see a better price for this incredible system ever again.


SAY “YES” TO YOUR FUTURE! Yes Rodney! I Want to Take Advantage of This Special Offer and Get The Ultimate Grant Writing That Gets Funded Training Right Now!

Here’s How…

Fill out the order form (below this page)
Make all checks payable to Grant Central USA
Return to:
Grant Central USA, PO Box 701, Pasadena, CA 91102 or

You can also call or fax this to 1-888-293-0284 or register online at

If you prefer…you can also take this valuable training in person at one of our live events! Visit to learn more.

You will gain the same VALUABLE INSIGHT mentioned throughout this video including all the BONUSES!

Either way…ACT NOW and let the learning begin!

Pricing Options
Grant Writing That Gets Funded Training Program (Deluxe)
Receive the FULL package of today’s best Grant Writing Training which includes:

1. The Ultimate Grant Writing That Gets Funded Training Program ($795.00)

2. In-Person Grant Writing Workshop with 5+ Hours of Grant Training… Raw, Unedited, Uncut…Goldmine! ($1,297.00)

3. Grant Writing Coaching Videos (30 Videos – $197.00)

4. The Grant Writing Resource Manual ($99.00)

5. Grant Writing Insights – Exclusive Interviews with 4 Funders ($197.00)

6. Grant Writing Insights – Exclusive Interviews with 4 Grant Professionals ($197.00)

7. Grant Writers Starter Kit

8. Grant Readiness Beginner’s Guide

9. Breaking Into The Field of Grant Writing Fast Video & Special Report ($79.00)

10. Over My Shoulder Grant Proposal Review & Critique ($297.00) and much more!

Over $3,156.00 worth of valuable money-making insight!

$1,997.00 USD

Old Price: $79.90

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