The Journey by Celinne Da Costa

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Quantum Leap into Your Highest Soul Destiny

with Celinne Da Costa
A 12-month all-access path to elevate your relationship with business, money, Self, and Spirit.

Join me to Master the Energetic Experience of Being Human.

You have a deep hunger for knowledge and growth. Your Soul is constantly seeking to evolve and elevate into its truest essence. Embracing this journey of becoming the best and most aligned version of yourself isn't just important… it is a sacred calling that you were born to answer.

You’ve always existed in a realm beyond the ordinary, connected to your intuition in ways that most don’t understand. Your dedication to carving out your own path is a testament to the depth of your commitment and the strength of your Soul.

You connect with me and the work that I do because we’re on a similar path, and you’re ready to birth the magic that lives inside of you.

I'm here to walk the path with you.
If you've landed on this page, chances are...


    You know you hold something so unique and sacred inside of you – but you were conditioned and tamed to believe that your gifts are taboo or “all in your head.”

    You’re familiar with the feeling of being shunned and shamed for being your quirky, authentic self… you spent a lot of your life in hiding, not allowing people to see who you really are.

    You feel a deep calling to finally break free from the suffocating character armor you’ve worn your entire life, and to let go of unconscious belief systems that have held you back from stepping into your Soul's highest purpose…

    You're ready to become the Master of your own Story, to design and live out the life and business you desire beyond your wildest dreams.

Become an energetic master –at rewriting the story of your life and business.


    The Journey Vault covers you across four Pathways: Subconscious, Storytelling, Strategy and Soul.

    Inside this Vault, you’ll receive 12 months’ access to ALL of my self-led offerings and programs: every recorded course, masterclass, guide, meditation, and workshop I’ve ever created and will create during our time together.

    Plus, quarterly live group Q&A’s with me so that I can personally support you through your journey.

    You’ll unlock the teachings that have supported the quantum growth of top industry experts and Fortune 200 companies, and now instantly yours to binge on and activate the next stage of your evolution, at your desired pace.

get instant access to the vault
Introducing The Journey

The Journey is mapped into 4 core Pathways to guide you as you travel through the vault: the Subconscious, Storytelling, Strategy, and Soul.

All of these Paths gracefully interweave and lead you to the same destination… which is You, coming home to your Self — in beauty, love, and grace — in both your personal and professional life.

Watch the video to learn more about what you can expect to find (and become!) once you join.

    Set yourself free from past conditioning and limiting belief systems,

    And instead, consciously choose to actualize the unlimited potential that lives inside of you into reality. Get ready to remember and connect with your power, get back into the driver’s seat of your destiny, and make empowering decisions that lead you towards fulfilling success in all areas of your life.
    Understand your unique operating system and how to design a life in alignment to your purpose and core values.

    You’ll learn how to masterfully navigate your inner landscape and translate your inner world into a desired external reality through your words, thoughts, feelings, and actions.
    Balance what you’re Doing with who you Be,

    So that you can feel fulfilled and joyful as you grow your business, increase your income, expand your influence, and change people’s lives.
    Develop an “un-f*ck-with-able” mindset, become more emotionally intelligent, and heighten your connection to your physical and energetic bodies,

    So that you know how to get yourself back into alignment, and have a laser-sharp compass to know how to navigate the death and rebirth process every time you’re ready for your next level of personal and professional expansion.
    Get clear on your purpose and Soul service,

    So that you can take intentional, strategic action that will efficiently grow your brand and business.

This container is designed to help you unlock and harness the power that lives inside of you – and to help you become more of who you are meant to be in your life and business.
unlock the journey vault here
Ready yo make a change?

Making deep and transformative changes in your life doesn't need to be a tedious process that requires extensive education or years of therapy.

There’s nothing wrong with you that needs to be “fixed.” This is not about needing to be good enough “so that you can…”. Neither is it about needing to “do” more to be worthy of your God-given right to be a happy, healthy, and highly functioning human creating amazing things on this planet.

It’s much simpler than that – this is about peeling back and shedding the layers of what is NOT you, so that you can naturally and organically become more of what is you, and in the process… take aligned, heart-led steps towards your Soul’s journey here on Earth.

The Journey is designed to be your trusted companion and a healthy, safe container to hold you as you walk the path.

Your Journey starts here
the fourPathways

and Their Archetypes
The Ruler of the Underworld

Learn the Persephone codes that will equip you to not only see, but to thrive in the dark.

These are the Ninja skills that you need to safely traverse the unseen realms of your subconscious and transmute darkness into light.

In the Subconscious path, you will learn how to navigate the inner workings of your subconscious mind, how to find and integrate your unconscious shadows, and bring more awareness into your daily life so that you can mentally, emotionally, physically, and energetically free yourself from being in a survival state and instead reclaim your existence as the Creator of the life you desire.
The Magician

As you empower yourself to better understand and navigate the landscape of your inner story, you’ll wield the Magician's power of becoming the Creator of your reality.

In Storytelling, you’ll learn the art and science of storytelling, how to skillfully craft stories that change your life and the lives of others, how to create a premium brand that’s authoritative, authentic, and respected in the market, and how to not only tell – but become – the greatest story you’ve ever told (online and offline).
The Warrior

Build the strategic scaffolding of your brand and business vessel, so that you have a robust vehicle to hold what wants to be creatively birthed through you.

Once you’ve made your way through the Strategy path, your Money, Abundance and Business wisdom will come alive.

In this pathway, you will learn the trialed-and-tested strategies from me and as well as other experts on how to create more financial prosperity, systemize your business, craft Soul-aligned offerings, and grow your income, influence, and impact in a way that is sustainable, authentic, and nourishing to your Soul.
The Lover

All is relationship. What you seek is inevitably seeking you – this is your Journey into the deepest levels of embodying your incarnation here on Earth – a grounded being with roots deep into our earth mother Gaia, with branches that stretch towards the center of the Galaxy.

In Soul, you’ll remember how to tap into your inner mystic and create a deep, lasting connection with your Soul and listen to your inner voice. You’ll open up a direct line of communication with your highest Self, so that you can navigate your important decisions from your inner Knowing rather than defaulting to your external environment.

When you take each step in alignment to Soul, you’ll inevitably end up exactly where you’re meant to be… which is more grandiose and spectacular than your mind could ever fathom!
-Molood Ceccarelli
CEO and founder of Remote Forever, Sweden

I had a multiple five-figure product launch and have made multiple six-figures in my business in only half a year after working with Celinne.

Taking her course helped me cut through my limiting beliefs, gain a clear understanding of why my first product was so successful, and to deeply connect with my brand essence and my audience’s emotions. As a result, I was able to create such a strong brand story that while I was getting ready to launch my second product, I accidentally put my landing page live and a few people bought right away. When I reached out to those clients to let them know the launch had not yet started, they all responded telling me that they were happy to have bought and were looking forward to working with me.

Taking her course helped me cut through my limiting beliefs, gain a clear understanding of why my first I recommend working with Celinne because she’s real and excels in cutting through the hidden limitations you unknowingly put on yourself, which prevent you from really connecting with your audience and unlocking your potential to impact the world. She will help you combine your values and your audience’s desires into a powerful story that will transform your brand and business!
-Dr. Sally Laila
Founder of LYLA, London UK

I came into Celinne’s master your story online program wanting to build a company for women that is courageous, authentic, and tongue-in-cheek. However, I found it difficult to cohesively articulate the brand story and message in a way that really captured the brand values. My ideas for the content were also scattered and I felt confused.

As a result of taking the program, I was able to distill the brand core values, create a story bank of over 200 stories, grow the brand’s social media, and create cohesive copy for the business that really conveys what the brand stands for. I now feel confident writing pitches to podcasts and media. I have a clear brand dossier that guides me on what is in line with my brand and what isn’t – I don’t need to wrestle with confusion anymore. This has saved me hours of time and mental effort.

I also had a 1:1 with Celinne and she managed to clear up a year’s worth of brand story confusion in ONE HOUR! I highly recommend her if you want to save time and gain next-level clarity. Thank you again for MYS it was LIFE CHANGING!
-Bea Mangar
Nomadic Writer, Social Media Coach at BrandSalt Boutique Social Media Agency

Celinne helped me pinpoint the areas of my life that made sense to share and that would further bridge the gap between other people and myself. The modules were jam-packed with insights and questions that blew my mind, and made me ask myself things I never even asked before.

Through NLP techniques and Celinne’s natural ability to turn any experience into an epic story, she made sure that towards the end of the eight weeks together, I mastered my story. Through the course, I’ve also learned how to carefully structure my story when I write it out. I wanted to be able to feel confident as a visionary creative, and this is what the course helped me immensely to achieve through mastering your story. I can acknowledge my worth more now, without feeling shy about it or worried that others might think I’m conceited. It’s liberating.

Whatever I’ve learned in Master Your Story is helping me implement an email marketing strategy. Some concepts I teach as an intentional social media coach and intentional life mentor are difficult to understand but with storytelling, I can create magic and just like that, make my audience and clients truly get what I’m saying.
-Vicky Martinez Dorr
Branding Consultant & Leadership Coach

Celinne helped finalize my two business ideas for leadership coaching and branding consultancy through her structured online program and step-by- step workbooks.

Before taking Master Your Story, I was pretty much set up and had all my tools aligned, but I was stuck finalizing my message. I wanted to focus my services on others, but I had many talents and I couldn’t decide which direction to go. I was confused, looping all the time and coming back to square one.

Celinne helped finalize my two business ideas for leadership coaching and branding consultancy through her structured online program and step-by-step workbooks. I clearly identified my own structure and understood everything I’d worked for and put in place for the last 15 years.

As a result of the course, I successfully finalized my branding and started promoting my services under one confident brand. I walked away with results, structure, and a better understanding of my value and worth and how I can finally help my clients.
This is your exclusive Invitation to…
take a look insideThe Journey

explore the Four Pathways


Master Your Story with Celinne Da Costa
Master Your Story

A transformational life-by-design program created to help you not only tell but become the greatest story you’ve ever told. Learn how to heal your old disempowering stories and reprogram your mind for success on a subconscious level, my proven neuro-science-based method for uncovering your deeper purpose and values, and expert strategies to create a premium, world-class brand that’s unapologetically you from the inside out.

(Value $2,222)

Celinne 257
School of Story

A digital storytelling toolkit and experience designed to help you unapologetically craft an irresistible story that unlocks your purpose, deeply connects with your audience, skyrockets your business, and in turn, creates a world-changing impact.

(Value $888)

Storytelling For Launches

Learn how to make storytelling an easy and profitable process to weave into your work, including my secrets to writing webinars, challenges, pre-launch, and launch emails that resulted in multiple $50K+ launches.

(Value $997)

The Life Design Mindset

Design the life you truly want. Through a unique and exciting blend of mindset techniques and proven principles, I’ll show you how to get crystal clear clarity on what it is that your heart wants and needs, the process of turning an abstract dream into an actionable step-by-step plan, how to release any fear and excuse getting in your way, and instead take action so you can turn any dream into your beautiful new reality!

(Value $697)

Celinne 109
Tell Your Brand Story

I’ll guide you through my proprietary process (and secret sauce!) to creating a ready-to-market personal brand story that will skyrocket your impact, influence, and income – even if you don’t feel confident or haven’t shared much of your story before. Simply put: you’ll go from not being sure what your brand story is to crafting a powerful, impactful brand story you can share with the world.

(Value: $1,997)

Unlock Your Story Magic

In this 3-day mini-course, you’ll discover your “X factor” and the message you’re meant to share with the world – even if you don’t think you have one – and use it to stand out in your space, attract major media attention, and grow your community of superfans.

(Value $333)

Celinne 023
Storytelling Accelerator Kit

Learn how to strategically tell your story by expressing it effectively through your content, so you can uplevel your messaging strategy and more clearly connect with your audience.

(Value $597)

Storytelling Confidence Kit

Finally let go of what others think of you and learn how to express yourself unapologetically, so that you can bust through fears of sharing your truth and share your heart’s message with magnetic confidence.

(Value $1,597)

Turn Any Disempowering Story Into Your Superpower Masterclass

Identify the biggest limiting beliefs currently keeping you stuck and dissolve them at lightning speed, so you can rewrite your story and allow your superpowers to shine.

(Value $222)

Conscious Uncoupling Codes

Upgrade your relationship story so that you can attract healthier partnerships and navigate your breakups with ease, clarity, and grace.

(Value $222)

Celinne 177
Premium Pricing That Sells Masterclass

Learn a straightforward, easily repeatable signature process for raising your rates to 5-figures and beyond so that you can stop undercharging, and instead feel financially nourished and excited to serve clients who can’t wait to buy from you.

(Value $222)

Celinne 243
Love Money Again

A course to help you heal your money wounds, fall in love with money again, and rewire your money mindset and energy body to ease-fully and joyfully magnetize more money and prosperity into your life.

(Value $333)

Create Your 7-Figure Brand Story Guide

Discover the proprietary formula I teach my clients to embody and create a seven-figure brand story that deeply connects with your audience, stands out from the competition, and creates a solid foundation to scale your business with impact.

(Value $27)

10 Mindset Shifts You Must Make To Unapologetically Share Your 7-Figure Brand Story Guide

Learn the most significant behind-the-scenes mindset shifts that leaders I’ve worked with had to go through in order to feel confident enough to craft and share their 7 plus figure brand. This will help you break through your biggest mindset blocks so that you can step into your authentic expression, make a difference with your work, and share your message with the world in a big way.

(Value $111)

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The Art Of Being Human Book

This is a collection of short stories from a life-changing journey around the world – a journey that taught me that we are indeed capable of creating a life that we are proud of, and we don’t have to do it alone.

(Value $20)

If Hearts Could Talk Book

This collection of transformational stories and journaling prompts will equip you with tools to enrich your life, better discover who you are, and uncover your happiest and most authentic self.

(Value $13)

Wealth Activation Practice

A guided meditation that will get you reconnected to your deeper “why” for creating more abundance and wealth in your life, get clear on what the next steps are, and reprogram your subconscious to become an energetic match to receive the wealth you desire.

(Value $111)

Soul Connection Meditation

A daily guided meditation to support you in this journey to reconnect to your soul, to your highest self, and to your divine knowing so that you can start your day on a positive note and have clarity on making the most soul-aligned decisions.

(Value $111)

Source Alignment Meditation

with Celinne Da Costa and Leanne Edwards

Learn a daily practice to align yourself through your physical, mental, emotional, and energy bodies, harmonize with your own Soul, and connect to yourself, the planet, and with Source… so that you can tap into your personal power and start your day leading from Soul.

This meditation is the perfect way to start your day, or to engage any time during the day when you’re feeling off-center. Use this practice to come back home to yourself, to the earth, to the core, and to the Source of creation.

(Value $111)

Ralph Ruiz
Rewrite Your Subconscious Fears & Supercharge Your Confidence (Hypnosis Session by Ralph Ruiz)

This hypnosis session will guide you into untangling the pieces of your subconscious that may be rooted in fear, help you create a new power-filled lens that will expand your capacity, redivert that energy into abundance and confidence – all while you’re fast asleep.

(Value $197)

The Journey Q&A Live Coaching Calls

Live group calls with Celinne with replays available inside The Journey Vault.

Nicole Schneider
How to Elicit Your Values

Guest Training with Nicole Schneider

Nicole (Nikkie) is the creator and founder of a Global NeuroLinguistic Program Training company, passionate about change.

Aligned, Sustainable Success starts with YOU

Guest Training with Sigrid Tasies

Sigrid is an Embodiment and Feminine Leadership Master Coach, Facilitator, Speaker, Author, Host of the Podcast “Sacred Leaders”, Humanitarian and Modern Medicine Woman. She is also the Creatress of the “HER Method”™️, and as she likes to call herself a Liberation Initiator.

How Do You Start Making Money with Your Why & Vision

Guest Training with Hanson Cheng

Hansen is a Washington DC Native that realized the fulfillment and growth is through a thick jungle of uncertainty.  Owner of multiple successful online businesses EACH generating multiple 6 or 7 figures.

Rhonda Swan
How To Turn Your Brand Into A Profit-Making Machine

Guest Training with Rhonda Swan

Rhonda Swan is a dynamic and accomplished business leader, women’s empowerment advocate, and author. The CEO of the Unstoppable Branding Agency, a best selling author, live weekly show host, wife and mother.

Jamie Davis
High-End Sales Secrets: How to Sell 5k-50k Offers

Guest Training with Jamie Davis

Jamie Gulino Davis is a dynamic sales leader within the coaching industry. She imparts invaluable teachings in the realms of high-ticket offer conversions, team development, leadership, relationship building, and strategic thinking.

Launching Step By Step With Stories

Guest Training with Lisa Johnson

Lisa is a business strategist who helps ambitious people create passive and semi-passive income streams. Her aim for her clients is to have a business model that ticks the boxes for creating a ton of income and impact, without them having to spend their life at their laptop.

Chanelle-Segerius Bruce-The Journey Sales Page
Learn to Launch Online

Guest Training with Chanelle Segerius-Bruce

Chanelle is a Business and Launch Coach known for Personal Branding expertise, featured in Forbes and other major publications. With a background in design for top ad agencies and prominent photographer Mario Testino, she’s worked with renowned brands like Versace and Vogue. Leveraging her 20 years of experience, she guides women globally in building freedom-based lifestyles through entrepreneurship, and possesses expertise in scaling, team management, and content creation.

David Hans-Barker
Mastering Your Hero’s Journey

Guest Training with David Hans-Barker

David is an 8 figure entrepreneur, CEO, and meditation teacher who is dedicated to bringing the practice of meditation to the world today to help everyone transform their lives just as he did.  

Storytelling, Subconscious
Lynya Ford
Using Your Story To Craft A Killer Pitch

Guest Training with Lynya Floyd

Lynya is a media coach and writer and Duke-trained integrative health coach. Lynya’s expertise lies in assisting individuals in enhancing seven interconnected aspects of wellness: nutrition, exercise, personal and professional development, mind-body connection, physical environment, relationships and communication, and spirituality.

katelyn collins
Writing Effective Emails Only You Could Write

Guest Training with Katelyn Collins

Katelyn Collins is a conversion copywriter and copywriting educator. She serves online course creators and coaches by helping them write great copy. She also helps rising copywriters get their start.

Sorelle Amore
Don’t be Shy, Using Instagram with Class for Self Promotion and Easy Selling

Guest Training with Sorelle Amore

Sorelle is an Aussie entrepreneur and artist, dedicated to the path of freedom made possible when she turned to YouTube in 2016 and started getting recognised as the face of freedom, due to her promotion of the digital nomad lifestyle.

Make Your Story Your Most Powerful Marketing Tool

Guest Training with Kyle Gray

Kyle is an entrepreneur and bestselling author who helps startups and small businesses grow with content marketing. He has helped hundreds of startups and small businesses create scalable content marketing strategies.

Mastering Your Mindset To Create YOUR Million-Dollar Story

Guest Training with Kathrin Zenkina

Kathrin is the CEO & Founder of the booming, multi-million dollar personal development brand: Manifestation Babe.

Storytelling, Subconscious
Edward Dangerfield
Breathwork Techniques for Emotional Processing & Regulation

Guest Training with Edward Dangerfield

Edward is trained in Nervous System Health, Chinese Massage & Pressure Points, Breathwork, Nerve Flossing, Qi Gong, Biofield Energy Healing, Yoga and Meditation.

Edward Dangerfield
How To Reprogram Your Subconscious & Process Disempowering Emotion

Guest Training with Edward Dangerfield

Edward is trained in Nervous System Health, Chinese Massage & Pressure Points, Breathwork, Nerve Flossing, Qi Gong, Biofield Energy Healing, Yoga and Meditation.

Is The Journey for you?

The Journey is for you if you’re a self-starter who’s looking to simultaneously uplevel in multiple areas of your life (the key ones being career, money, visibility, relationships, wellness, and self-worth) – at your own pace and choose what to focus on without the pressure of following along with the pack…as is the case with live group programs.

From my own personal experience, I know that the journey of mastering the energetics of being human can feel demanding and overwhelming at times.

That’s why I created The Journey: to provide a safe, empowering space for purpose-driven Souls to explore their spiritual and self-development path without feeling overwhelmed, lost, or intimidated by the process.

You’ll discover a fast-track to overcome your own limitations, practises on how to create true radical transformation within yourself, and unlock the power of your unique story so that you can discover what you’re really made of.

You trust yourself to learn and implement the codes, go at your own pace, and come to the Q&A’s to ask questions and receive support when needed.
Hi! I'mCelinne Da Costa

I'm a personal development expert and Master Coach for CEOs, executives, and leaders.

After leaving my successful career as a brand strategist in corporate New York City to travel the world and design life on my own terms, I rapidly grew my coaching company by helping changemakers tap into their authentic truth and build magnetic brands through authentic relating, unapologetic self-expression, and conscious leadership.

My work has been featured globally in Forbes, Entrepreneur, Business Insider, and TEDx. I’ve also worked with top industry leaders, Fortune 200 companies, and thousands of business owners in over 50 countries who are committed to becoming the best possible versions of themselves and unlocking their most powerful story from within.

My work offers a unique mix of several healing and neuroscience modalities including Master-Neurolinguistic Programming, Conscious Connected Breathwork, Holistic Healing Hypnotherapy, and Life, Motivational, and Emotional Intelligence Coaching, that I use to help my clients experience breakthroughs.

I am so passionate about helping visionary leaders let go of the old stories of their past, step into their power, and not only tell but become the greatest story they ever told so that they can create an impact on more people, evolve into influential leaders in their industry, and grow legacy brands that are in full alignment to their Soul’s purpose.

Every masterclass, workshop, and resource inside this treasure chest of tools that I’ve spent years building (PLUS live trainings and Q&As with me) is valued at over $17,000… and as I continue to receive downloads and codes I’ll keep adding to it.

Are you ready?
Your Investment


    LIVE Q&A’s every quarter with me

    Access to any LIVE masterclass that I host throughout the year

    12-months access to every self-led course and masterclass I’ve ever created

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A final love letterto you ...

I’ve been yearning for a space to share my treasure chest of tools, methods, and practices that I’ve acquired over the years of serving and supporting high-performing, purpose-driven individuals who are changing the world through their Soul service.

The Journey is for the student of Life: the one who challenges mindless mainstream trends, who dares to ask themselves the tough questions, who’s endlessly hungry for their evolution, and who dances to the beat of their own drum.

You’re attracted to my world because in the energetic realms, you already know and feel me… and now,  you desire to learn and travel with me in a container that encourages but won’t stifle your growth.

In The Journey, you’ll have all access to all of the tools that I personally use and teach to my private clients, as well as the opportunity to receive my live transmissions on a regular basis.

This is for the kindred spirit who wants to simultaneously exhale and grow with me…

When you unlock what’s inside The Journey, you’ll learn to more easefully navigate the realms of your subconscious, embody your unique gifts, and master your story… and, depending on your level of commitment, carve out your own path into the uncharted territory that is the mystery of your limitless Soul.

Old Price: $149.90
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