The Completion Process by Teal Swan

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Join The Completion Process Course:
Heal your deepest wounds
and forever transform your life
A LIVE, 9-week journey to address the roots of your suffering, resolve deep-seated issues, and rewrite the narrative of your life.

Experience profound transformations in your relationships, career, and physical health with Teal’s most in-depth, advanced program yet. Yes, Sign Me Up!

Lifetime access. Risk-free 15-day money-back guarantee.
Uncover the True Source of Your Pain
Do you find yourself dealing with:
Unhealthy Relationships Unresolved Trauma Coping/numbing Dysfunctional Patterns Unworthiness Loneliness / Disconnection Triggers Lack of Drive and Purpose Addictions Deep emotional wounds

Yet you’re unable to break the cycles of pain?

What if you no longer had to suffer? What if true healing is possible?
And emerge transformed...

Many seek temporary relief from pain, but never address the root cause. This creates never-ending cycles, repeating patterns over and over.

True healing requires diving deeper.
Core Wounds & Unresolved Trauma:
The Root of Your Pain

In the depths of our experiences lie the seeds of our pain.

Unresolved trauma — whether from life-altering events, unconscious parenting, or dysfunctional relationships —  serves as the foundation of our suffering.

Some may not identify as being traumatized – but we all carry these wounds. Knowingly or unknowingly they shape our beliefs, relationships, patterns, emotional reactions and more...

Each unhealthy relationship, every bout of loneliness, and every dysfunctional pattern can be traced back to these unresolved wounds.
Beyond Surface-Level Work,
Toxic Positivity and Spiritual Bypassing.

The Problem with Society’s Approach to Trauma

Instead of addressing the root of suffering, society encourages us to suppress our pain or seek quick fixes that only offer temporary relief.

From medication to avoiding negative emotions, these band-aid solutions perpetuate our cycle of suffering.

New-age spirituality and toxic positivity trends scratch the surface but never truly address the root cause.

Struggling and suffering are not inevitable parts of life — it's your birthright to live a life of integrity, freedom, joy, and fulfillment.

It’s time for a different approach:
It’s time to go to the ROOT of your suffering.
It’s time to embrace true, lasting healing.

So how do you break free from the grip of trauma to feel whole again?

Move beyond survival to joy and peace by confronting your deepest pain.

Real healing comes from working through it to restore your sense of self.

And Teal's most in-depth course — The Completion Process — makes it easy to begin.

The Completion Process leverages pain and triggers to identify and heal the root causes of distress, leading to profound life transformation.

This process helps you channel your pain into greater self-awareness, heal deep traumas, reverse dissociation, and cultivate deeper self-love.
The Completion Process is ayahuasca — sober!

“I’ve resolved so many traumatic experiences in the womb and healed the self-hatred I had as a little kid. I can’t tell you how much love I have for myself now, how proud I am to be in my own skin with the confidence I built through the Completion Process."
My entire life has changed,

“I kept repeating patterns in my life and always found my way back to my fear of abandonment or lack. I started doing the Completion Process and found the fragmented part of myself, which was shocking to me that she was clearly still running the show.”
Introducing Teal’s most advanced program yet:
The Completion Process
Online Course

A LIVE, 9-week course designed for those ready to dive deep,  and emerge transformed.

Teal’s most advanced, in-depth program yet.

Are you ready to begin?
Yes, I’m Ready To Begin

Lifetime access. Risk-free 15-day money-back guarantee.
Unlock paths to personal authenticity, freedom, and profound healing like never before…

Delve into the depths of your unresolved issues, and embark on a journey of profound healing and self-discovery. Through The Completion Process, you'll reclaim your power and rewrite the narrative of your life, unlocking pathways to personal authenticity, freedom, and healing like never before.

You will heal the deepest wounds that’ve held you back from who you’re meant to be, and experience the bliss of peace and emotional freedom. Each step forward brings you closer to the realization that true healing is not just possible, but within your reach, waiting to be embraced.

… and forever reshape your entire reality in the process.

Embarking on this healing journey isn't just about addressing past wounds — it's about reshaping your entire reality.

By diving into the root causes of your suffering, you're not only liberating yourself from pain but setting the stage for profound transformation that ripples into every aspect of your life: from your relationships to your career, to your physical health.
Imagine a life where you:

→ Break free from life-long patterns in your relationships, career, and personal life.

→ Heal from deep-seated trauma – whether it's abuse, abandonment, unconscious parenting, or the weight of grief.

→ Embrace self-love and acceptance, nurturing yourself with compassion at every turn of your journey.

→ Integrate unresolved aspects within you, stepping into a more authentic and fulfilling life.

→ Heal your relationship wounds and attract compatible relationships.

→ Connect back with yourself and others.

→ Liberate yourself from emotional triggers, and no longer make an enemy of them.

→ Embrace a life of freedom where you shape your reality according to your deepest longings.
As you move forward, expect the people you attract, your perceptions, beliefs, choices, reactions, and experiences to shift.
This life is the result of integration and deep inner work. Yes, I'm In

Lifetime access. Risk-free 15-day money-back guarantee.
“This will free you from your past.”

“The Completion Process is a must for anyone who has experienced trauma of any kind. Teal Swan brilliantly provides us with the necessary information about how we become branded by highly charged emotional events and then, from personal experience, she offers us a true healing process by giving us the practical tools to apply to our lives. This will free you from your past.”
— Dr. Joe Dispenza, New York Times best-selling author of You ARE the Placebo
“Her extraordinary process will save you years of physiological and emotional struggle.”

“Teal does it again! Her extraordinary process will save you years of physiological and emotional struggle. She teaches you to go into your pain fearlessly instead of running from it and to find the causes and solutions to everything that keeps you from a fulfilling life. She will help you recover your soul and write a new story for your life!”
— Alberto Villoldo, Ph.D., best-selling author of One Spirit Medicine and Shaman, Healer, Sage
I've learned More from you, That HELPED, than 7 years of therapy!!!

“Thank you Teal. I've learned More from you, That HELPED, than 7 years of therapy!!! They never told me about this! Just gave me meds and told me I had PTSD!”
This process is something I can use for the rest of my life.

“I've gone through many avenues to find some kind of answer to my problems. This helped me do just that. The best part is that I can do it all on my own. The [CP Process] empowers you to take your happiness into your own hands and either choose to do the process on your own or with others. There are many steps, but it is not complicated.”
What is The Completion Process?

It’s the practice of putting yourself back together again.

The Completion Process is a transformative practice designed to address and heal the root of your suffering by resolving core traumas. This approach allows you to confront and integrate past emotional wounds that manifest as triggers, preventing you from living an empowered and fulfilling life.

The Completion Process invites you on a profound journey of self-exploration and self-restoration to reclaim the lost parts of you and return to a joyous life, no longer inhibited by the past or terrified of the future.

Embarking on this healing journey isn’t just about addressing past wounds. This process will set the stage for profound transformation that ripples into every aspect of your life.
The 12-step Completion Process:
01 Emotional Experiencing Allow yourself to sink into your emotional triggers so you can put a name to the feeling — without trying to change the feeling.
02 Inviting Memories to Surface Become consciously aware of the origin of your feelings.
03 Re-experiencing the Memory Re-experience your memory (this time fully experiencing it) as if for the first time.
04 Bring In the Adult Self Switch from witnessing to visualizing your adult self coming into the memory so your adult self can attend to your child self in whatever way is necessary.
05 Adult Self Provides the First Form of Resolve
Opportunity to re-parent and advocate for your child self to take your power back.
06 Call Back Any Fractured Aspects Once relief is felt, invite any long-lost fractured aspects of yourself to merge with the childhood self.
07 Create Resolution Within the Scene Mentally and emotionally experience the process of meeting your child self’s needs within the memory to resolve the distress being experienced within the memory.
08 Choice to Stay or Go Once you’ve met the child’s needs, give your child self the choice to stay within the now-altered memory, or go to your Safe Haven.
09 Enter Safe Haven and De-Activate Memory Take your child-self to the Safe Haven to create a sense of safety and to distance yourself from the memory.
10 Create Purification and Healing with The Healing Water Bathe your child self in healing water as a purifying and healing ritual to clear and create distance from the traumatic experience of their past.
11 Create Further Resolve In Safe Haven Meet more of your child-self’s needs for even more resolve from the traumatic experiences they’re now out of — this time within the Safe Haven.
12 The Choice to Stay or Merge Provide your inner child the option to stay in the Safe Haven or merge with you now. Either choice brings a sense of completion, offering integration, peace, and wholeness.
But remember...
Healing is a journey, not a destination.

While The Completion Process offers powerful tools for healing and transformation, it’s essential to understand that healing is a cyclical process that unfolds over time. There are no “quick fixes” or overnight solutions.

That said, the Completion Process does provide you with a proven framework — a tool that will serve you for the rest of your life. One that promises deep transformation if you commit to it.

If you're willing to commit to the process, to do the inner work required, then the rewards can be profound. The effects of healing will ripple through every aspect of your life, leading to greater clarity, fulfillment, and joy.

“When you become okay with the fact that you’re a masterpiece that’s always a work in progress, you will learn to find peace and joy in this continual expansion.

Rest assured, the better it gets, the better it gets.”
Teal Swan
“[If] your aliveness is stuck in the past, I encourage you to go on this ride.”

“If you’re hesitating to go on this healing journey and your aliveness is stuck in the past, I encourage you to go on this ride.”

Christine Dürschner
“The world is no longer a harsh place to live.”

“I’ve acquired a deep, solid sense of safety within myself. It changed everything for me. The world is no longer a harsh place to live.”

Paloma White
A personal invitation from Teal Swan.

Hello there,

Trauma affects every aspect of your life. We normalize and socialize it, but the roots of your suffering — from unhealthy relationships to depression to isolation — lie in unresolved trauma.

But what if I told you that the 'normal' human experience could be free of these cycles of suffering? That true healing is possible?

The lie we’ve been told is that we have to live fractured…

…but the truth is, we can be whole.

If you’re here, it’s because something deep within you called you to this space. And the fact that you listened to that internal calling towards this deep healing work, is the first step toward transformation.

This course is the container in which we’ll dive deep together into the recognition and healing of whatever is unresolved within you. It’s here that I’ll teach you about the Completion Process so that you can understand what it is, why it works, and how to do it.

It’s here that you will experience The Completion Process for yourself so you can unlock paths to personal authenticity, freedom, and profound healing like never before.

I’ve spent over a decade working with thousands of people, dedicating my life to exploring the depths of human suffering and transformation. My journey, through my own traumatic experiences, has not only contributed greatly to my understanding but also my mission — to reduce the suffering of the human collective.

And now, I’m here to teach this process to you.

I want to personally thank you for taking this step towards healing, not just yourself, but contributing to a world in a state of wholeness.

I look forward to seeing you on this transformative path.

With love,
Teal Swan
Yes, Sign Me Up!

Old Price: $299.90
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