Story Engines Nick Stephenson & Joe Nassise

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Free Story Engines Nick Stephenson & Joe Nassise



A few months ago, I shared the story of an author from Phoenix, AZ, who had developed a system for writing a novel within 60 days.

Joseph Nassise - a New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of over 30 novels - showed us how his blueprint took him from writing one book a year to five or six books a year - helping him grow his readership and exposure by tens of thousands of loyal fans and over 1,000,000 books in print (both traditionally published and self-published).

Once people saw Joe's approach, they went crazy (good crazy) and bombarded me with questions - specifically, how can Joe produce such top-quality novels in such a short time and keep readers coming back for more?

After hearing this question again and again, I reached out to Joe and asked him to share every little detail of exactly how he did it - and how you can use his process for your own books.

This is Joe's story...


Hi, Joe Nassise here.

I’m a New York Times and USA Today international bestselling fiction author and writing coach with more than a million copies of my books in print around the world.

Nick and I developed the Story Engines training to help other authors understand the power that exists inside their stories and how they can use that power to grow and expand their writing careers.

Taken from over 10 years of publishing experience and over 40 books written - both traditionally published and self-published - the Story Engines "bestseller blueprint" will help you write faster, produce better drafts, and keep your readers coming back for more - time and time again.

All of which - of course - means more readers and more sales for you.

Have you ever thought to yourself, "How does that author sell so many books? Mine are just as good!" or "What makes that book so special?" or "How does that author find enough hours in the day?" I know I have. I didn't start out a New York Times bestseller, I assure you.

I struggled to write even one full-length book a year when I started out, needing multiple drafts on each one to get the story right - rather than using that time to produce additional manuscripts and building my audience - meaning I missed out on that extra income and exposure.

But after a couple of years of writing and publishing books, and still not having anywhere near the sales I needed to be able to make a living – never mind a comfortable one – with my work, I knew I had to do something. I saw other authors’ books performing significantly ahead of mine, and I thought to myself: “I know my books are at least as good as these – why am I struggling so much?”

My reviews, when I got them, were good. People genuinely liked my work, but it took me too long to produce it at the quality level I desired (and the work deserved!) I needed to do something, but I didn't know what. I was so frustrated.

So I decided to make a change. And Story Engines was born.


I spent months learning to change my approach - going through a "mad scientist phase" to find out what works. Rather than focusing on the mechanics of the process, I looked at the "whys" behind it.

In other words: why did I like that particular novel or that specific movie? What was it about that story that drew me in and kept me entertained, often for hours at a time?

Then, once I knew the answers to those questions, I developed a system to incorporate those elements and details into my own work - as efficiently as possible.

Once I had a plan and a process to do that, I set out to make sure it was replicable. I didn't want to do it just once – I didn't want to be a one-hit wonder.

What I wanted was a system I could use every time I sat down to start a new project, ensuring my success long before the book was ready for my readers.

Once I learned to focus on the right things (and ignore everything else) my entire writing career changed.

I went from writing a single novel a year to writing four, sometimes five or six full-length projects.

I went from working with one publisher to working with 4 in the U.S. alone, never mind the foreign translations sales that suddenly started coming my way.

A few short months later, I quit my day job in the information technology industry to become a full-time author.

Ten years later, I have more than 38 novels in my name from multiple publishers around the world, on top of an internationally successful series that I independently self-published myself.

Bottom line: once I learned what I'm going to show you inside Story Engines, I was able to spend all day doing what I love, with the people I love.

If you could do the same, what would that mean for you?


It doesn’t matter whether you write thrillers, mysyteries, romance, science-fiction, horror, fantasy, LGBT novels, or paranormal westerns about an evil unicorn named Brutus, narrative non-fiction, or anything else you can think of – this system works.

It works because you are finally able to do justice to the story you are trying to tell, which in turn attracts the type of readers that will devour your work, time and time again, delivering the sales you need to build a lasting career.

The best part? It isn’t a crazy complicated system that takes months to master. All you need are seven key elements arranged in the right order and a willingness to implement what I'll show you.

In short, you will finally have a way to produce stories that you can be proud of in less time than you’ve ever needed before, without all the wasted rewrites and hours upon hours of editing.

And you can do it again and again and again…

I’ve developed a system you can use that works – regardless of the types or genres of books you write.


Making Money Doing What He Loves:

“Working with Joe helped me rediscover the writer’s voice I thought I had lost from years of being in a different industry. He was also correct in convincing me that my voice and style is marketable… I have the cheques now to prove it!”

— Ken Lillie-Paetz, Joe's coaching student & author of the Elsinore comics

Award Winning Fiction and Publishing Deals:

“Joe helped me understand plot loopholes, why some things worked and others didn’t, and why I should keep believing in my vision, which, I think, is the biggest thing a writer wants.

Exactly one year later, I have three agent offers for my manuscript, all with decent publishing houses. Had it not been for Joe, my current reality might have been quite different.”

— Hugo Award & Nebula Award nominee, British Fantasy & Bram Stoker Award Winner Usman Malik, one of Joe's coaching students.

From Blank Page to Published in Just 2 Months:

"I started watching [one of Joe's videos] while on holiday. Two months on, guess what? My book goes live tomorrow! Thanks to the fab advice was easier to write and in my opinion loads better than my first book."

— El Edwards, author of the Gloddfa Bont Romantic Comedies and the Charlie Diamond Mysteries - taken from Joe's "The 60 Day Author - Planning, Plotting, and Structure" video class

The 7 Key Elements of Blockbuster Storytelling

Every good story - from the wildest sci-fi romps to the grittiest crime dramas, steamiest romances, and most exciting adventures - is made up of 7 key elements: 4 distinct phases and 3 game-changing moments.

When you implement the Story Engines system, you'll see just how easy it is to use this blueprint to come up with new ideas quickly, turn those ideas into compelling narratives, and structure, plan, plot and write your books in record time.

And, because you've put the Story Engines system in place, your drafts will be better - requiring less work - and, more importantly, your stories will connect with readers on a deep emotional level.

All of which means you'll write faster, more effectively, with less stress, and have readers begging you for more. And when you put our marketing systems in place, you'll find new readers coming to you daily - meaning more exposure and sales for you.

Do you ever wish there were more hours in the day for your writing? Do you spend too much time writing and rewriting and rewriting again just to find the heart of your story? Do you find yourself getting partway through a draft only to abandon it in the middle, uncertain of where you are going or just what to write next? After you've finished your book, do you think to yourself, "What do I do next?"

I know I did. At least, until I figured out the power of a story told in just the right fashion. Once I did, my production exploded - without increasing the amount of time I spent on projects - and readers were devouring my books in droves. Since then, I haven't looked back.

And guess what? I'm going to show you exactly how you can do the same. No "fluffy bunny" thinking here, only proven, ethical, and easy-to-replicate techniques that will allow you to write better stories faster– putting you in direct control of your success.

Nick and I will also show you proven and ethical marketing systems to find thousands of new readers - helping you market and sell your work without resorting to "scammy" tactics or spending all your time on social media.

In short - whatever stage you're at, we've got your detailed step-by-step writing, publishing, and marketing plan ready and waiting for you inside the Story Engines training program.


The Story Engines premium training is a 12 module step-by-step digital course that walks you through exactly how to go from "blank page" to "bestseller" in as little as 60 days. Inside the training program, we'll show you:

1. An easy way to come up with dozens of original story ideas - whatever genre you write

2. How to expand those ideas into a fully fledged premise and book outline, without wondering "what do I write next?"

3. A detailed roadmap to turn your premise into a detailed story structure and framework - giving you a full breakdown of every scene you need to write and every character you need to flesh out

4. The 7 key elements of blockbuster story writing - how to "fill in the gaps" and create a compelling narrative to "hang" on your structure, helping you quickly write books that readers will devour in droves (and keep them coming back for more)

5. The Path to Publication - how to get your manuscript ready for prime time... whether you choose to go the traditionally published route, or self-publish independently, we'll break down everything you need to do to get your new books onto the shelves.

6. Marketing and World Domination - Nick will break down the exact process I used (and nearly 3,000 of his students used) to find thousands of new readers, helping get you the exposure, visibility, and sales you need to make a dramatic change in your author career.

In other words... no matter what genre you write and regardless of your experience, we've got your "bestseller blueprint" ready and waiting. All you need to do is implement what Nick and I will teach you.

Here's a look inside the course:

The Story Engines training is presented in detailed, step-by-step, HD instructional videos covering everything you need to get you from "blank page" to "bestseller" in as little as 60 days. Inside, I'll show you how to use the 7 step structure of blockbuster storytelling - 4 key phases and 3 game-changing moments - to create books that readers can't put down. Here is how the training material breaks down:


Module 1: Wired For Story - how to make your books resonate with readers on an emotional level and keep them coming back for more

Module 2: 3 Story Elements You Can't Live Without - Intro to the building blocks of your book: Premise, Conflict, & Structure

Module 3: The Art of Story Structure - how Blockbusters are put together, & the 7 step process you need to use to write them

Module 4: We're Not in Kansas Anymore. Detailed breakdown of the "Preparation Phase", the cornerstone of your entire story

Module 5: And all Hell Broke Loose. A deep-dive into Game Changing Moment #1, or "the reason why your characters exist"

Module 6: Like a Chicken with its Head Cut off. Here, I'll show you The Reactive Phase, and why this is so important for your characters

Module 7: Peek Behind the Curtain. I'll explain Game Changing Moment #2 & how to drive your narrative forward

Module 8: Taking the Battle to the Enemy. I'll unveil The Proactive Phase & how to use it to keep readers hooked until the end

Module 9: An Eye Opening Revelation. I'll show you Game Changing Moment #3 and how to dramatically raise the stakes

Module 10: Once More into the Breach. How to use The Conclusion Phase to end strong & get readers begging for more

Module 11: The Planning Process (Part 1). Writing a book can often seem overwhelming - here's a simple way to break it down

Module 12: The Planning Process (Part 2). How to pull everything together to plan, plot, structure, & write your book in record time.

You've used the Story Engines blueprint to write your next - or your first - book... but what happens next? We've put together these exclusive bonuses to take you from "draft" to "published and making sales", whether you choose the traditionally published route, or you decide to self-publish independently.

Here's what we've got lined up for you when you enroll today:


Ok, let's break it down. To be a successful author, you only need two things:

(1) Great books

(2) An audience of fans to sell to

Focusing on just one of those things is only part of the story. After all, if you're releasing book after book into a black void, who's going to read them?

Now that you've written your next blockbuster using the Story Engines system, it's time to show you the next steps - how to publish and how to sell.

Whether you choose to go the traditionally published route or self-published, we've got you covered with these bonuses. Here's what's in store when you enroll today:


Ok, so you've finished your first draft. Now What?

It's time to decide which path to publication you'd like to follow. Will you go the traditional route and submit to agents and publishers?

Or will you go the self-published route and do it all yourself?

You may even decide to do both - submit some books to publishing houses and publish some yourself.

Whichever route you're thinking of, we've got you covered. In this bonus session, we'll show you the pros and cons of each option to help you decide which is best for you, and, more importantly, we'll give you a step-by-step roadmap to get your books onto the shelves (whether digital or physical or both).

The publishing process can be overwhelming... so let us break it down for you. Within a couple of hours, you'll be ahead of 99% of everyone else.


Let's face it - even the best books in the world won't find success unless there is an audience ready and waiting to read it.

So many authors confuse "marketing hacks" like trying to scam the Amazon algorithms - or "busy for the sake of busy" approaches like building a Twitter following and hanging out on social media - with REAL marketing.

Effective marketing means only three things: Finding readers, getting readers to stick around, and learning how to "sell" to readers without being "sleazy".

I've developed a three-step formula to take the stress out of marketing your books. It's the exact process I - and thousands of my students - have used to attract tens of thousands of loyal, repeat readers and sell hundreds of thousands of books.

In this bonus session I'll break down this formula for you, and show you the only three marketing activities you need to worry about - meaning better results for you, with less time spent going crazy on social media or spending $$$ on ads.


The most effective studies are undertaken as part of a group – so we've got you covered with lifetime access to the customers-only Facebook group, where hundreds of other authors are there to help you succeed.

The 10k Readers team, as well as Joe and I are active on the group every day – so you’ll get the help and support you need to overcome your biggest hurdles, increase your effectiveness, and smash through your writing goals.

This group is the perfect place to find an accountability partner, a "manuscript swap" partner, and a forum for you to discuss ideas, celebrate wins, and take your networking to a whole new level.

We don't believe anyone should be in this alone - and we know from extensive testing that active members of our community get disproporationate results.


The Resource Vault: Want to see how the Story Engines system has been used in real life? We've put together a selection of published books and we'll show you how they break down into the 7 key elements we'll teach you.

Tools of the Trade: Any software you might need to use to get your books planned, plotted, formatted, compiled, distributed - and any marketing tools you might need to master - we'll show you step-by-step how to make them work hard for you.

Unlimited technical support: If you're struggling at any time to access your material or bonuses, or if you need to reach someone, our support desk is staffed by trained agents waiting to lend a helping hand to get you on the right track, fast

The Ultimate Cheat Sheet: if you ever need a handy reference guide to revisit your training material, we've compiled the entire training program into one easy-to-digest reference "cheat sheet". You can download, view online, or print it out.

If you choose to upgrade your enrollment and join our Advanced Class, we've got three enhanced options for you, ready instantly when you enroll today:

One on One Email Coaching from a NYT Bestseller: Any time you need personal support or guidance on your journey, or in implementing the material, or even if you're stuck on a chapter, you can contact Joe for his direct support and advice for the first 90 days of enrollment.

Written Feedback and Developmental Critique: Once you've designed your premise, scene list, and story outline, Joe will provide written developmental edits and feedback for you to help you spot developmental issues early on, and give your book the best chance at success first time (including free followup and revisions via email where needed).

Your Marketing Rolodex-of-Awesome: 12 Months' Access to The Dream Team Network Marketing Service: Join hundreds of other authors in your genre and team up to grow your email list, your readership, and make more sales together with our exclusive network of authors, marketing experts and practitioners.

Join unlimited promos for no extra charge and get your book(s) into the hands of hundreds or even thousands of new readers monthly. Access includes 90 minutes of in-depth marketing training and membership of the community for 12 months.


“Tonight, I watched the first video with Joe Nassise on going from idea to plotted novel... 3 hours later I have a fully plotted novel! All this after I haven't written for 6 months.”

— Chele Cook, author of Science Fiction and Fantasy, from Joe's "The 60 Day Author - Planning, Plotting & Structure" Video Class

I spent a lot of time and money seriously looking for a course that would help me establish a story structure that made sense to me and really explained the process in a way that was very accessible and repeatable.

Story Engines accomplished that far beyond my expectations. It's an excellent system that's easily tailored to any writer's needs. It is THE BEST money I've spent on my education as a writer, and I've been at this professionally for well over a decade.

It's a killer course. Get it!

— Fran Friel, two-time Bram Stoker Award Finalist and Winner of the Black Quill Award

"Story Engines is not just for novice writers. It can revolutionize any writer's process. Before I bought the Story Engines course, I had written--and edited--eight novels.

I wrote my ninth novel using the Story Engines process. That novel drafted faster and was easier to edit than anything else I've written so far. Story Engines is one of the best investments I've made in my writing career.

Do this. It will save you time and hair-pulling frustration, plus it will enable you to make more money."

— Catie Rhodes, author of author of the Peri Jean Mace Series

We like to take care of our students (that's you) so we've added a few extras for you - JUST for this launch. When you enroll before the deadline, we will also include our "Webinar Special Bonus Package" which contains:

Full access to Nick’s “Your First Six Figure Launch” marketing course (worth $297) which will show you the principles behind several top #100 Amazon book launches, as well as how to launch *anything* (including books, courses, software, etc) including email swipe copy and real-life examples. These are the exact principles I use in my business.

Full access to Nick’s “Author Marketing Machine” course (worth $197) a program that dives deep into how to set up automated marketing systems to help grow your audience on autopilot - so you have a ready-and-waiting audience growing in the background while you finish your book (worth $197)

For Advanced Level Students: in addition to the above, for Advanced Level Students, we are extending the current 90 days of personal email coaching from Joe to a FULL YEAR of access. That's an extra 275 days of one-on-one support and teaching to help you implement the material and smash your writing goals as quickly as possible - when you enroll at the "Advanced" level (this bonus worth $497).

These special bonuses will be automatically credited to your account instantly.

Because your success matters, we want to overdeliver and reward students who join us inside the program before the deadline with these extra bonuses.


Whichever option you choose, all students get full technical support from our trained support desk and 24/7 student support from our exclusive Facebook Group - where other students going through the same material meet and help each other succeed. Both Joe and I are also in there daily, to give you a helping hand where needed.

And because Joe and I stand by this training 100%, and because we want to help you write, publish, and earn back your investment as quickly as possible, we also offer a 100% no-questions-asked money-back guarantee for the first 30 days of enrollment.

If you join the program and don't believe the material is a good fit for you, simply email our support team and we'll issue you a prompt and curteous refund - no questions asked and no hurt feelings. We want you to be able to safely preview our system for 30 days to decide if it's right for you - it's only fair.

So, when you choose one of the enrollment options below for instant access to everything we've shown you today, we'll make sure you get the support you need to succeed - and a 100% guarantee for 30 days.

The Story Engines premium training is your blueprint to go from "blank page" to "bestseller". We'll teach you the 7 key elements of blockbuster writing, we'll show you how to pull it all together to write your book in as little as 60 days, we'll show you how to publish it, and we'll show you how to find new readers and how to sell (without being sleazy).

Essentially, Story Engines is your A-Z of writing and publishing - either as an independent self-published author, or as a traditionally published author. The strategies are the same whatever stage you're at, whatever genre you write, and whatever publishing route you choose to take.

It all comes down to those two things:

(1) Writing great books - as effectively as possible

(2) Building an engaged audience to sell to.

We'll show you exactly how to do both inside the Story Engines premium training program. And here are some more examples of students who have been through Nick's marketing training courses and got amazing results:

TRIPLED HER PLATFORM: "Within a few weeks, my fiction fanbase more than tripled – and conversion rates on my non-fiction website improved by over 50%. And with over 80,000 visitors a month, that makes a big difference!

I recommend Nick's course if you're just starting out, OR if you're ready to take your author platform to the next level.”

Joanna Penn, New York Times & USA Today Bestselling Author of Fiction and Non-Fiction.

RECORD-BREAKING INDIE LAUNCH: "Nick's system helped me more than triple my email list. I rarely endorse anyone, ever, for much of anything.

I'd gladly pay whatever it cost to take my launch to a new level. His approach did. I see no reason it wouldn't work for other authors, either established or not. Consider this an endorsement. That should speak volumes."

Russell Blake, New York Times & USA Today Bestselling Author

AUTOMATED HIS MARKETING: "Following Nick Stephenson's techniques and spot-on, always humorous coaching I was able to increase my author platform four fold in about as many months...

And this is while simultaneously writing two books and negotiating a publishing contract.”

Matthew Iden, Bestselling Author of The Marty Singer series of Thrillers

And while the above testimonials are from Nick's marketing courses, some of the key strategies these students used to get results are waiting for you inside Story Engines - helping take your latest book and get it into the hands of new readers.

So, now you're thinking to yourself, "What's the next step?"

To enroll in the full Story Engines premium training and take your first steps toward a comprehensive writing, publishing, and marketing system, you just need to choose an enrollment level below.

We have two different options, tailored specifically to get you the best results as fast as possible (so you can earn back your money and meet your goals ASAP). Each of the two levels comes with a 12 month payment plan and a 30-day guarantee as standard, and yes - you get full access to everything when you enroll.


12 core modules: Joe will walk you through the 7 key elements of blockbuster story-writing and how to go from "I have no idea for a book" to "finished manuscript" in as little as 60 days

Bonus 1: The Path to Publication - Joe and Nick will take you on an over-the-shoulder journey and show you how to get your books into stores, whether you choose to go the traditionally published route or choose to self-publish.

Bonus 2: The Three-Step Formula to Grow Your Readership & Sales - Nick will show you the simple formula he (and nearly 3,000 of his students) used to grow an audience of 70,000 readers and launch his books into the top 100 on Amazon (without being sleazy).

Bonus 3: Your Networking and Support Community - meet and connect with other authors going through the material, get help implementing the course material and 24/7 student support with our private Facebook community.

Unlimited Technical Support - got a problem? No problem! Email our trained support desk and we'll get you on the right track, fast.

Resources Vault - we'll show you how the Story Engines system was used in these published books and break down exactly how this system was used in real life to get great results.

Tools of the Trade - if you need to use software to get your books written, published, or marketed, we'll share our screens and break down the best choices for you and show you exactly how to get the results you need.

The Ultimate Cheat Sheet - we've broken down the Story Engines sytem into an easy-to-digest reference document, so you can revisit the training whenever you choose, focus on the parts that matter to you right now, and never get overwhelmed.

30-Day 100% Money-Back Gurantee - if you preview the material and don't think it's a good fit for you, simply email our support team for a prompt and curteous refund, no questions asked.

Advanced Level: One-on-One Email Coaching from a NYT Bestseller: Any time you need personal support or guidance on your journey, or in implementing the material, or even if you're stuck on a chapter, you can contact Joe for his direct support and advice for the first 90 days of enrollment.

Advanced Level: Detailed Written Feedback and Critique: Once you've designed your premise and story outline, Joe will provide written feedback for you - personalized to your own writing - to help you spot developmental issues early on, and give your book the best chance at success first time.

Advanced Level: 12 Months' Access to The Dream Team Network Marketing Service: Join hundreds of other authors in your genre and team up to grow your email list, your readership, and make more sales together with our exclusive network of author marketing experts and practitioners - join unlimited promos for no extra charge

$49 per month for 12 months


Or save $91 and Pay in Full


12 core modules: Joe will walk you through the 7 key elements of blockbuster story-writing and how to go from "I have no idea for a book" to "finished manuscript" in as little as 60 days

Bonus 1: The Path to Publication - Joe and Nick will take you on an over-the-shoulder journey and show you how to get your books into stores, whether you choose to go the traditionally published route or choose to self-publish.

Bonus 2: The Three-Step Formula to Grow Your Readership & Sales - Nick will show you the simple formula he (and nearly 3,000 of his students) used to grow an audience of 70,000 readers and launch his books into the top 100 on Amazon (without being sleazy).

Bonus 3: Your Networking and Support Community - meet and connect with other authors going through the material, get help implementing the course material and 24/7 student support with our private Facebook community.

Unlimited Technical Support - got a problem? No problem! Email our trained support desk and we'll get you on the right track, fast.

Resources Vault - we'll show you how the Story Engines system was used in these published books and break down exactly how this system was used in real life to get great results.

Tools of the Trade - if you need to use software to get your books written, published, or marketed, we'll share our screens and break down the best choices for you and show you exactly how to get the results you need.

The Ultimate Cheat Sheet - we've broken down the Story Engines sytem into an easy-to-digest reference document, so you can revisit the training whenever you choose, focus on the parts that matter to you right now, and never get overwhelmed.

30-Day 100% Money-Back Gurantee - if you preview the material and don't think it's a good fit for you, simply email our support team for a prompt and curteous refund, no questions asked.

Advanced Level: One-on-One Email Coaching from a NYT Bestseller: Any time you need personal support or guidance on your journey, or in implementing the material, or even if you're stuck on a chapter, you can contact Joe for his direct support and advice for the first 90 days 365 days of enrollment.

Advanced Level: Detailed Written Feedback and Critique: Once you've designed your premise and story outline, Joe will provide written feedback for you - personalized to your own writing - to help you spot developmental issues early on, and give your book the best chance at success first time.

Advanced Level: 12 Months' Access to The Dream Team Network Marketing Service: Join hundreds of other authors in your genre and team up to grow your email list, your readership, and make more sales together with our exclusive network of author marketing experts and practitioners - join unlimited promos for no extra charge

$97 per month for 12 months


Or save $167 and Pay in Full

I Write Romance, Thrillers, Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Christian Fiction... [INSERT GENRE HERE] - Will This Work For Me?

Yes! The Story Engines process is NOT genre specific.

So long as you write fiction (any type) or narrative non-fiction (eg: memoirs, parables, biographies, true stories, etc) then this system will help you develop a book that will hook readers from the beginning and keep them coming back for more.

Is this Course just for Self-Published Authors or is it for Traditionally Published Authors? Does it Matter?

It doesn't matter!

Whether you're self-published, traditionally published, or a mix of both (even if you haven't written or published anything yet) this material is designed for you. And remember, in our bonus "Path to Publication" sessions, we'll show you how to publish your work via either - or both - routes.

I'm Technophobic and Hate having to deal with tons of confusing software. Will I need to learn lots of new systems?

No - Story Engines is first and foremost designed to help you start and finish, publish, and sell your manuscript and make it the best it can be, in as little time as possible - this is not a course about technology.

And while we do recommend a few software tools which might make your life easier, you a free to use whatever you are comfortable with (pen + paper if you like!)

How Long Will the Course Take to Complete?

We recommend around 1-2 hours per week to watch the material and 2-4 hours per week to complete the implementation.

Though if you prefer to move slower, or faster, we can accommodate you. Some students have been known to complete first drafts within a couple of weeks, while many will take longer.

We prefer that you work at your own speed and work with us and the community where and when you need support and guidance.

What Makes "Story Engines" Difference from Other Courses?

There are dozens of courses out there which teach snippets of writing technique, or a handful of marketing "hacks" that only work for 5 minutes.

Story Engines is a complete, A-Z program that has been developed over 10+ years and is responsible for over 1,000,000 books in print, has helped authors win awards like The Nebula and Bram Stoker prizes, and is the only program that offers world-class material AND in-depth personal support to help you write the books you always wanted to write, get them pubished to the highest standard, and get them into the hands of die-hard fans.

Do I get Access to Everything? Do I have to show up Live?

You get access to 100% of the course material with your first payment - we don't hold anything back.

And everything is pre-recorded and ready for you. Meaning you can access it whenever you like, go at your own pace, and get help and support when and where you need it.

We've also got our rock-solid 30 Day Guarantee - so you can "test drive" the material for 30 days for no risk. If you decide it's not for you, just tell us and we'll offer a prompt and courteous refund - no questions asked.

You know, in case you skipped all the way to the bottom

Supercharged Speed: “Tonight, I watched the first video with Joe Nassise on going from idea to plotted novel... 3 hours later I have a fully plotted novel! All this after I haven't written for 6 months.”

— Chele Cook, author of Science Fiction and Fantasy, from Joe's "The 60 Day Author - Planning, Plotting & Structure" Video Class

Award Winning Fiction and Publishing Deals: “Joe helped me understand plot loopholes, why some things worked and others didn’t. I have three agent offers for my manuscript, all with decent publishing houses. Had it not been for Joe, my current reality might have been quite different.”

— Hugo Award & Nebula Award nominee, British Fantasy & Bram Stoker Award Winner Usman Malik, one of Joe's coaching students.

Making Money Doing What He Loves: “Working with Joe helped me rediscover the writer’s voice I thought I had lost from years of being in a different industry. He was also correct in convincing me that my voice and style is marketable… I have the cheques now to prove it!”

— Ken Lillie-Paetz, Joe's coaching student & author of the Elsinore comics.

"I started watching [one of Joe's videos] while on holiday. Two months on, guess what? My book goes live tomorrow! Thanks to the fab advice was easier to write and in my opinion loads better than my first book."

— El Edwards, from Joe's "The 60 Day Author - Planning, Plotting, and Structure" video class

“It's an excellent system that's easily tailored to any writer's needs. It is THE BEST money I've spent on my education as a writer, and I've been at this professionally for well over a decade. It's a killer course. Get it!"

— Fran Friel, two-time Bram Stoker Award Finalist and Winner of the Black Quill Award

"I wrote my ninth novel using the Story Engines process. That novel drafted faster and was easier to edit than anything else I've written so far. Story Engines is one of the best investments I've made in my writing career."

— Catie Rhodes, author of author of the Peri Jean Mace Series


12 core modules: Joe will walk you through the 7 key elements of blockbuster story-writing and how to go from "I have no idea for a book" to "finished manuscript" in as little as 60 days

Bonus 1: The Path to Publication - Joe and Nick will take you on an over-the-shoulder journey and show you how to get your books into stores, whether you choose to go the traditionally published route or choose to self-publish.

Bonus 2: The Three-Step Formula to Grow Your Readership & Sales - Nick will show you the simple formula he (and nearly 3,000 of his students) used to grow an audience of 70,000 readers and launch his books into the top 100 on Amazon (without being sleazy).

Bonus 3: Your Networking and Support Community - meet and connect with other authors going through the material, get help implementing the course material and 24/7 student support with our private Facebook community.

Unlimited Technical Support - got a problem? No problem! Email our trained support desk and we'll get you on the right track, fast.

Resources Vault - we'll show you how the Story Engines system was used in these published books and break down exactly how this system was used in real life to get great results.

Tools of the Trade - if you need to use software to get your books written, published, or marketed, we'll share our screens and break down the best choices for you and show you exactly how to get the results you need.

The Ultimate Cheat Sheet - we've broken down the Story Engines sytem into an easy-to-digest reference document, so you can revisit the training whenever you choose, focus on the parts that matter to you right now, and never get overwhelmed.

30-Day 100% Money-Back Gurantee - if you preview the material and don't think it's a good fit for you, simply email our support team for a prompt and curteous refund, no questions asked.

Advanced Level: One-on-One Email Coaching from a NYT Bestseller: Any time you need personal support or guidance on your journey, or in implementing the material, or even if you're stuck on a chapter, you can contact Joe for his direct support and advice for the first 90 days of enrollment.

Advanced Level: Detailed Written Feedback and Critique: Once you've designed your premise and story outline, Joe will provide written feedback for you - personalized to your own writing - to help you spot developmental issues early on, and give your book the best chance at success first time.

Advanced Level: 12 Months' Access to The Dream Team Network Marketing Service: Join hundreds of other authors in your genre and team up to grow your email list, your readership, and make more sales together with our exclusive network of author marketing experts and practitioners - join unlimited promos for no extra charge

$49 per month for 12 months


Or save $91 and Pay in Full


12 core modules: Joe will walk you through the 7 key elements of blockbuster story-writing and how to go from "I have no idea for a book" to "finished manuscript" in as little as 60 days

Bonus 1: The Path to Publication - Joe and Nick will take you on an over-the-shoulder journey and show you how to get your books into stores, whether you choose to go the traditionally published route or choose to self-publish.

Bonus 2: The Three-Step Formula to Grow Your Readership & Sales - Nick will show you the simple formula he (and nearly 3,000 of his students) used to grow an audience of 70,000 readers and launch his books into the top 100 on Amazon (without being sleazy).

Bonus 3: Your Networking and Support Community - meet and connect with other authors going through the material, get help implementing the course material and 24/7 student support with our private Facebook community.

Unlimited Technical Support - got a problem? No problem! Email our trained support desk and we'll get you on the right track, fast.

Resources Vault - we'll show you how the Story Engines system was used in these published books and break down exactly how this system was used in real life to get great results.

Tools of the Trade - if you need to use software to get your books written, published, or marketed, we'll share our screens and break down the best choices for you and show you exactly how to get the results you need.

The Ultimate Cheat Sheet - we've broken down the Story Engines sytem into an easy-to-digest reference document, so you can revisit the training whenever you choose, focus on the parts that matter to you right now, and never get overwhelmed.

30-Day 100% Money-Back Gurantee - if you preview the material and don't think it's a good fit for you, simply email our support team for a prompt and curteous refund, no questions asked.

Advanced Level: One-on-One Email Coaching from a NYT Bestseller: Any time you need personal support or guidance on your journey, or in implementing the material, or even if you're stuck on a chapter, you can contact Joe for his direct support and advice for the first 90 days 365 days of enrollment.

Advanced Level: Detailed Written Feedback and Critique: Once you've designed your premise and story outline, Joe will provide written feedback for you - personalized to your own writing - to help you spot developmental issues early on, and give your book the best chance at success first time.

Advanced Level: 12 Months' Access to The Dream Team Network Marketing Service: Join hundreds of other authors in your genre and team up to grow your email list, your readership, and make more sales together with our exclusive network of author marketing experts and practitioners - join unlimited promos for no extra charge

Old Price: $59.90

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