Six Figure Inc by Dirk “Diggy”

Six Figure Inc by Dirk “Diggy”

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Old Price: $49.90

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Attn: Anyone who wants to make more money and quit trading time for dollars…

“Finally! How To build a profitable online business…
…even if you don’t have an existing audience, a bunch of testimonials, or even any marketing experience.“

Yes Diggy, I'm In! (Click Here To Join Six Figure Inc.)

(It’s never been so easy to make (great) money working from anywhere in the world with just your laptop.

I want to show YOU how to do this, using simple strategies such as email marketing, affiliate marketing, and digital product creation that ANYONE can do).
From the desk of Dirk “Diggy” de Bruin:

Dear struggling online marketer,

If you want to build a profitable online business, start generating money in as little as the next 24 hours, or even if you just want to keep your confidence and sanity throughout the entire process, then this is the most important letter you’ll read all year!

Here’s why…

In today’s world, not having enough money limits your freedom, your choices and your opportunities for you and your loved ones dramatically!

My name is Dirk (a.k.a. Diggy) and I’ve built multiple 6 figure / year online businesses in the last few years.

You may be wondering a little about how I came to be here with you today.

Let me tell you a quick story about how not too long ago I was broke (in debt actually), without any formal education (no degree) and didn’t see light at the end of the tunnel.
Hundreds of Dollars, Thousands of Hours, and Making LESS than Minimum Wage

Back in 2008 at 22 years old, I was introduced to online marketing through a very good friend. I’d been trying (and failing) for years to make money online. I’d tried every possible method, with very little success.

Back then, the main method I tried was blogging. “Start a blog, write good content and you’ll make money.”

At least, that’s what all the experts said.

So I started a blog in the personal development niche and spend two years writing hundreds of blog posts, dozens of guest posts and poured my heart and soul into trying to promote products as an affiliate.

I even created my own ebooks to sell (which took months to create.)

How did I do? Well, from the outside, you’d said I was successful. I was able to build an email list of 10,000 subscribers and generate 100,000 visits per month. But here’s the kicker – the most money I ever made from all this effort and hard work was $1000 per month.

If you count the hours that went in for the money it made, it was way less than minimum wage. Probably pennies per hour. So I sold the blog.

My next stop was affiliate marketing, where I figured that if I promoted other people’s (already successful) products as an affiliate, I would make a commission for every sale I generated, and be rich in no time.

Again, I put months and months of effort into trying to make this affiliate marketing model work.

I was struggling to make more than a couple hundred dollars per month online, while putting in 8+ hours a day!.

And I was getting more and more frustrated and feeling more and more hopeless.

Then something terrible happened in my personal life…
Goodbye 6-Figure Dream, Hello Supermarket Assistant.

My girlfriend of 2 years who I was crazy about, broke up with me …

I couldn’t concentrate on my online projects, I had no drive, no determination, and that little bit of money I was making online?

It stopped coming in completely.

As you can imagine, I was in bad shape and desperate, but I wasn’t ready to give up on my dream of making money online and having the freedom to live on my own terms.

Money was way too tight, and so I resorted to writing up a CV in Microsoft Word, printing out 50 copies and spending my days walking into as many retail shops as I could, asking for a job and leaving my CV.

As if it wasn’t embarrassing enough having to beg and plead for an entry-level retail job that takes virtually no skills whatsoever, I was being told that I wasn’t right for pretty much everything I applied for, and that I needed to gain more experience before I should bother coming to them again.

But I persevered. I simply had to start generating an income somehow, even if it meant giving up on my dreams of the high-earning, digital nomad entrepreneur lifestyle.

Eventually, my efforts paid off and I landed an interview at a local supermarket for the position of “Team Leader”. It sounds fancy, but it was still an entry-level job. However, beggars can’t be choosers, so I took the job and started the next day.

To make matters worse, on the way back from accepting the job, I had a bicycle accident and ended up dislocating my thumb and being taken to hospital by ambulance, which cost me $800 I didn’t even have.

Starting work the next day (with a cast on), it didn’t take me more than a few hours to realize how much I hated what I was doing, and that I wanted to quit…ASAP. There’s nothing wrong with working a normal job, but being told what to do and how to do it for minimal pay wasn’t my cup of tea.

I decided to quit as soon as I could, which was exactly 30 days after I started.

During that time though, something cool happened.

I’d carried on with affiliate marketing in my free time, and, whether by luck or judgement, (or just sheer hard work and persistence) I managed to scrape together $10,000.

I had breathing room.

I had a lifeline.
“This” Got Me One Step Closer To Success…

Have you heard of SEO?

If you’re reading this, you’re probably aware of what it is to a degree. But it’s a way of ranking a website higher up in search engines, so it gets more hits and more business.

After doing some very rudimentary research and basic study, I got pretty good at SEO, pretty quick, and, within the space of a month or two, was able to get local businesses to pay me for SEO.

They threw me some cash, I did my thing, and got their site to rank highly in Google for specific keywords. My first success story was with a lawyer paying me $1000 per month.

While working for multiple clients, I realized that I was sitting on valuable information and strategies that others would love to know.

These were goldmines. The ability to make good money, easily, was staggering. And the best part?

They were largely untapped.

While most were still focusing on blogging and affiliate marketing as I’d been, SEO was massively under the radar.

I’d connected my best friend and talented blogger Glen, and together we put together a training product where we shared our knowledge about SEO and rankings sites. We called it Backlinks XXX (it no longer exists) and launched it to our audience.

At that point, everything changed!

The product was priced at $97 and we generated 6 figures in the first few months.

6 Figures!

Even after expenses and splitting the profit, this was life-changing money for me.
I realized how much money there is to be made by sharing knowledge and experience with people in the form of a digital product or service.

Following that, I saw it as my duty not just to know how to do (and teach) SEO, but to become a master of making money quickly, sustainably and ethically online, so here’s what I did:

I discovered how to setup funnels and monetize affiliate offers with email marketing.
I learned how to use paid ads to drive unlimited traffic to my funnels.

And the biggest thing?

I learned how to create my own digital products with ease, build BIG email lists, and create hugely profitable passive income streams that could keep generating 6-figure incomes for years.
Most Marketers Will Hate Me for This

There’s a trend in online marketing right now to talk all about money.

The idea of making 6 figures online has almost become cliched. So I get it if you’re skeptical. But here’s the thing –

To me, the money doesn’t matter.

I know, most marketers will get mad at this, and say that I’m crazy. But it’s true. Money is meaningless. It’s what you DO with it that matters.

And once I’d discovered and perfected my system, here’s what I was able to do:

Make money 24 hours a day, without needing to work in my business.
Live anywhere in the world, provided I had my laptop and a WiFi connection.
Spend my time exactly how I wanted.
Never stress about lead generation ever again.
Create multiple income streams, so if, for any reason, one did drop, I didn’t lose sleep wondering how I was going to keep paying the bills.
Put my marketing on autopilot, freeing me up to create content, serve clients, and most importantly – have fun.
Have experiences I never dreamed possible back in the days where I was struggling to scrape even $1,000 a month.

To show you I’m real, here’s a stream from my Instagram feed:

Right now you’re probably thinkin’…

“Okay Diggy, that’s great. But how does this apply to ME?”
Here’s What You Need to Know…

There’s a trend in online marketing right now to talk all about money.

Backlinks XXX was not a one-hit wonder. There’s a science to creating your own successful digital products and services.

For example, Glen and I also created a digital link-building service for website owners wanting to rank higher in Google that generated in excess of 7 figures.

Then we created a digital training product where we shared our knowledge on building a digital marketing agency that’s made both of us well over six figures.

We could carry on doing this forever and ever and ever.

Seriously, if there were enough hours in the day, you could create, market and sell literally hundreds of products, for $500-$1,000 each, make multiple sales every single day, and be set up for life.

But creating new products and services all the time and relying on launches is a very time-and-energy-draining way of making money.

So, over the years, I learned that the hard way.

I was making great money, but I was beat up, burnt out, and on the brink of leaving it all behind.

Everything changed when I was introduced to funnels, email marketing and paid traffic.

Set it up one time, split test everything, run traffic and make sure you spend X and generate 2x or more.

It’s that simple.

If you know that for every dollar you put in you get 2 dollars out, you simply put $20,000 in, and get $40,000 back out.

The possibilities are simply endless.

It’s such a basic, easy-to-use and reliable way of making money online.

The only (small) problem?

Creating a whole product can take time. So here’s what I did –

Instead of making my own products from scratch every time I wanted to generate 6 figures + with a launch, I promoted other people’s products as an affiliate instead.

That meant I made commissions for every sale I referred, without needing to create a product, update it, deal with customer support, refunds or anything of the sort.

Which meant that I could build a business with email marketing and affiliate products in a matter of DAYS, rather than MONTHS.

It was similar to what I was doing way back in my early days, but with a far superior (far simpler) structure.

These days?

I almost don’t want to say this, as it’s so cliched, but I really am living my dream of making money online and having the freedom to live on my own terms, never having to worry about income ever again.

As you’ve read, I didn’t get to where I am now overnight.

My journey took me almost 10 years and the reason why it took me so long is because I simply didn’t have a blueprint to follow. I didn’t have the right strategies, and I didn’t have anyone to guide me.

So, what I’ve done is I’ve created something truly special.

It’s the course to making money online that I wish I had when I started.

A course where you’ll learn exactly how I’m able to get results like this:

And this

Introducing Six Figure Inc.

If you thought setting up customer-converting, revenue-generating sales funnels was something only ‘techy people’ could do, think again…

I’m passionate about sharing this with you.

When I was broke, beaten and about to give up on my dream lifestyle, “Six Figure Inc” was just what I needed to change things around fast.

Trouble was, I didn’t have it then. It was only through trial and error (and a whole lot of time and money spent) that I finally made a failsafe blueprint to making money online.

And now you can have that too.

Here’s how and why we can make you this promise…

I’ve built (and sold) multiple 6 and 7 figure online businesses and have taught hundreds of others how to do the same.

In Fact, Here’s Just The Tip of The Iceberg of
What You Get…

Module 1

The concept – an introduction to building a real online business through various strategies like email marketing, affiliate marketing & digital product creation.

I’ll show you, in-depth:

How to setup your business with systems.
How to do this with various traffic sources (including paid traffic)
How to build a business with an exit in mind (flip it for a multiple)
Mindsets for success (4 parts to success)

Module 2

This is ALL about building a profitable, sustainable and evergreen email funnel, to be used time and time again.

Here’s what we’ll go through:

An introduction to funnels.
AIDA principle. The different phases of audience, so you know exactly who to sell to, and when.
How to build a funnel that acts as your sales team. (But costs a lot less in wages.)
The basic funnel formula & real world examples.
Squeeze pages and Thank You pages.
Email autoresponders – so you never have to pay thousands for a high-level copywriter ever again.
How to split test your pages.
How to split test your links.
How to use re-targeting.
How to use presell / review pages to increase your conversions.

Module 3 – Niche Selection

How to know whether a niche will convert BEFORE you choose it.
Spy tools – how to spy on your competition.

(Note: USE THIS ETHICALLY! It’s extremely powerful, and I’m trusting you to only use it for good. *wink*)

Module 4

An introduction to affiliate marketing.
How to find affiliate programs to promote.
How to choose the right products to promote as an affiliate.
The blueprint to an affiliate marketing funnel.
A real-world example of an affiliate funnel setup for you in real time.

Module 5

Introduction to digital products and services (a.k.a. infoproducts.)

How to plan the creation of your product so the whole thing is fast, easy and pain-free.
How to price your product for maximum revenue, while still delivering value for money to your audience.
The tools needed to create your digital product. (No great tech skills required.)
How to create your digital product.
How to generate case studies and bonuses for your own digital product.
Case study of a digital product created for Six Figure Inc, of a service in the Forex niche built up to $10k/m recurring.
How to get your own mobile apps built.
Case study of the funnel for the service built in the forex niche.

Module 6 – Advanced funnels for launches and evergreen products.

Learn how to build a funnel to turn your digital products “evergreen”

4 step video funnel (Jeff Walker style.)
Automated webinar funnel that quickly builds trust and rapport with your audience.

Module 7 – Traffic

Introduction to paid traffic – how putting your hand in your pocket can pay you back handsomely.

My go-to traffic sources for insane ROI.
The truth about Facebook marketing.
How to profit from Adwords, YouTube, Twitter and even Bing.
Solo ads: What you need to now.
How to reach and use media buyers.

Module 8 – JV Traffic and Affiliate Traffic

Why you should use affiliates and JV partners for traffic.
What do affiliates look for when you approach them. (I’ll teach you how to snag the big players and reach hundreds of thousands – if not millions – of new prospects.)
Where to find affiliates and JV partners.
JV reciprocal promo process explained.
How to create a JV page.
JV promo process example (This shows how we made $50k from a promo in just a few hours.)
How to use webinars to sell, and how to setup your first live webinar.

Module 9 – Buying Existing Businesses

An introduction to buying online sites and businesses for fast growth or flipping purposes.
What to look for when buying an online business.
My preferred risk reduction revenue amplification strategy for buying businesses.
Where to buy online businesses.
How to reduce your risk to capital by up to 60% when buying businesses.
Case study, buying and flipping online businesses for 6 figures and 250% ROI.

But None of That Actually Means Anything.

The above 9 modules are great.

But let’s face it, some of that (or even most of it) may sound like Double Dutch right now.

And that’s okay. By the time you’re done with each module, you’ll have a full understanding of every single aspect. Or at least of the ones you feel happiest implementing and using to generate massive returns on investment.

Here’s what does matter though.

Rather than just list a big load of features from Six Figure Inc., I want you to be 100% comfortable that you’re getting something of true value when you decide to sign up for access.

You’ll discover the exact strategies I’ve personally used to generate more than 6-figures online. Not just that – you’ll learn how to replicate them in other industries for yourself.
You’ll learn the actual strategies that work and see real-world examples of how they made money.
You’ll skip past all the mistakes and obstacles that stop MOST people starting an online business, and go right to the end of the process – The part where you’re actually seeing profits and high monthly incomes.
You’ll know exactly how to set everything up from scratch, even if you have no previous experience, and who to get help from if you have questions.
You’ll have a TON more money in your pocket when your online business generates money 24/7.

When your online business is generating six figures annually think about all the extra money you’ll have left over to put down on your next house, your dream car, fancy vacations, or just store away in the bank, ready for your early retirement.* When you build your online business, think about how good you’ll feel about yourself when you generate profits while helping people in the process and without any sort of black-hat, illegal or unethical strategies.
See yourself bragging to your friends at parties or on Facebook about how you don’t need to be at work 9-5 and can take time off whenever you want!

So Here’s The Bottom Line With Six Figure Inc.

To learn how to build your own, location-independent online business through various strategies like email marketing, affiliate marketing and digital product creation would usually cost you tens of thousands of dollars.

I know high-ticket coaches who charge $10,000 upfront for their program.

Most mentors ask you to part with $20,000 + for a year of coaching.

Even dime-a-dozen online marketing courses can set you back $1,995.

Do these work?

Some do…sometimes.

But they’re hit and miss to say the least.

Many of these coaches, mentors and gurus have done little more than taken a few online courses themselves. They’re very good at selling their own agenda, but they really aren’t best placed to help YOU build your business.

This was the EXACT opposite of what I wanted Six Figure Inc. to be.

I wanted to give you not just a ‘how-to’ of making money online…

…not just a textbook

…not just the theory

…not just access to one method…

But a blueprint of multiple methods that work for anybody, in any niche, backed up by real case studies, with templates you can use and profit from yourself.

I also didn’t want to charge a King’s ransom.

So the cost of Six Figure Inc?

You get all of this for only $997, including…

Continued support and interaction through a Six Figure Inc members-only Facebook group where you can connect with myself and the other Six Figure Inc members.

But Let Me Sweeten The Pot For You Even More With These Instant Bonuses For Acting Now…

Bonus 1: Six-Figure Webinar & Slides

When you purchase “Six Figure Inc”, you will also get instant access to the exact webinar and webinar slides that have generated in excess of six figures for one of my digital products for you to model for your own business.

Having someone create a webinar for you can literally cost thousands of dollars, just look at this conversation I was having to have a new webinar created for me and was quoted $15,000:

When you join Six Figure Inc. right now, you get my “field-tested”, six figure webinar and slides as a bonus!

Real Value: I’m not legally allowed to put a value on this bonus, but you see that having a proven webinar built for you is not cheap.

Bonus 2: Six-Figure Email sequence

I’m going to give you the exact email sequence (written by a professional copywriter) I’ve used to generate in excess of 6 figures with one of my digital products.

Real Value: $2500

Bonus 3: 3x Live Group Coaching Calls

Not that I need to do this as the value inside Six Figure Inc. is worth at least ten times as much as you’re paying for it, but I want as many people to succeed with this training as possible.

So when you join Six Figure Inc. before the timer hits zero, you’ll have the opportunity to jump on 3 live group calls with me where I’ll answer your Six Figure Inc and online business questions personally.

Just FYI, when I run a live webinar for a JV partner I typically generate four to five figures in commissions, so that’s how much my time is worth when I’m offering to get on a live call with you.

Real Value: Again, I’m not legally allowed to put a value on this bonus as it’s not a regular product I sell, but Just FYI, when I run a live webinar for a JV partner I typically generate four to five figures in commissions.

As you can see, these bonuses have a total value of AT LEAST $2,500 … but they’re yours when you act now!

And you have nothing to lose because you can…

As you can see all the risk is squarely on my shoulders, so….
Here’s How To Order Right Now…

Go ahead and click the order link now and you’ll be on your way to enjoying all the benefits we’ve talked about here and more! Let’s get started right now!

SUPER DUPER BONUS ALERT: The first 100 people to order will receive a custom Six Figure Inc “Swag Pack”

Doors Close & Launch Special Expires in:

Send Me “Six Figure Inc” Today For $997 Once-Off
I can’t wait to see you inside, and start helping you to that location-independent, lucrative laptop lifestyle.
Frequently Asked Questions
Will this work for me if I’m (insert gender/race/age/religion/nationality)?

You’ll be learning to build an online business that is location-independent and that can generate money no matter your background. As long as you have access to an internet connection, you’ll be able to apply the strategies from Six Figure Inc.
How much more do I need to invest in my online business to make money?

While it’s possible to build your empire starting with nothing but a domain ($10) and a hosting account ($12) if you have time, persistence and hustle, it would be wise to have several hundred dollars capital available to help get your business up and running as quickly as possible.
How long will it take to see results?

Legally I can’t guarantee or promise results of any sort, but the entire “Six Figure Inc” training is focused around helping you build your online business as quickly as possible. I even show you how to setup the foundation of a type of online business in a matter of a few hours, so if you take action, it’s entirely possible to see results in a very short period of time.
Do I need to have any special/technical skills?

No. You don’t need to be an expert at anything.

You also don’t need to be incredibly tech-savvy. While there are certain aspects that are slightly technical, those are covered in step-by-step detail in the training videos and can even be outsourced if required.
Will you be updating the course?

Absolutely! I plan to add a lot more training and content to the course over the coming years and turn Six Figure Inc. into the “go-to” resource to learn how to build a real online business.
If your strategies work so well, why sell them?

Multiple reasons.

The main reason for me is the fact that I never had a course like this when I started my journey. It cost me years of my time and buckets of money to figure out on my own.

For a long time I’ve wanted to create Six Figure Inc to pay it forward and help as many people as I can to stop working jobs they hate and be able to live life on their terms, as I’ve been lucky enough to do the last few years.

I also believe in abundance, and that there’s more than enough money to be made. Even if 10,000 people were to learn the strategies in Six Figure Inc. there would still be enough pie for everyone to have their piece.

And of course (for full transparency), while it’s not my main motivation for creating Six Figure Inc, there is money to be made from teaching people how to start their own business.
I’m on the fence, is this really for me?

Unless you’re financially free and you’re already living life on your own terms with a thriving location-independent source of income, this is for you.

There is a no questions asked refund policy, so you have absolutely nothing to lose.
How long do I get access to the content?

You pay once and you have access to Six Figure Inc. for as long as it exists (legally I’m not allowed to say you have access for life). This includes all upgrades and all future revisions of the course, which I’m planning to roll out multiple times per year for many years to come.
Couldn’t I figure all this out on my own?

Of course you could.

The Internet is flooded with information. Trouble is, piecing it all together is H.A.R.D

And how do you know who to trust? Who’s a marketing expert who’s been there and done it for themselves and for clients multiple times over, and who’s just out to make a quick buck.

Plus, even if you did get all the information for free, you’d still waste at least a few hundred dollars on failed ads, tech screw ups, and hiring people to fix stuff you got wrong. A proven system like Six Figure Inc really will save you money in the long run.
How long will it take me to make my money back?

I can’t say.

Just like I couldn’t give you a specific answer to when you’ll see results, it varies on how much work you put in. And truthfully, some people put in no work whatsoever. I don’t want you to be one of those people.

Based on my previous students and clients, and my own businesses, you should be in profit within a couple of days of getting everything set up. This is typical, but not guaranteed.

Some people never make a single cent, because they just can’t be bothered, while others have their own six-figure business in a matter of a couple of months.

'Which one are you going to be?

Rooting for you,

Dirk “Diggy” de Bruin


Every minute you wait is another commission or sale that will go to someone else instead of into your account. Take action now and start building your own six figure online business


If you’re still on the fence, then perhaps what some of the people I’ve worked with have to say about the methods in Six Figure Inc. will help sway you:

Act now before the doors close, and your chance to join Six Figure Inc at this ridiculously low price before it disappears forever.

Send Me “Six Figure Inc” Today For $997 Once-Off


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