Immerse Yourself in Sound-Healing Vibrations 2024 by David Gibson

immerse yourself in sound healing vibrations 2024 by david gibson

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Old Price: $59.90

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With the Founder of the Globe Sound Healing Institute &
the Sound Healing Research Foundation
David Gibson
7-Module Live Video Course Starts
Wednesday, April 17, 2024
Register Now
Unlock the profound healing power of sound by learning how frequencies, vibrations, music, and intention can release stuck emotions and energy — and significantly transform your life physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.
“Nothing rests; everything moves; everything vibrates.
He who understands the principle of vibration has grasped the scepter of power. ”
— The Kybalion by Three Initiates

Are you in search of real healing... an approach that can get to the root causes of a persistent health issue?

Are you ready to break through the anxiety, stress, or debilitating self-doubt that may be stealing your joy and health?

Or maybe you’re longing for a deeper spiritual life — to finally access true Oneness with the Universe?

If your answer is yes, it may be time to consider this powerful truth: your body, mind, and spirit — like everything in the Universe — are made up of energy and, specifically, vibrations.

That means your entire being can respond powerfully to specific healing sounds. Soft, warm sounds, for example, are known to alleviate anxiety and help with sleep... while activating sounds, like the gong, can ease depression.

You’ve likely already encountered some version of sound healing through your personal growth work — and most of us have had the experience of being uplifted and inspired when listening to our favorite music.

Even hospitals are now incorporating sound healing into their treatment programs, as more and more evidence of its undeniable benefits emerge.

Understanding sound and vibration is the Rosetta Stone for unlocking the mysteries of physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual transformation.

In this powerful 7-module course with celebrated sound-healing scholar and researcher David Gibson, you’ll experience firsthand how different sound vibrations can clear energy blocks, rebalance your chakras, and raise your consciousness.

As a pioneering scholar and researcher in the field of sound healing and therapy, David has developed a groundbreaking perspective about how sound affects us physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually — the “hierarchy of sound”...

... and is uniquely qualified to provide you with a profound, scientifically based experience of how vibration and frequency can transform your being into a balanced, healthier, more evolved state.

In this deeply enriching course, he’ll reveal how the workings of the Universe itself revolve around vibration, and how this affects your life in significant ways — body, mind, spirit, and soul.

You’ll learn many easy-to-apply sound-healing techniques to help you transform disease, release stuck emotions, and dissipate negative beliefs.

Over these 7 fascinating modules, you’ll discover:

    The frequencies of key parts of the body, including adrenals, head, neck, chest, pituitary, and heart (and you’ll learn which sounds to use to create harmony for each part)
    The science behind how frequencies, sounds, music, and intention can release stuck emotions and transform negative beliefs
    The existence of your own natural frequency of health — and why it’s different for everyone
    The best way to create harmony so each of the chakras work together with sound — opening a channel for healing and higher consciousness
    The deep work of letting higher beings (including Source) come through your voice
    Five techniques to release stuck emotions — using your own voice
    The profound effect of combining sound and intention to access higher emotions, such as gratitude, compassion, and joy
    Effective methods to avoid tuning in to the chaotic vibration of unstable emotions
    How binaural beats* activate specific systems within your brain — promoting heightened wellbeing — from relaxation to positivity to improved memory
    Sound techniques for connecting with others from a heart center and bringing more love into your work
    The harmonic structure of sound and the hierarchy of vibration: frequencies, timbres, musical intervals, music, and energy
    An effective practice for holding 100% focus on an intention to evoke a trance-like state for manifesting what you want more easily
    The powerful use of “entrainment,” where the stronger vibration overcomes the weaker so you can entrain to consistency — the basis of peace
    And much more...

*For an in-depth definition of binaural beats and its uses in meditation, please read this disclaimer.

You’ll experience practices to become deeply connected to Source, opening you to experience the life-changing feeling of Oneness...

... an expansive state of heightened spiritual awareness that can bring you profound peace and enlightened creativity.

David will introduce you to the theta state... the frequency of dreaming. When this vibration is activated while you’re awake, it opens you as a channel for new ideas and creative downloads.

As David illustrates how sounds work on the various levels of your being, you’ll learn to select the proper sound or instrument for a specific transformative outcome.

He’ll guide you to avoid chaotic vibrations of unstable emotions and the painful consequences that tend to accompany them. He’ll introduce you to the profound teaching of entrainment, where you can create new states of awareness to heal a variety of maladies — from sleep disorders to creative blocks.

You’ll learn to transmute fear, anger, even PTSD — rooted in chaotic frequencies — to harmonic vibrations that align you with bliss, provide access to creative downloads, and resonate every cell in your body with a healthier state.

And, you’ll discover how harmonic frequencies create natural immunities from physical disease and destructive emotions, and allow you to activate enhanced concentration and mental focus.

David created the Sound Healing Research Foundation, which now has over 1,000 doctors and sound therapists, to bring sound healing into mainstream healthcare, spearheading research projects involving sound and music for ADD/ADHD, PTSD, anxiety, anger, grief, autism, pain management, sleep, schizophrenia, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, addiction, brain injuries, Parkinson’s, and dementia.

Join David as he guides you through an illuminating journey of sound, where you’ll emerge as the maestro of your own healing symphony.
What You’ll Discover in These 7 Modules

In this 7-module transformational course, David will guide you through the fundamental skills you’ll need to successfully use sound and vibration to heal, inspire, and uplift your life.

You’ll connect with David and experience his teachings through livestreaming video via any connected device. This connection is easy to use and will enhance the impact of David’s transmissions. Can’t make it live? After each class, you can stream the video and audio recordings to enjoy anytime and anywhere at your convenience.
Join the Livestream — or Stream Later to Watch at Your Convenience

You’ll connect with David and experience his teachings through livestreaming video via any connected device. This connection is easy to use and will enhance the impact of David’s transmissions. Can’t make it live? After each class, you can stream the video and audio recordings to enjoy anytime and anywhere at your convenience.
Register Now
Course Sessions Wednesdays and One Thursday at 1:00pm Pacific

This course will feature LIVE teachings, interactive sessions, experiential practices, and Q&A with David. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones, so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to transform the areas of your life that are blocked or stuck — and experience a sense of freedom as a result of mastering vibration.
Module 1: Understanding Vibration & Frequency to Take Your First Step Toward Transformation (April 17)

As this course begins, David will explain the physics behind sound as a healing modality and explain how to locate frequencies in the body — so you can use them for a variety of effective treatments for yourself and others.

He’ll then walk you through the process of how to find the frequency of every part of the body to resonate it into its own natural healthy state.

In this opening module, you’ll learn:

    How vibration is the basis of all reality — and the laws of physics that guide how the Universe works
    How the body operates physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually
    How sound works through the laws of physics
    How to confidently find healthy frequencies in your body with your voice
    How to access peace and stillness with sound to heal yourself and others
    About the frequency of Oneness — a state of consciousness in which you’re at one with the Universe

Module 2: Harmonic Structure of Sound, Frequencies & Hierarchy of Vibration (April 24)

Nearly every sound has multiple frequencies. You might hear an “A,” yet there might be as many as 30 other pitches also present in the one note. And these other pitches carry detailed information about your being (which can be accessed through voice analysis).

David will take you through the elements of harmonics that determine why sounds present as different from one another. He’ll also discuss the difference between activating odd harmonics and calming even harmonics, and what instrument sounds and vowels are more odd or even.

You’ll also learn more about the concept of frequencies, you’ll listen to the full range of frequencies (20 – 20,000Hz), focusing on specific archetypal frequencies for healing as reference points to understand the whole range.

You’ll also delve more deeply into the ways vibrations manifest as pure frequencies, harmonics (combinations of pure frequencies), music intervals (combinations of pure frequencies and/or harmonics), music (including rhythm and flow), and energy (intention and consciousness).

In this module, you’ll explore:

    How to find the particular frequency where your speech is centered
    Pure sounds (like the tuning fork) versus rich sounds (Violin, Piano) — and which are better for what situations
    How the volume and phase of harmonics affect a sound
    How the mathematical structure of harmonics correlate to the mathematical structure of the Universe
    How archetypal frequencies are used for healing
    The frequencies of key parts of the body, including adrenals, head, neck, chest, pituitary, heart, and more

Module 3: Discover the Frequency, Notes & Timbre of Each Chakra to Raise Your Energy-Body Vibrations (May 1)

What does music do to the chakras? What is the frequency and pitch of each chakra? What kind of music works best for each? By the end of this module, you’ll be well-versed in the answers to these questions.

You’ll discover the frequency, notes, syllables, and instruments for each chakra — and how to use them.

David will guide you to perform a chakra treatment on yourself — and intuitively find the frequency on your own. It’s a powerful method for addressing anxiety and bringing a sense of calm into your life.

In this module, you’ll discover:

    How to tune in to more than one chakra at a time — and even tune in to all 7 simultaneously
    That each of the chakras work together with sound to help you heal and move to higher states of consciousness
    What it means to go into theta when you tune in to more than one frequency at a time
    A blissful closing meditation that takes you into all 7 chakras at the same time
    “Sound of the Chakras,” a guided exercise to find and make the sound of every chakra

Module 4 Brainwave Entrainment as a Gateway to Higher States of Consciousness (May 8)

You’ll explore the fascinating phenomenon of brainwave entrainment — the ability of the brain to naturally synchronize its brainwave frequencies with rhythms.

As you’ll discover, tuning in to certain frequencies can create an entirely new state of consciousness. It can also help you address issues such as sleep problems, creativity blocks, learning difficulties, attention deficit disorder, and many more.

David will guide you to entrain your brain within 15 seconds.

You’ll discover:

    How rhythm entrains you into delta (sleep), theta (creativity and Oneness), alpha (learning), beta (thinking and overcoming ADD), and gamma (blissing out) states
    The natural rhythm of your own brain waves — the note where you feel most at peace
    The best way to use your natural rhythm to uniquely tune each of the brainwave states specifically to you, making them more effective
    How different sound-healing instruments create and entrain you into the full range of brainwave states

Module 5: Transform Feelings Into Pure Harmony to Release Emotional, Energetic & Physical Blocks (May 15)

David will guide you to deeply explore how emotions operate, based on music and sound.

As David will show you, stuck emotions are the cause of all disease. Toxins get into the human body because they find an emotional opening.

As you learn to transform your emotions into harmony and release blocks, you’ll unlock the potential to completely transform your health.

In this module, you’ll discover:

    The 5 techniques to release stuck emotions — using your own voice
    Why your more painful emotions can feel like a broken record
    How the higher healing emotions including love, gratitude, and compassion are coherent, stable vibrations
    The reasons lower emotions (like fear and anger) are the most chaotic sounds of all
    The deep work of letting higher beings (including Source) come through your voice
    A guided exercise in which you’ll go through 8 techniques for releasing stuck emotions with your voice.

Module 6: Using Sound & Vibration to Heal a Personal Challenge You’re Currently Facing (May 22)

You’ll discover the invaluable skill of using sound to create stability in the midst of conflict — whether it’s a health concern, financial challenge, or relationship issue.

David will guide you in a practice to make the sound of different stable energies while facing your own specific challenges and conflicts... and teach you a range of techniques to access compassion for yourself and others in the midst of turmoil.

During a heart-opening transformative exercise, David will send the sound of love to whatever personal issue you’re struggling with, and help you access the sound of your soul to bring you into a state of peace.

He’ll then teach you how to use one of the strongest, most powerful frequencies in the Universe — gratitude. He’ll share with you why it’s especially useful to be thankful for any challenge.

In this module, you’ll:

    Discover David’s 10 techniques for being at peace in the midst of a challenge
    Learn how to avoid tuning in to the chaotic vibration of unstable emotions
    Create your own bliss when you cultivate a consistent vibration
    Discover the practice of being perfectly still no matter how difficult a challenge or conflict you may encounter

Module 7: Frequency & Timbre of Love — Healing Yourself & Others and Transforming Negative Beliefs (May 23)

As this course comes to a close, you’ll learn sound techniques for connecting with people from a heart center and bringing more love into your work.

David will guide you to explore the frequencies, pitches, musical intervals, music, and energy of love.

You’ll also learn how to use sound for loving yourself more. When you reside in your heart, a resonant field is created — that not only transforms your every communication but adds to a planetary resonant field that impacts the entire planet.

In this module, you’ll explore:

    How love works at the 5 levels of vibration — frequency/pitch, timbres, musical intervals, music, and energy
    Techniques to transform negative beliefs with sound
    Demonstrations of 3 techniques for loving yourself with sound
    The main instrument sounds used for love
    A guided experience where you’ll identify and sing the 2 main musical intervals used to express love

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The Immerse Yourself in Sound-Healing Vibrations Bonus Offering

In addition to David’s transformative 7-module online course, you’ll receive this special bonus offering to complement the course and take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.
Experience Deep States of Meditation Through Ascending Sound Frequencies
Downloadable Album From David Gibson

Discover the powerful sound of monks peacefully meditating with the accompaniment of heartfelt strings and vocal toning. You’ll feel the sweet, beautiful flow that takes you from your heart into deep meditation. The binaural beats in this album start in alpha, transition to theta, then delta, and then to deep meditation sub-delta. The song is tuned to the auspicious frequencies of 432Hz.
Balance Your Chakra System to Realize Peace
Downloadable Album From David Gibson

In this album, you’ll be guided on a journey through the chakra system as sound vibrations balance each of your chakras, using the full range of seven octaves. You’ll experience firsthand why the key Bb (B flat) is the most harmonious key — which has been shown in research. As you’ll discover, you can reach a deep state of meditation and peace as the 432Hz binaural beats move you from theta to delta.

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What Graduates of the Course Immerse Yourself in Sound-Healing Vibrations Are Saying...
“This course exceeded every expectation I had.”
This course exceeded every expectation I had. The layers and scope of information were truly transforming and valuable. The depth of instruction on so many levels gives one a solid foundation to use sound healing in their lives as well as the basis for using sound in a practice.
Laurelle, Banff, Canada

“David Gibson brings passion and compassion to his teachings.”
David Gibson brings passion and compassion to his teachings. The course deepened my knowledge and connection to my own inner soundscape and helped re-tune my favorite instrument: the Self.
— Renee
“This course is dedicated, informative, unique, and an engaging opportunity for one’s deeper emotional understanding of their actions and reactions...”
This course is dedicated, informative, unique, and an engaging opportunity for one’s deeper emotional understanding of their actions and reactions. You’ll learn a more harmonious, peaceable way of handling/traversing everyday situations. I would recommend this program not only academically, but also as a great societal coping mechanism.
Carol, Bismarck, North Dakota
“I can’t thank David enough for the happiness I have gained from this course.”
David’s course is so full of such exciting messages, absolutely full of information backed up by science. David shares his knowledge in such a beautiful, profound way, so inspiring, you really feel the urge to dive into the homework and study more. I love how I feel energized through understanding more about energy, frequency, vibration, and toning. I can’t thank David enough for the happiness I have gained from this course. Fantastic experience.
“David is truly an inspiration, sharing a vast array of wisdom and tools to assist us in our daily lives...”
David is truly an inspiration, sharing a vast array of wisdom and tools to assist us in our daily lives , supporting our own transformation so we may then support those around us with the gifts of love through sound. Thank you, David, for all you do, including your extensive research on healing solutions and benefits of sound! I am excited and expectant for our present and future medical modules!
Holly, Derby, Vermont
Join the Global Community

Immerse Yourself in Sound-Healing Vibrations offers some of the most transformational online teachings available, within a thriving global community of learning and practice.

Join fellow students and practitioners to support and inspire each other as you integrate the teachings and practices David Gibson will share in this powerful program.

You’ll join an international community on the leading edge of manifesting a world grounded in the principles of cooperation, harmony, and reverence for all of life.
Here’s What You’ll Receive
Seven 120-Minute Class Sessions With David Gibson

Experience a unique opportunity to be mentored by and learn from David Gibson, founder of the Globe Sound Healing Institute & Research Foundation — from the comfort of your own home. Each class session includes a livestreaming video option and will guide you to unlock the profound healing power of sound by learning how frequencies, vibrations, music, and intention can release stuck emotions and energy. Course sessions are on Wednesdays and one Thursday at 1:00pm Pacific.
Seven Video Recordings of Class Sessions

After each class, the video will be available for you to stream in a high-quality format. You’ll never have to worry about missing a session, and you can watch anytime and anywhere at your convenience.
Seven Audio Recordings of Class Sessions

After each class, the audio will be available for you to stream. You’ll never have to worry about missing a session, and you can listen anytime and anywhere at your convenience.
Seven Transcripts of Class Sessions

You’ll also receive the entire class transcription after each session is completed. You can then review, print, and highlight the most important insights and practices you were given.
Interactive Exercises and Questions for Each Lesson

Between class sessions, you’ll have the option of completing related exercises, practicing new tools, and answering questions to accelerate your learning and integrate each week’s lesson.
Online Community

Our exclusive Facebook online community is the perfect place to continue your discovery process after each class. Here, you can continue the discussion about your course materials and interact with your fellow students to take your exploration to an even deeper level.
The Immerse Yourself in Sound-Healing Vibrations Bonus Offering

    Experience Deep States of Meditation Through Ascending Sound Frequencies
    Downloadable Album From David Gibson
    Balance Your Chakra System to Realize Peace
    Downloadable Album From David Gibson

An Unprecedented Opportunity to Join the Online Course, Immerse Yourself in Sound-Healing Vibrations

We feel honored that David Gibson has chosen to partner with The Shift Network to offer this exclusive LIVE online course. This is a unique opportunity to interact directly with the founder of the Globe Sound Healing Institute & Research Foundation, whose powerful insights and pioneering work are helping us heal and awaken ourselves and our world.

If you’re serious about experiencing firsthand how different sound vibrations can clear energy blocks, rebalance your chakras, and raise your consciousness, then you owe it to yourself, your loved ones, and our world to take this one-of-a-kind program.

If you’re ready to take the next step in your own evolution, click the register button below to reserve your space now.

Your Satisfaction Is 100% Guaranteed!

Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed! If you don’t absolutely LOVE Immerse Yourself in Sound-Healing Vibrations — or don’t feel that it meets your needs — please submit your refund request form on or before May 1, 2024 and we’ll happily issue qualifying customers a refund.

More Praise for David Gibson...
“David Gibson is a true sound master with an open heart…”
David Gibson is a true sound master with an open heart and enthusiasm for healing and raising vibration. He inspired me to be my full self when conducting sound healings, and not hold back because I think it sounds weird. Also, to use my voice and the client’s voice to locate the healing frequency more.
Dr. Kathia Roberts, Hoboken, New Jersey
“David is one of the most passionate teachers I've heard…”
It will blow your mind how basic frequency and toning can work in all aspects of your life. David is one of the most passionate teachers I’ve heard, and he explains most of the basics with ease and skill.
Elizabeth Voss, Ringwood East, Australia
“Sound healing has added to my toolbox of alternative healing modalities in a very positive way.”
Sound healing has added to my toolbox of alternative healing modalities in a very positive way. David is a genuine, passionate, and fun instructor!
Sandy, Red Deer, Canada
“It is a blessing to have [David’s] techniques to use every day…”
David Gibson is an amazing teacher who exudes beautiful vibrations as he teaches and brings us to experience states of peaceful bliss easily and effortlessly. It is a blessing to have his techniques to use every day as I navigate being a human in this topsy-turvy world.
Anna, Quebec, Canada
“I understand so much more about frequencies and healing thanks to David…”
I had some background in toning, but this course took it to another level. I understand so much more about frequencies and healing thanks to David’s techniques and expertise.
Christine, Candler, North Carolina
About David Gibson

David Gibson is the founder and director of the Globe Sound Healing Institute in San Francisco (and online), offering individual classes and state-approved certificate programs in sound healing and sound therapy. He is the author of The Complete Guide to Sound Healing, and a producer of sound-healing music that is played in hospitals around the country.

He runs the Sound Therapy Center at the Institute (and online), which offers 15 types of sound-healing treatments. He has produced nine international sound-healing conferences and is the founder of the Sound Healing Research Foundation, designed to help bring sound healing into the mainstream for use in homes and hospitals.

David set up the Medical Sound Association, consisting of more than 600 doctors and sound therapists collaborating on ways to cure disease with sound, music, and vibration. Their website now has detailed treatment plans for a wide range of issues — including anxiety, depression, grief, PTSD, cancer, drug addiction, and dementia.

David received a $100,000 grant to create the Sound Education Center by taking the Sound Healing Institute’s curriculum into two Montessori schools. Along with 24 sound-healing instructors, he created over 2,500 exercises for children at every age level. The website now has over 500 downloadable exercises.

Old Price: $59.90

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