GKIC SuperConference 2017

GKIC SuperConference 2017

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Old Price: $140.00

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If you’re looking for the opportunity to free up your time, enjoy your business and your life again – on your terms, then we have the answer…

…The 2017 SuperConference

Can’t make it to Orlando on April 6th? You don’t have to miss out on this opportunity. Discover the tactics, techniques and content from the SuperConference, all from the comfort of your own home…

Simply click the button at the bottom of the page to sign up to take part in the LiveCast.

Implement the proprietary marketing systems and strategies that can actually set your business on a new trajectory for fast and dramatic growth and long-term prosperity – make sure you’re there for the LiveCast.
Your Biggest Breakthrough Is
Waiting For You… Right Here
The GKIC SuperConference is THE place where experience, wisdom and the best fortune-making, security-defining and life-liberating tools and strategies come together.

Best part: This year, we are focused solely on “growth hacks”…little things you can do for your business that can summon a spark of growth in your business. And we invited REAL implementers to show us what’s working “in the trenches” for their businesses—no wannabe entrepreneurs here!
And (If You’re New) It’s The Biggest Headstart You’ll Ever Get!
We’re about to arm you with PROVEN “outside the box” tools and strategies that are going to let you GROW your business without wasting your money or your time.

SuperConference is the place where lives have been dynamically changed for the past 15 years – either through a new contact, new strategy, or new “a-ha” moment that lead to a new era of increased income, liberty, autonomy and confidence.

Past attendees tell us they couldn’t sleep during the nights of the SuperConference because they were so excited about the discoveries and tools they gain from the event.

You simply cannot get this stuff in isolation – where you just stick with what you already know in your business – and keep talking to the same people and colleagues you talk to everyday.

Even if you can’t join us at SuperConference, you do not want to miss out on the mass of information you can gain for your business.
SuperConference LiveCast
All for just $497

Jam-packed with information that you can implement, opening the floodgates to more wealth, power and freedom!
Complete access to Dan Kennedy’s training seminars and strategy sessions from the whole of SuperConference
Access to the workshops held by each speaker from day one to day three. Discover incredible assets and insights from some of the most successful experts in the field
Online copies of the handouts and materials from our workshops and seminars, so you don’t have to miss a thing
Unique offers and opportunities straight from our expert speakers, that you just can’t get anywhere else
LiveCast +
Bonus Day & Recordings
All for just $994

Everything in the SuperConference Livecast Package, including Dan Kennedy’s training seminar videos, access to all the speakers at the event and offers and handouts straight from our experts, PLUS:
Access to the information, workshops and offers from our Bonus Day! Trust us, we’ve saved the best till last…
Recordings of the whole event, so that you can re-watch any seminar or speaker again, at your leisure. These recordings are not time-limited, so you can refer back to the event at any time, actioning the content at time that suits your business.
Simply Chose Which LiveCast Package Is For You…

Old Price: $140.00
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