Facebook Momentum For Agencies & Consultants by Keith Krance

Facebook Momentum For Agencies & Consultants by Keith Krance

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Old Price: $39.90

Sales Page:

Is It Really Possible to Generate 612 Leads @ $1.20/Lead in Just
7-Days for a Brand New Business on Facebook… Using a Simple Repeatable Customized Marketing System… Crafted from Spending Over $2.6 Million/Month in Facebook Ad Spend?
Did You Also Know More People Login to Facebook Every Night Than Watch ALL of the Major TV Networks… COMBINED? Don’t you think it’s time to take your business to the next level by advertising on Facebook?
From Best Selling Author:

Featured Expert:

Acclaimed Podcast Host:

Hi, I’m Keith Krance…

Author of the #1 Best Selling Book “The Ultimate Guide to Facebook Advertising”, the host of the highly acclaimed podcast “Perpetual Traffic”, and founder of Dominate Web Media (a full-service Facebook Advertising Agency, Consulting, and Online Education Company)

Over the last several years I’ve been lucky enough to work with thousands of clients… from some of the biggest names in the Information Marketing… to people wanting to leave their current job and start their own business… from incredibly successful eCommerce Brands… to small Local Business owners…

To show you how Facebook can transform your business… literally overnight… I have an incredible Facebook case study to share with you…

But firstly…
Want to Know the 3-Biggest Mistakes People
Make When Starting Facebook Advertising?
Biggest Mistake #1: Targeting
The quality & amount of data Facebook collects is absolutely incredible. A quote from MIT’s Technology Review states “Facebook has collected the most extensive data set EVER assembled on human social behavior”…

… and as a business owner having access to this wealth of data and the ability to pin-point your ads to a highly-targeted audience is truly a marketer’s dream.

So it’s no wonder people get enamored with the potential targeting & retargeting options on Facebook…

But believe it or not targeting is NOT the most important element for success or on Facebook…

What most people don’t realize is when it comes to taking your business to the next level…
Strategy & Messaging
Targeting & Ninja Optimization
That’s because Facebook is different from other types of online marketing e.g. Adwords, SEO, YouTube, etc… For example:

1. Facebook is Interruption Marketing — meaning people who login into Facebook aren’t looking for a solution to their problems… instead they’re looking for an escape… e.g checking in on family & friends… or… watching the latest dog viral video…

2. Facebook Makes Up It’s Own Rules — meaning traditional direct marketing tactics like fear-based positioning and problem agitation increases your chances of getting ads denied… or worse yet… getting your account banned…

But there’s GOOD NEWS…

If you approach Facebook the right way… and by the right way I mean with the correct “Messaging & Strategy”… Facebook is an incredibly powerful platform that can exponentially grow your business…

I’ve seen it happen over & over again…
Here’s What I Mean…

But there’s a Major Problem with
how MOST people approach
Facebook Advertising…
Because When It Comes To Interruption Marketing…
There’s NO One-Fits-All Solution!
All business advertising on Facebook fall into one or more of the 3 following Business Categories…
Local & Service Businesses
eCommerce & Physical Products
Digital & Information Products (including SAAS companies)
(If you can think of a business that doesn’t fit into at least one of these categories please let me know)

The reason for recognizing the 3 different Business Categories is because they’re very different in terms of what they offer, inventory, pricing strategies, frequency of purchase, competition, costs of business – including rent, manufacturing, shipping & handling, etc…

On top of that the 3 Categories typically ask prospects to take very different actions as the next step in their customer journey…

For example: compare downloading a cheat-sheet Vs signing up for a free chiropractic assessment Vs purchasing a bottle of supplements online…

Chances are you’re far more likely to optin for the cheat-sheet… than travel across town for an appointment… or pull out your credit card… especially if uncertain of the value the product or service offers in return, right?
Biggest Mistake #2: Strategy
Despite the differences in the 3-Business Categories…
Most Businesses on Facebook try to use the
“Info-Product Marketing Model”
No Matter What They Sell…
For example… is a Lead Magnet really the best strategy for a Local Business? How about a Webinar for an eCommerce store?

In other words most businesses are trying to fit a square peg into a round hole…

So in order to see what really works for each of the 3-Business Categories… I decided to go back and look at our data…
Why Listen To Us?

We DON’T Just Teach This Stuff…
We DO This Stuff!
So it’s probably no surprise that not all strategies worked equally well in all Business Categories…

…but what was exciting was certain patterns developed across multiple Ad Accounts. ..

For example when a certain Campaign Objective was used with a certain Facebook Appropriate Offer… coupled with a Specific Facebook Ad Type… in a Certain Business Category… the results time-and-time again were outstanding!

It was basically like discovering 3-funnel roadmaps showing any business in any of the 3 Business Categories how they could go from where they are now… to… generating an abundance of leads & customers on Facebook….

I’ll show you how you can get your hands on the Facebook Funnel Success Roadmaps in just a few minutes but first let me tell you about Mistake #3…
Biggest Mistake #3: Not Starting
What you may or may not know is I actually went to college to become an Airline Pilot. In fact, I flew Commercial Airplanes for Horizon Air for 7 years…

Here’s a picture of the plane’s cockpit I use to fly…

Ever noticed how many dials, levers and instruments there are in a Commercial Airline Cockpit? That’s because it’s a very sophisticated piece of equipment and takes years of training to master…

Now here’s a picture of the cockpit of the plane I started on…

Much simpler, right?

…and the very first time in took-off I had an instructor sitting right next to me basically handling everything. My only task was to keep my hands on the control column stick to make sure we were going in the right direction…

Why am I telling you this?

Because the potential for your business by advertising on Facebook is kind of like the Commercial Airline cockpit… it can take you wherever you want to go… very fast… but takes a little time to master…

…and the best way to get started is to follow simple step-by-step instructions… with an experienced instructor as your co-pilot… telling you exactly what to do… what to do next and perhaps most importantly… what to ignore.

Too many times I’ve seen people waste huge amounts of their time, money & fuel obsessing over every little detail of their ads, sales funnels and email sequences…

Now I’m not saying these things aren’t important… because they are… but if you NEVER get started and enjoy early success following a proven system… it’s harder to stay motivated and build forward momentum… which is what you need for your business to take-off…
Introducing Facebook Momentum
The only Facebook Ads Training Program that takes you by the hand walking you through a proven step-by-step process for…
Discovering Your Perfect Facebook Strategy for Generating Leads & Customers… While Creating Raving Fans & Brand Good-Will…
This brand new online training reveals:
Exactly What Works on Facebook and Why Authenticity is the Key…
The Fastest & Easiest Way to Build Your Facebook Presence…
The 7-Steps You Must Follow Every-Time for a Successful Campaigns…
The 2 Best Money-Making Facebook Funnels for Your Business…
4 Simple Yet Powerful Questions for Unveiling What Your Market Really Wants…
6 Incredible Offers Currently Crushin-It on Facebook…
How to Find Your Perfect Audience…
The Powerful Yet Overlooked Campaign that Instantly Boosts Your Credibility…
A Step-By-Step Guide for Unleashing Facebooks Powerful Tracking System…
Simple Tools for Creating Your Facebook Funnel in Minutes… Even & Especially If You Don’t Know Any Computer Code…
How to Build Your Lead Generation Campaign Like a Boss…
Don’t Panic: Exactly What To Do If Your Ads Get Denied…
Instantly Know How Your Campaigns are Performing with the Traffic Light Campaign Scorecard…
How to Optimize & Scale Your Winning Campaigns to Create Even More Customers at an Even Lower Cost…
Plus much more…
Facebook Success Tailored for Your Business…
For Local & Service Businesses:

Want a Step-by-Step Facebook Action Guide for generating more leads & customer for your business… specifically designed for Local & Service Businesses?
For eCommerce & Physical Products:

Want a Step-by-Step Facebook Action Guide for generating more leads & customer for your business… specifically designed for eCommerce & Physical Products?
For Digital & Info Products:

Want a Step-by-Step Facebook Action Guide for generating more leads & customer for your business… specifically designed for Digital & Information Products?
For Agencies & Consultants:

Since Agencies & Consultants work with all sorts of clients in all sorts of industries… you need all 3 Facebook Momentum Action Guides (Local & Service Businesses, eCommerce & Physical Products, Digital & Information Products)
Let’s Take A Look Inside Facebook Momentum…

Over 36 Training Videos
The Facebook Momentum Funnel Success Roadmap
7 Unique Checklists, Worksheets & Action Guides
Video Transcripts
Lesson 1. Welcome to the Facebook Momentum
Lesson 2. Understanding What Works on Facebook
Lesson 3. The One Hour Set-Up Guide
Lesson 4. Your Facebook Action Plan
Lesson 5. Creating Your Facebook Hook & Offer
Lesson 6. 30-Minutes to Your Perfect Audience
Lesson 7. Building Your First Like Campaign
Lesson 8. Optimizing Your Like Campaign
Lesson 9. Killer Lead Magnet Creation (not needed for Local & Service Businesses)
Lesson 10. Beginner’s Guide to the Facebook Pixel
Lesson 11. Your Simple Facebook Selling System
Lesson 12. Building Lead Generation Campaigns Like a Boss
Lesson 13. Optimizing & Scaling Your Lead Generation Campaigns
Does Facebook Momentum Work?
Not only do we show you how to do apply Facebook Momentum to your business… but watch-over-our-shoulder us as we generate 612 Leads in just 7-days for a brand new business… at a cost of just $1.20/lead…

…plus 5220 New Fans at a cost of just $0.05 per Fan

We’ll show you exactly what we did… how we did it… why we did it…
plus why we think it worked!
FAST-ACTION BONUS: 3-Months Ongoing Support
Sign Up Today & Receive 3-Months FREE Access
to Facebook Ads University…
Exclusive Access to Private Facebook Group — Answering Any & All of Your Questions
Live Monthly Webinars with Q&A
Checklists, Templates, and Execution Guides
Regular Price – $179.97

FREE With Today’s Purchase

Take a Peek Inside Facebook Ads University…

Here’s What Each Recorded Webinar Looks Like:

How Much Does Facebook Momentum Cost?
Other Facebook Trainings we’ve offered… and people have happily paid for…
have cost between $897.00 — $1,497.00.

In fact we recently hosted a LIVE 5-Day Training Event where people paid over $6,500.00 to attend…

But our goal for Facebook Momentum is very different… because we’re really in the business of changing lives and we want to be able to help as many businesses as possible… and the best way we know how is getting them advertising on Facebook…

Plus we also know that after you’ve experienced incredible Facebook success for yourself… some of you will want to do further trainings with us… or perhaps even become one of our agency or coaching clients…

So we want this to be an awesome experience for you… plus make it very reasonably priced…

That’s why we’re offering such a ridiculously low Introductory Special… so there’s no more excuse for NOT starting advertising on Facebook… and taking your business to the next level…

Want a Step-by-Step Facebook Action Guide for generating more leads & customer for your business… specifically designed for Local & Service Businesses?
Special Introductory Offer
Get Momentum Now

Want a Step-by-Step Facebook Action Guide for generating more leads & customer for your business… specifically designed for eCommerce & Physical Products?
Special Introductory Offer
Get Momentum Now

Want a Step-by-Step Facebook Action Guide for generating more leads & customer for your business… specifically designed for Digital & Information Products?
Special Introductory Offer
Get Momentum Now

Since Agencies & Consultants work with all sorts of clients in all sorts of industries… you need all 3 Facebook Momentum Action Guides (Local & Service Businesses, eCommerce & Physical Products, Digital & Information Products)
Special Introductory Offer
Get Momentum Now
Molly Pittman
Social Marketing/Facebook Ads Manager
for Ryan Deiss’s Digital Marketer

“Keith Krance continues to enlighten our community of digital marketers with intelligent and creative traffic advice. As one of the top Facebook advertising experts, Keith is the contact you want to have when setting up, scaling, and simply making money on Facebook.”
Success Stories

Still Not Convinced Facebook is Right For Your Business?
Check Out What Gary Vaynerchuk Said…

“We are marketing in One Single Channel for our
$60+ million company Wine Library TV: FACEBOOK ADS”
-Gary Vaynerchuk

“Wish.com (built by the engineers that built Google) spends 100% of their advertising on Facebook Ads.”
-Gary Vaynerchuck

Check Out What Brendon Burchard Said About Facebook Ads…
“If you’re not spending $1,000/day on Facebook Ads, you haven’t entered the modern era of marketing. Period.”
-Brendon Burchard on getting to
$50 million and 50 million views

Do you have to be spending $1,000 a day? Absolutely NOT.
We’ve had several clients spending much less who have literally doubled or tripled their business all because of Facebook Ads…
…and many of these clients started off spending less than $50 a day…
What Well-Known Marketers Are Saying…

Perry Marshall
Author, “Ultimate Guide to Google Adwords” and “80/20 Sales & Marketing”
“No other traffic source in the last 5 years has brought me more customers for less money. Facebook advertising is working 4X better than ever before, and for more people than ever before. WHY? Because I have a secret weapon. And his name is Keith Krance.”

Bill Harrison
BestSellerBlueprint.com (With Jack Canfield
of “Chicken Soup For the Soul”)
“When it comes to Facebook Advertising experts, Keith Krance and Ralph Burns are the best of the best. Over the past few years Keith and his team have helped us generate tens of thousands of quality leads and millions in sales directly from Facebook. His stuff works!”

John Lee Dumas
Creator of the #1 Podcast “Entrepreneur on Fire”
“Keith Krance is one of the smartest Facebook ads experts I’ve ever worked with. Thanks to him we were able to set up our first profitable Facebook ad campaign to our Podcaster’s Paradise webinar campaign, which was getting a 6 to 1 ROI, AND helped us ignite our entire new webinar sales funnel!”
Now It’s Time For You To Fasten Your Seat Belt &
Get Facebook Momentum
For Local & Service Businesses:

Want a Step-by-Step Facebook Action Guide for generating more leads & customer for your business… specifically designed for Local & Service Businesses?
Special Introductory Price
Get Momentum Now
For eCommerce & Physical Products:

Want a Step-by-Step Facebook Action Guide for generating more leads & customer for your business… specifically designed for eCommerce & Physical Products?
Special Introductory Price
Get Momentum Now
For Digital & Info Products:

Want a Step-by-Step Facebook Action Guide for generating more leads & customer for your business… specifically designed for Digital & Information Products?
Special Introductory Price
Get Momentum Now
For Agencies & Consultants:

Since Agencies & Consultants work with all sorts of clients in all sorts of industries… you need all 3 Facebook Momentum Action Guides (Local & Service Businesses, eCommerce & Physical Products, Digital & Information Products)
Special Introductory Price
Get Momentum Now
This is a video ad that I walked Rachel, my Designer, through for her Siberian Husky puppy. Her puppy got an esophagus problem where she couldn’t eat without being in intense pain.
She set up a GoFundMe page… and I helped her set up Facebook Ads to drive traffic to the page.
About a month later I got this email from Rachel…

This is one of the reasons why I get so fired up about this stuff…
Facebook Ads can make such an impact…
Here’s Results Our Facebook Ads University Students
are Getting Right Now…
You’re Completely Protected By Our 30-Day 100% Money Back Guarantee

That’s Enough Time To Go Through The Entire Course & If You’re Not Completely Satisfied For Any Reason…

Just Ask & We’ll Refund Your Entire Purchase Price…

No Questions Asked

Email [email protected]

Don’t Waste Your Precious Advertising Dollars Trying To Re-Invent the Wheel…

Get Facebook Momentum Now!
So if you’re serious about taking your business to the next level… there’s never been a better time to start advertising on Facebook… following a proven step-by-step system… with ongoing support… at this incredibly low introductory offer pricing… while being 100% protected by our satisfaction money back guarantee…
Select Your Business Specific
Step-By Step Facebook Customer Generating
Action Guide Below…
For Local & Service Businesses:

Want a Step-by-Step Facebook Action Guide for generating more leads & customer for your business… specifically designed for Local & Service Businesses?
Special Introductory Price
Get Momentum Now!
For eCommerce & Physical Products:

Want a Step-by-Step Facebook Action Guide for generating more leads & customer for your business… specifically designed for eCommerce & Physical Products?
Special Introductory Price
Get Momentum Now!
For Digital & Info Products:

Want a Step-by-Step Facebook Action Guide for generating more leads & customer for your business… specifically designed for Digital & Information Products?
Special Introductory Price
Get Momentum Now!
For Agencies & Consultants:

Since Agencies & Consultants work with all sorts of clients in all sorts of industries… it’s crucial to know all 3 of the Facebook Momentum Action Plans… including Local & Service Businesses, eCommerce & Physical Products, Digital & Information Products
Special Introductory Price
Get Momentum Now!

Old Price: $39.90

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