Social Stinger Private Mastermind by Teo Vanyo

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Social Stinger Private Mastermind by Teo Vanyo Torrent

What if we were able to show you the EXACT campaigns that we’ve done on Facebook to doing amazing figures like this ….

The Only Shopify Mastermind That Will REVEAL Their EXACT Facebook Advertising Campaigns So You Can Scale To 6-7 Figures With Your Shopify Store

And what if we were able to help transform your current Shopify business into making multiple 6-7 figures online with our help? Check out what Brandon G. has to say …

Using just ONE of our FB ads strategies, Brandon was also able to go make $1600 in sales with just a $450 ad spend …

Imagine seeing a 5.71% conversion rate with over 89 sales in just ONE DAY on your Shopify store … THIS is what we teach and what we stand behind here at Social Stinger.

The number 1 reason why many Shopify store owners fail, is because they lack the knowledge and training to properly set up their store in the first place. When we all get started in this Shopify business, we typically think of it like this …
#1 – We find a niche
#2 – We add products onto a store
#3 – We drive traffic to that store
#4 – We make sales
#5 – Make a million dollars and buy a private island in the Caribbean
Sounds simple right? … Wrong …
Like many of you, this looked like a very clear cut plan but with many obstacles in the way… fulfillment, product costs, ad spend, conversion rates.
But there’s a BIG divide in the making the sales part and actually being profitable! Not many of us know how to do this effectively and we end up blaming the system because we will just say that “it doesn’t work”.
3 Weeks Later …. Brandon Hit $102k In Sales With Our Social Stinger Mastermind

My name is Teo Vanyo and I’ve been doing this since 2008. I’ve generated over $3M in gross sales since then and over $2M in just 2015 and 2016. When I first started this business, I had no idea how to get started and I had no clue on how to become massively successful.
What was the biggest difference between 2008 and 2015 (7 years of failed attempts) that helped me make a HUGE jump in my career?
Inherited Knowledge
The biggest difference since 2008 and 2015 was that I finally figured out a way to get long lasting change with results that actually STUCK with me. It took me over 7 years to get the momentum that I have today where my multiple businesses is making multiple 6-7 figures a year online. During those years, I’ve spent countless endless days and nights working online to testing different things to making them work.
For every successful campaign I had, I’ve had 49 failed attempts. Because of this, I’ve learned what works and what doesn’t and what I should ALWAYS avoid at all costs. Back in 2008, I lost my car to a repossession and had $200 to my name and over $14,000 in debt. I had to make a change and I vowed to myself that I would NEVER, EVER be in that same position and that I would work hard towards my dreams.
Fast forward to 2015 and I had my biggest breakthrough. I had 2 partners which ended up being 1 partner who helped me tremendously and taught me how to propel my business to 7 figures which I would never forget. Because of that, I’ve learned what’s been working online and how to sell over $2M in products in just 1 and a half years.
The whole point in all of this is that in order for you to succeed, you need to surround yourself with people who have done it before. A famous entrepreneur by the name of Jim Rohn once said that “You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with”.
I want you to avoid the mistakes I’ve made when I first started this business and I want to give you a shortcut to Facebook ads and Shopify Sales Conversions.
The campaign above spent over $18,476 to make $63,876. What if you were able to see how we did this and how we were able to take winning campaigns to creating successful Shopify businesses?
Many of our clients struggle with

Starting their Facebook ads properly the first time around
Finding the right niche
Picking the right products for their Shopify stores
Optimizing their stores correctly
Scaling up their current Facebook ads campaigns
Avoiding high ad spends for little returns

These are the typical problems that many of us who start with Shopify and Facebook ads will fall into. We will spend literally hundreds and thousands of hours trying to figure this thing out ourselves and for some of us, even spend years trying to make e-commerce work. I’ve heard many HORROR stories of how my clients have spent literally YEARS to try to figuring out how to do Shopify and Facebook ads the correct way.
Watch how we helped one of our clients Liane Carmi make over $1M in her store by using our proven strategies
Imagine the freedom you will have once you’re able to reach results like Liane Carmi and our many other clients who have used our services. By learning how to do Shopify and Facebook ads correctly, you will see a dramatic change your life and the way you’re able to do things.
After going through our Mastermind, in 30 days from now I guarantee that the knowledge you will learn from our mastermind and the information you’re going to take away from all of this will change your business and your lifestyle. We have helped countless students go from zero to multiple 6 figures just with the information and experience we’ve given them through our training.
I’ve made it a personal vow to help you become successful in your Shopify store campaign and our pricing is made extremely fair for the value that we are giving you. We are the ONLY social media agency that is willing to share with you OUR PERSONAL tried and tested campaigns and reveal to you our secrets to making our Facebook ad campaigns a success.
Weekly Webinar Training With Q&A

Each week you will be a part of a training where we coach our mastermind members with the latest strategies to increasing your Shopify store’s sales. There will be a Q&A at the end of every week.
Exclusive Skype Group

You will be put into an exclusive skype group where you can ask questions and get help with your Shopify store’s strategies.
1 on 1 Coaching

You will get a free 30 minute session every month to help you with your current Shopify store.
Here’s What You’ll Get With Our Mastermind
Exclusive Weekly Training Webinars
Every week we will be holding an EXCLUSIVE member’s only webinar that will not be posted or shared anywhere else except for our mastermind members. These weekly webinars will be 1-2 hours long where we will discuss strategies to boost sales and increase traffic to your Shopify stores using Facebook. We will also have a questions and answers session where you will be able to ask questions and help you out.
Exclusive Skype Group
You will get exclusive access to our Skype group where you can ask any questions and interact with our team at Social Stinger to help you with your Shopify Facebook campaigns. We will also be sharing exclusive information not shown anywhere else on our Skype group and exclusive bonuses thrown in every single month. The wealth of knowledge and information just from this alone is worth the investment of joining our mastermind 3-5x.
1 on 1 Coaching
You will get a 1 on 1 free coaching session for 30 minutes included in your monthly subscription of our mastermind. The information you get from this coaching session will ensure that you get a REAL person to help you out. We’re not just all behind a screen but we do interact with all of our students. We have students come back to us and thank us because of these 30 minute calls which we do to help you out as an individual.

I am so grateful of this mastermind group. I’ve learned in 2 days what took me weeks to scratch. From finding winning product from Facebook then fixing it with Ali Express, downloading freaking awesome apps, to targeting and setting up an advert for conversion… I am armed with knowledge. The goal is to hit the $50 – $100 mark by Monday.
Santos Kamara

I’m super thankful to be part of an awesome up and coming team of masterminds, who are all on the same page, helpful, and cutting edge in their own niches. I am humbled by the genuineness and feel like I am in with the most like minds. I’m a massive action taker and am willing to work as hard as necessary to make this success happen, and I have already seen my first taste of results – oh it feels good. I’m looking forward to meeting Teo in the future and having a coffee with the crew. I’m looking around for bracelets already like a madman and am going to be narrowing it down over the next few hours. I’m looking forward to getting my next sales video up and running, already in the works and going to have some major laughs when it’s done. I can’t wait to give Teo and the team a killer video review upon massive success. I have so many ideas for T shirts!!!
Russell West

Social Stinger Facebook Ads Mastermind
You Will Be Joining A Team Of E-Commerce + Facebook Ads Specialists

We are a team of specialists who live and breathe Facebook advertising and Shopify stores. We’ve developed over 2,000+ Shopify stores since 2015 and we know what it takes to help you become successful with your Shopify stores today.
What We Will Cover In Our Mastermind
Shopify Store Optimization
We will cover how to properly optimize your Shopify store for increased conversion rates. We will show you what to improve on your store so that you can increase your AOV (average order value), purchase conversion rates and add to carts. Your Shopify store is crucial to your business success and you need to have a properly optimized store in order to make more conversions for the amount of traffic you are spending money on.
Shopify Sales & Conversions
We will cover the various ways where you can increase sales and conversions on your Shopify store as well as strategies to consistently bring in income. One of the hardest parts about running a business is in the day to day operation. By automating this process, you can focus on growing your business much faster and working on your business rather than working in your business. You want to be the business owner rather than an employee of your own business. We will show you how to do that.
Facebook Ads
We will go over Facebook ads strategies as well as scaling strategies to take your current Shopify stores to the next level. This is the most exciting part about our mastermind is that we focus 80% of our mastermind solely on the Facebook ads strategies and advanced strategies to help you increase sales and conversions. This will be the meat of the mastermind and as we go along, you will increase your knowledge and skills in Facebook ads with our guidance.

Mastermind Session 1 – Behind The Scenes Of A $500 A Day Store

I go over a store making $500 a day and show you the exact campaigns / adsets / ad copy / targeting and everything you need to get going. I show you how important it is to do your product research to find that $500-$1,000 a day product. This is one of the most crucial turning points in any e-commerce business, which is properly finding your niche and products that are desirable in any given market.

Length Of Session : 1 Hour 14 Minutes

Mastermind Session 2 – Scaling Facebook Ads

I go over scaling strategies and methods to breaking through to $1k-$2k+ per day on any given Shopify store. This mastermind session has helped students who have been stuck at $100-$200 a day and want to break through to making $1k+ per day on Shopify, but worried about their ad spend. We go over why most fail and why my students succeed after implementing these strategies.

Length Of Session : 2 Hours 27 Minutes

Mastermind Session 3 – Properly Maturing Your Facebook Pixels

Your Facebook pixels is what will either make or break your business. Without properly maturing your Facebook pixel, you won’t even be able to tell what’s working in your business and what’s not. We go over how you can track your sales properly and how Facebook can help you get more buyers at a much more consistent rate.

Length Of Session : 2 Hours 36 Minutes

Mastermind Session 4 – Building Your Store + Starting FB Ads

I go over how to build your Shopify store, Facebook ads and ad copy. I’ve shown you how you can take a store from $0 to $88k in less than a few months and scale. This session allows you to learn how we can build any store and make $100 a day very fast and easy using the free + ship method.

Length Of Session : 3 Hours 21 Minutes

Mastermind Session 5 – Increasing Your AOV (Average Order Value)

You will learn how to increase your AOV which will help you make more money per customer. I’ve shown you how you can take a $10 per customer store and turning it into a $50-$100 per customer store overall increasing your sales by 5-10x without touching any ad spend. This will allow you to scale your store to generating more profits, ultimately helping you put more money back into advertising to scale your business.

Length Of Session : 2 Hours 25 Minutes

Mastermind Session 6 – How To Scale Out Winning Ads

We go over how to find winning products and how to calculate how much potentially they are earning per day. We also go over how to scale these winners to making more sales without hitting any plateaus. You will learn the secrets to how we find winners very fast and how to take winning products to making $1k-$5k+ per day.

Length Of Session : 2 Hours 10 Minutes

Mastermind Session 7 – Ad Copy + Email Copy

We go over in detail how we do our ad copy and how we create our email promotions. We also go over a little bit about licensing and how you can find licensors to sell branded products. We go over the importance of customer support and how to double your sales by using the power of Facebook comments and shares.

Length Of Session : 1 Hour 46 Minutes

Mastermind Session 8 – From $200 A Day To $3k A Day

This session we go over a store making $200 a day consistently to jumping up the revenues up to $3k a day. You will learn how important it is to season the pixels and when to stop ads / start ads. You will also learn how to duplicate budgets and go from $100 a day in ad spend to over $1,000 a day in ad spend effectively.

Length Of Session : 2 Hours 4 Minutes

Mastermind Session 9 – How To Increase Your Ad Budgets

You will learn when to increase your ad budgets and when to stop dying ads. Many students have struggled with this factor when marketing on Facebook and not really understanding the importance of ad budgets and why you need to scale at the right time. This is where students get stuck and plateau at certain levels of income without really understanding the reasoning behind it. You will learn the mistakes we’ve went through and what to avoid when increasing ad budgets drastically.

Length Of Session : 1 Hour 27 Minutes

Mastermind Session 10 – How To Sell 100 Shirts A Day

This mastermind session you will see how we are able to sell 100+ shirts a day using Facebook advertising at $30-$50 an order. You will learn the ins and outs to selling tshirts effectively using Facebook and you will learn the techniques to scaling retail products online. This session will hold you by the hand and show you why t-shirts are a multi million dollar business on Facebook and how you can get your hands on these sales very quickly and effectively.

Length Of Session : 2 Hours 4 Minutes
And Many More Sessions To List ….
Mastermind Lifetime 5 Pay Monthly

Access To Advanced Facebook Ads Training
Over 100+ Hours Of Training
Weekly LIVE Training Sessions
Mastermind Q&A Sessions
Member’s Only Access Live 24/7 Chat
*Paid $997 Monthly Subscription For 5 Months

Join Today
Mastermind Lifetime

Access To Advanced Facebook Ads Training
Over 100+ Hours Of Training
Weekly LIVE Training Sessions
Mastermind Q&A Sessions
Member’s Only Access Live 24/7 Chat

Join Today

Some Of Our Client’s Earnings & Testimonials

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Social Stinger has exceeded my expectations with products, services, and as a company. I became a client of Social Stinger July 15th, 2016. The One on One Coaching I have had with Rocky, has been the best I have had from any program I have purchased. I am a newbie and Rocky has had unbelievable patience and understanding with me, explaining the same things numerous times until I understand. Rocky has treated my shopify store and driving the FB traffic to it as if it were his own. When Rocky tells me he is going to set up ads, add products, etc., the Social Stinger team wastes no time and completes the task immediately.

I have saved 100’s of dollars so far since joining Social Stinger and believe I will save 1000’s as time goes on. Beyond the savings, I have saved valuable personal time which you cannot put a price on. I have a full time job and a busy family life, so working with Social Stinger has allowed me to pursue my goal of being my own boss and still take care of my other responsibilities.
What surprised me most about Social Stinger was the way they over-delivered from day one on their commitment to me. I had some bad experiences with other companies and was a little skeptical, but they ensured me from the start they would make good on their promises. The team at Social Stinger has been awesome, and I cannot say enough about my personal coach Rocky, who like I said earlier, has treated my store and the FB advertising being driven to it like it is his own store.
Thanks again to the Social Stinger team and i look forward to a long and successful working relationship!!
George Genzel

New Sales On Brand New Stores!




So…Jason asked me if I could share a bit more about how I got to doing $3k/day in my store. So here we go. I’ve been wanting to get into ecommerce for just a few months – I actually avoided it initially, but then a good friend of mine showed me what he was doing with drop shipping, and I was hooked!
I started putting together my own store, but I suck at design, and it just held me back. So when I saw a promo for Social Stinger, I hit them up & paid them to build a niche site on Shopify for me. The theme they installed was professional and had lots of great elements for conversions. They also handled my facebook comments for bit and I learned a TON about how to create engagement. They posted a viral video and other great images for me.
I actually ended up changing my niche, but I kept the theme they installed for me. Then, I think you’ll find this interesting…I started running traffic using my own landing page and a buy button, totally skipping the store. It went okay, but…I got the idea to send people straight to the store, and when they started landing directly on my product pages, the conversions went from 25% to 75%.
So basically…Social Stinger’s theme increased my conversions by 300%. How’s that for a good product? Not to mention that I didn’t have to deal with trying to figure out colors and designs.
Liane Carmi


Frequently Asked Questions
q-icon Is This Membership Month To Month?

Yes, it’s entirely month to month and there are no contracts.
q-icon What do you cover in your mastermind?

We will be doing 1 training course every week exclusive to the mastermind (not shown anywhere else). This will cover everything from Facebook ads, creating FB ads, shopify stores and sales conversions.
q-icon Will we be able to interact with other members?

Yes, you will be put into a special mastermind skype group where you will be able to interact with other members including our team to help you improve your sales and facebook ads. You will also get access to the membership backend where you will find all recorded training videos.
q-icon How long is this mastermind?

Old Price: $79.90

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