How to Sell More Through Stories by Luisa Zhou

how to sell more through stories by luisa zhou

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This concise and practical course provides a complete framework — with detailed steps and examples — for using storytelling to build trust, stand out, and boost your sales.

No fluff, BS, or useless theory.

Just what’s proven and what works. Based on my personal experience making 8-figures in sales, in large part through the power of my storytelling skills.

Even better, you can finish the course in just a morning or afternoon, and start using it immediately, to see a noticeable improvement in your skills – and results.

In this course, you’ll learn:

How to present ANY story - no matter how “mundane” - so you’re able to communicate your point with more effectiveness, connection, and persuasiveness. So your stories will always be authentic and true to you - without having to rely on unnecessary drama, gimmicks, or artificial techniques.
Small yet powerful changes you can start making to your storytelling right now, that could lead to major improvements, and results. (You’ll discover these changes throughout the course - especially in the final section, where I share some of my most profitable stories with you. And break down how to re-create their success for yourself.)

    The core elements of effective storytelling - as applied to marketing and sales. (Which is not always the same as storytelling in general. Missing these could be the reason why your stories aren’t yet helping grow your audience or your sales.)

The 4 key components to an impactful story, plus a simple go-to structure you can start using for almost every story you tell. So you can start creating more impact with your stories, right now. (You’ll be able to do this by the end of lesson 3.)
What makes the best stories SO compelling - including the only two reasons to tell a story. (Which has nothing to do with how dramatic the story itself is.) So you know how to craft the most impactful stories for you and your business. (You’ll learn this in lesson 2.)
The actual science behind why stories are so powerful - so you know how to actually use stories (beyond the common unhelpful advice of just “telling stories”) to build trust, stand out, and boost sales. (We’ll cover this in lesson 1.)
My 7-point checklist to run through before you publish ANY story - so that you don’t “miss” anything, and every story you share gets the best results possible.
For example: Point #1 will give you a quick tweak to make sure your stories instantly stand out from the noise. Point #3 will help you decide which details to include in your story - and which ones are just a distraction. Having the right details will make all the difference between whether your audience remembers your story…or doesn’t even bother finishing it. And point #7 is a quick but powerful formatting tip that ensures you don’t lose your audience’s attention before they’ve even gotten your point. (You’ll find this checklist in lesson 4.)

    The critical element that every good story MUST have if you want to be able to connect emotionally with your audience. Not having this is probably why your stories aren’t landing right now - or producing the results you’d like. (You’ll discover this in lesson 3.)

But that’s not all. In fact, I’m pretty sure the final part of this course will absolutely blow you away with its value, practicality, and ROI…

When I share the 5 story categories that I’ve realized all my most impactful stories can be categorized into. This is $10 million+ worth of learnings – which most people trying to teach this stuff just don’t have.

Plus, for each category, you’ll see examples from some of my most profitable and impactful stories – so you can see what actually works. As well as my personal notes on when to use each category, how to use it, and prompts to help you identify your own stories for each category.

What’s more, I’ve identified the categories based on what results you’re trying to achieve with each story.

Because that’s what we’re all about around here…actual results.

As you can see:
Category #1: Stories that Clarify...

…will show you how to use a story to clarify a key idea – like the value of your offer (or any important point you’re trying to make).

You’ll see one of my own, very surprising “stories” following this category – that has made a massive impact on my bottom line by clarifying the value and uniqueness of a $3,000 product…in just a few sentences.
Category #2 • Stories that Connect...

…will show you how to create stories that build your brand and create deeper connections with your audience. Which also means your clients will stay with you longer and buy from you more.

You’ll see one of my stories following this category – which has made such a big impact on sales that one out of every six to seven clients mentions it as part of the reason why they purchased from me. That’s a multi-million dollar sales boost over the years.
Category #3 • Stories that Sell...

…will show you how to create THE most impactful stories when it comes to making sales quickly. Because there are certain elements your ideal clients are looking for (even if they don’t realize it!) before they feel confident buying from you — and this type of story will make sure you cover them all.

You’ll see one of my own stories following this category – which has created such a connection with my ideal clients that it made an additional $10 to $20 for every $1 I spent sharing it. That’s a 1,000%+ ROI.
Category #4 • Stories that Grow (& go viral)...

…will show you how to craft a story that massively grows your audience (and even possibly has you going viral).

One of my stories following this category – shared via a less than 60-second video – directly grew my Instagram account by over 3,700 new followers in less than a month. I’ll share which story it is, and why I think it went so viral, inside the course.
Category #5 • Stories that Engage...

…will show you how to craft a story that speaks to your audience on a deeply emotional level, and so massively boosts your response and engagement.

One of my stories following this category is responsible for my most responded-to email of all time. And another one following this category is responsible for my highest number of sales calls booked via a single email. I’ll break down both examples for you inside the course – and walk you through how to create your own stories that massively boost your engagement
And as soon as you join, you’ll get instant and lifetime access everything:

4 practical, concise, and highly actionable video lessons that will teach you everything you need to know about storytelling — including structure, critical elements, must-know science to understand effective storytelling, and more — so you can start telling more effective stories right now.

The 7-point checklist to run through before you publish ANY story – so that you don’t “miss” anything, and every story you share gets the best results possible.

5 detailed PDF’s walking you through the 5 proven story categories. Including my best examples so you can see what actually works (not just theory). Plus my personal notes on when to use each category, how to use it, and prompts to help you identify your own stories for each category. So you can start implementing them for yourself, right away.

Results-focused. Actionable. Proven. That’s the LZ Guarantee.

Old Price: $69.90
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