Sell From Stage Academy by Colin Boyd

Sell From Stage Academy by Colin Boyd

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FINALLY! A Step-by-Step Proven Formula for Speaking on 'Any Virtual or Live Stage' in a way that authentically connects with your Audience and Moves them to Join your Programs (without feeling Sales-y or In-authentic).

***When you pay-in-full at the STANDARD level or join ANY ELITE level you'll receive a surprise training that only my highest level clients have access to.
Sell From Stage Academy®
A step-by-step formula for coaches, online experts and speakers, just like you, to speak in a way that actually connects with your audience and converts them into clients (without feeling “pushy” or “sales-y”)

(This Formula is trusted by some of the biggest influencers in the world including Carrie Green, Amy Porterfield, James Wedmore, Rick Mulready, Kathrin Zenkina, Julie Solomon, and more)
Hurry! Enrollment closes in:




Even the most experienced experts can feel nervous and overwhelmed when they’re speaking and selling in front of an audience - whether that’s in person, or online.
And it makes sense.

We KNOW how uncomfortable a presentation can be, let alone when you're making a pitch! Nobody wants to be the sleazy sales guy (or gal.)

Even if you know your message is good, and your products and services can really help people...we still worry about coming off too pushy.

And beyond trying to get people to enroll in your also want people to ENJOY the time they spend with you. You want it to be a positive experience, regardless of whether they enroll.

I’ve sat through webinars and presentations where I felt the speaker was only there to sell their stuff and had no intention of providing value, and it was super frustrating. I’ve also seen presentations that were disorganized and rambling, which took away from the impact the speaker could have had on the audience.

But you? You’re not like that.

You’re different. You’re here to touch hearts and transform lives. You’re here to do it right.

If you’re like most entrepreneurs I talk to, chances are you feel like…

'Speaking to sell' can sometimes feel disrespectful to your audience. They didn’t attend your presentation to just watch you sell (even though they probably knew a pitch was coming at some point)
You don’t have enough confidence in your speaking skills or your offer. If only you had a process to follow so you could transition into the sale naturally.
Selling from webinar or the stage hasn’t “worked” for you in the past. You’ve had tons of people tell you your presentations are amazing… but no one buys. You can’t make the “hook” work.
But here’s the thing:
Todays most successful influencers and thought leaders know that selling is an act of service.

That's why they are able to command the stage & webinar and convert clients into their programs without internal resistance or struggle.

When it’s done right, selling is actually how you serve your audience best.

It’s a chance for you to connect people with resources and strategies that can REALLY help them. Where they can actually implement your best ideas and see the benefits. Imagine if your favorite coach, thought-leader, or author who has had such a fundamental impact on your life never told you about the further programs, books or experiences that could quite literally change your life. How would your life be different today?

"Deep down, you know that what you have to offer is good. You just have to be willing to step up and let people see it. To let them see you."

And one of the very best places to do that? Is on the stage.

That stage can be a webinar, live streaming or live stage. They are all about moving an audience to take action.

Right now, online stages like webinars and live streaming are the best opportunity to serve your audience, build your authority and get a flood of clients.
You don't have to wait till the current situation changes to serve your audience.

They are waiting for you to show up online. And many of them are ready to enroll in your programs and get the transformation you can give them!

Hear how students applied it to their Webinars and Virtual Stages!
"FIRST WEBINAR! Emma Lewzey had no online offering and had never ran a webinar before, then she used the webinar strategy in Sell From Stage Academy® to get 10 clients"
“Even though I’m a seasoned speaker, I was struggling with creating my first webinar, and actually asking for the sale.

The step-by-step scripts, maps and templates Colin provides were invaluable, and took all the guesswork out of preparing - and I felt so much more confident delivering my webinar knowing I was using a proven model. I ended up enrolling 10 students in my brand new beta program, and made my investment in SFS back more than twice over in a single webinar!

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'My Online Live Launch was the least stressful and biggest launch with over $300,000 upfront plus recurring revenue"
Watch Bob Heilig's story about how he used the Live Launch Maps, Scripts and Formulas to achieve his biggest results to date.

"Even though I'd ran a lot of webinars before, I'm now doing it 10 times better! Now that I'm following Colin's frameworks I get constant booking requests"

Britt Seva, Multi 7 Figure Digital Membership Business Owner

Carrie Green, Founder of the Female Entrepreneur Association uses the Sell From Stage Formula on her Webinars and said this...
"I finally knew what to say when and how to engage with the audience in a better way. It not only was a high converting webinar but gave me more confidence!

Amy Porterfield recently used Colin's 'Sell From Stage Formula' to speak and sell on her stage with these results…
"Using Colin's step-by-step system I generated more than $450,000 dollars from selling onstage at one event, but more so than anything, it felt good. It felt really good and authentic, and it felt like me."

"When you can offer people something they really need, in a way that feels good to you - it’s more than just a transaction. It’s a connection. It’s the very best kind of exchange."
Here is my story...
It was about 6 years ago, I created my first online product.

I was so excited about the transformation it would offer my clients and the possibilities of it's impact.

I promoted it to my social following and email list with over 600 people seeing it.

After what felt like blood sweat and tears I sold one program.

And although I was grateful for that one customer I was pretty disappointed (to say the least.)

That's when I became obsessed with the difference between a regular presentation and one that ACTUALLY leads to a flood of clients.

I'll never forget the moment I ran a webinar that lead to my first $10k of clients.

I then refined that and started doing $20 and $40K webinars...

...Which then led to six-figure and multi-six figure webinars and live launches.

(Imagine what it will feel like to make $10,000 - 50,000 in one presentation, that's my goal for you and it's so possible as many of the students have done this)

Fast forward to the present day and we have made millions in our online course through online launches, webinars and live speaking.

It still humbles me that some of the biggest names in the industry come to me for help with their online and live presentations.

People like Amy Porterfield, James Wedmore, Kathrine Zenkina (manifestation babe), Bob Heilig, Jill and Josh Stanton (Screw The Nine-To-Five), Britt Seva, Stacy Tuschl just to name a few, ask me for advice when it comes to speaking to sell.

I know the power of speaking in a way that sells, because I’ve experienced it. I’ve made millions because of it. And I’ve made it my passion, my obsession to help you master it also.
Can you see, it's not just any type of presentation that will grow your business.

I’m talking about the kind of speaking that's sincere and authentic. The type of speaking that shares your story and builds real connections with your audience. The type of speaking that seamlessly sells what you do (without using manipulative or outdated sales techniques.)

When you can infuse your natural voice with confidence and conviction in a proven speech formula - your business can change overnight. I’m living proof of that.
I call my unique way of speaking (I'm talking about the confident, authentic kind) the ‘Infusion Selling Method’ — and it’s a process I’ve been testing, refining, and proving for over a decade. It has generated over $500K in revenue for the last three clients I’ve worked with, and it’s also helped many ‘Sell from Stage Academy®’ alumni to get clear on their message, create impactful presentations, and sell from stage in a way that fits with their values.

And now - you get to use it. I’ll give you a step-by-step formula to help you get the sales you’re looking for, without losing yourself, your voice or your integrity in the process.

"Just like I are just ONE PRESENTATION away from the breakthrough you want in your business!"
When you dial in that one webinar or signature talk, it literally will be the cornerstone of all your sales and positioning in the market. It will be the vehicle that gives you what you always wanted.

Hear what even MORE industry leaders have to say about working with Colin's Sell From Stage Methodology...
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"The more I SPEAK, the more money I make. Therefore I ALWAYS go to the best for the coaching and support I need: Colin Boyd. Colin is the real deal. He's had almost a decade of experience in the expert industry and knows how to run a successful speaking, training and online business.

He has given me countless prompts, frameworks and story ideas that have paid off so well with my audiences that I am forever grateful! So if you're a speaker, trainer or consultant and want to grow and leverage your business, I know he can help you."

- James Wedmore (Colin's Fan Boy) & Creator of Business By Design

“We had NEVER sold from stage, let alone sold a $10,000 offer from stage!

After talking with Colin and getting his feedback we felt confident to make our first offer from stage.

It led to 17 dream clients signing up to our program and I'm forever grateful for the help Colin gave us to structure our content and sell from stage confidently!

- Jill & Josh Stanton (Screw The Nine-To-Five)

This online course is designed for digital entrepreneurs, coaches, and thought-leaders just like you. You’ll now be able to…
Get clarity on your message and signature story, so you can speak from the heart and present your offers authentically.
Transition from teaching to selling in a way that doesn’t feel sales-y.
Master your stagecraft, so you can show up confidently whether you’re speaking at a live event, on a webinar, or on video.
Create and communicate truly irresistible offers that your audience will go nuts for.
"I finally now teach ENGAGING WEBINARS that actually sell. I used the Sell From Stage formula on the last webinar and did 14% conversion and made $80,000"
- Jon Acampora, Excel Campus

What’s inside Sell from Stage Academy®?
Sell from Stage Academy® isn’t a passive program. It’s an online course, coaching & community experience that includes video trainings, Q&A sessions, and all of the resources you need to craft powerful presentations that touch hearts, shift minds, and convert.

Here’s a look at what you’ll get when you join:

The Sell from Stage Formula
I’ve broken the Sell from Stage Academy® (based on my unique Infusion Selling Method™) into easy-to-follow, short video tutorials that cover five crucial phases. Each phase is designed to help you master a different element of selling from the stage — from crafting a powerful presentation to transitioning seamlessly into your pitch.

So here’s the 5 core phases:
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1. Mindset & Confidence
Master your mindset and get proven confidence-building strategies so you can show up for your audience in alignment and in control, whether it’s your first time speaking or you’re a seasoned pro.

You'll adopt the exact same beliefs that market leaders already possess so you too can command attention and speak and sell from stage.

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2. Audience & Irresistible Offer
Craft your irresistible offers and learn how to position them to your audience in a way that makes signing up with you a no-brainer. You’ll use the "Audience Psychology Map” that will give you the exact angle and words to use so that your listeners connect with your offer and stampede towards them.

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3. Signature Talks That Sell
Learn how to use the three types of signature talks and discover which one you need to reach your business goals and inspire your audience to take action. You’ll get the exact step-by-step structure to follow so you know what to put in and what to keep out of your presentations.

You'll soon possess the 3 Signature Talks.
1. THE SHARP SELL TALK - This is my full proprietary system for speaking on stage or webinar to sell your programs and products (in a way that feels good.) When you use this step-by-step formula, you'll have people giving you their credit cards. Sometimes literally, but I'd suggest to give them back after you process them.

2. THE SOFT SELL TALK - This is the formula for giving a talk where you provide a content upgrade or opt-in for situations where selling a program is not appropriate. You'll now know how to get 'client's details' on every talk, so that you can sell on the back end.

3. THE NO SELL TALK - This is the a classic keynote structure that will give you the exact process for designing and delivering a keynote that engages people, gets you a standing ovation...and leads to them approaching you for more work.

And while you're thinking it. Yes, I've thought of every type of talk you'll ever need and given it to you. You're welcome.

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4. Stagecraft & Signature Story
How you show up matters. You’ll know how to share your signature stories, create easy-to-use frameworks to sell your ideas and master your stage presence so you can speak confidently, spur engagement, and increase conversions whenever you speak.

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5. Scale
Scaling is about focusing on business model, and building it so that you can make your income leveraged and sustainable. Learn which stages work for your goals (webinars, videos, live events, etc.) so you can be sure you’re growing in a way that achieves your business goals without sacrificing the life you want to live.

Here are some other bonuses inside...
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Advanced Webinar Training:
All of the principles in the program can be transferred to a webinar. In fact, all the scripts have specific references for what to do on your webinar at each point in the process. Remember a webinar is a stage. We have designed the learning experience to be 100% transferable to a webinar, where applicable. So even if you are joining this program just to up-level your webinars it will be perfect. This training takes you through how to fill your webinars, get people to actually show up and then what to do with the follow-up sequence to make more sales.

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Build Your Own Frameworks
You'll know how to create your own signature frameworks that make your content unique and set you apart in the market. Imagine having your own framework that you could show any potential client and it instantly creates desire for your product or service. That's what this training will do for you inside Sell From Stage Academy®.

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Scale with Corporates:
If you want to know how to turn a one-off speaking engagement in a corporation into a highly lucrative online training deal then this is your go-to section. For many years people have been coming to me for the secret of how I can double and even triple my invoice for a keynote ( without doing any extra work.) I give you the exact sales script and the process you need to take the decision-maker through to seal the deal. If you work with corporate’s or businesses, this process will be worth the investment alone.

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The Multi-day Workshop Maps:
If you want to run a single or multi-day workshop for your online community then this will take you through how to plan out a workshop that’s high-value and high conversion. We used this process recently with Sigrun and she made $170,000 in one day! You can watch her video below on this page.

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Confident Video Delivery
This training shows you how to become confident when delivering content on video. You will quickly know how to connect with your audience through video as if they were in the room with you. This means you'll convert more on your videos and build a sustainable business faster.

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Book More Stages System
This training will show you the latest and easiest ways to get booked and find more stages. All the way from finding a booking agent, finding local and national conferences to speak at, getting paid to speak at a conference to even creating your own events.

We've added some new CORE Bonuses recently...

Infusion Selling Masterclass
You'll discover the 9 Infusion Selling™ strategies that make your webinars and presentation go from being just "entertaining" content to "client generating machines". Students say this one class alone made them back their investment. You don't want to deliver another webinar or presentation without using these!

Teach Like a Pro System
You don't like poor teaching, and neither do your students, that's why in this bonus you'll get my step-by-step system for making you a transformational teacher to your current students. If you run bi-weekly or monthly training sessions for your community this will help you design your sessions without any overwhelm and then deliver them so that your students rave about your programs to everyone they know!

PLUS over $8,891 of additional bonuses with the online course, including…
1. Get Started Group Coaching Calls (Value $1,000)
When you join the Academy you'll get three group coaching calls to quickly get you started and answer any of your urgent questions so you can start implementing right away!

2. Members-Only Sell from Stage Community ($500)
Sell from Stage Academy® also comes with 12 months guaranteed access to our private Facebook community, where you’ll be surrounded by passionate, like-minded entrepreneurs who are building their speaking and selling skills right along with you. This is an amazing opportunity to network, support one another, and get ongoing support from your fellow business owners.

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3. DONE FOR YOU! ALL the plug-and-play Presentations Templates, Scripts, and Sales Forms you'll EVER need! ($1,997)
Ever wish you could take your content and “plug it in” to a script or template that you know works? When you join Sell from Stage Academy®, not only will you get access to my step-by-step proven formula for selling from stage… you’ll also get done-for-you presentation templates (for live presentations and webinars), speech scripts, and sales forms for those moments when you need to get something together in a hurry - and you need it to work.

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(Exclusive LIVE event - $3,497)
You will receive one complimentary tuition waiver to our Sell From Stage VIRTUAL. While normally held in beautiful Orange County, California, these live events will be virtual until travel restrictions are lifted.

These events are held throughout the year and are another opportunity to connect personally with Colin & other like-minded individuals who want to make a difference in the world.

Note: This is a bonus. All the strategies you need are available in the online product and coaching provided online.

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5. [INSTANT BONUS] Live Stream Influence Class
Do you want to use live streaming to build your audience and sell your programs? Tiffany Lee Bymaster (a.k.a Coach Glitter) ran a recent advanced training for Sell From Stage Academy® Students and you'll get instant access to it when you join.

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6. [INSTANT BONUS MASTERCLASS] The 3 Secrets To Building a Brand
Julie Solomon ran an exclusive advanced bonus class to show you how you can build a highly profitable brand with social media. You'll get instant access to this.

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Business Mindset Mastery
Carrie Green (founder of Female Entrepreneur Association) will show you how to build an expansive business mindset. Carrie runs a multi-7 figure membership and will reveal the mental shifts she made to scale up and grow her business. You'll get instant access to this class.

Introducing the ELITE™ Group Coaching Level...
Sell From Stage ELITE™ Group Coaching is the next level of support to the Standard Academy. It is for people who want on-going support and implementation strategies so that they can fast-track their success.

When you join the ELITE level this is what you'll get...
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12 months of group coaching every other week with Colin to get feedback on all your implementation needs looked after. You'll be able to get direct feedback from Colin on your offers and content on these calls (value $10,997)

Exclusive ELITE VIP Facebook Group for more intimate access with Colin. This is the group where Colin spends his time focusing on to ensure you're implementing the ideas faster!

Advanced Lead Generation classes on Creating Lead Magnets to Build your Lists, Pre-Launch Strategies, Follow Up Funnel Formulas, Marketing Your Webinars and more (value $3,000)

These full-day intimate Implementation Workshops include: These highly interactive and intimate events will give you the feedback and help you need to complete you'll Signature Talk, Offer, and Presentation Mastery (value $12,000)

IMPLEMENTATION EVENT #1: Your Signature Content
You'll walk away with your irresistible content completed that you can then use for your signature talks. This means your audience will be eating out of the palm of your hand when you speak and begging to let you into your programs!

IMPLEMENTATION EVENT #2: Your Irresistible Offer
You'll walk away with your irresistible offer completed so that your audience can't hold themselves back from joining. You'll feel clear, confident and ready to take your offer to the world!

IMPLEMENTATION EVENT #3: Virtual Stage Mastery
You'll become masterful at using virtual stages and webinars to engage your audience and feel confident. Your personal presentation skills and audience connection will go to a new level so you can completely one the virtual stage!

I know you've got questions about joining at the ELITE™ Group Coaching Level, so here are my answers...

Why would I join ELITE Group Coaching, as opposed to the standard Academy?

You would join ELITE if you want high level and continued support and feedback to help you implement the Sell From Stage strategies. The standard Academy provides some limited-time support, but the ELITE level is where you would go if you know that speaking on a virtual or live stage is something you're serious about mastering and you can see that it's the pathway to grow your specific business long term.

The short answer is, that the standard Academy is where you can learn the content and implement yourself, the ELITE level is where you can get a lot more support to implement and refine as you achieve new levels of success.

Is ELITE for people who are more advanced?

No, you don't have to be advanced to join. There are no 'income requirements' for ELITE as its main goal is to provide more support, access and implementation accountability. We do have a lot of highly successful coaches and experts in ELITE, so you will get more exposed to higher-level participants, but there are no 'business requirements' for joining.

The main requirement is that you are committed to your success and taking action even when it feels messy! We will support you along the way.

Do I get one-to-one access to Colin in ELITE?

This is a group coaching program, not one-to-one support. The entire community will support your success including Colin. Waiting to do a one-to-one with Colin will slow down your progress. We recommend you learn the strategies which are all laid out and implemented right away! The good news is, Colin only offers one-to-one sessions with current students at a discounted rate. There will be opportunities throughout the year to book an individual session with Colin, but this is at an additional cost. Once again, the program is set up for you to succeed with the curriculum, community and coaching! And we see this success over and over again with our students.

The other good news is Colin personally coaches the people that need help on the group calls, so you will be very likely to get help directly from him on those regular calls.

Will I get an opportunity to get feedback on my content or offers in ELITE?

Yes, at the ELITE level we have events throughout the year where you'll get feedback on your content and have time to practice it. You can also share your stuff in the community and get great qualified advice.

What's the commitment in ELITE?

The first big commitment is that you would implement! But more specifically this is a 12-month commitment. The goal of the program is to get you highly profitable, so we ask that you commit to implementing the content for 12 months. When you end up achieving a 5-figure webinar, you'll then want a multi-5-figure, then a 6-figure and so on. As an entrepreneur you've probably already noticed that as you achieve success, you always want the next level. That's what we support in ELITE, your constant growth and profitability.

Are promotional strategies covered or talked about in ELITE?

Yes, we help you fill your webinars, virtual events etc. Colin advises and discusses this regularly at the ELITE level. We also have FB ad specialists in the community who can help to provide feedback and advice.

Here are some Digital Course Creators who used the Sell From Stage Formula
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'Thank you, Colin, for your GENIUS method of presenting and selling from stage. Amanda and I have sold from stage a couple of times before we discovered your formula. Previously in a crowd of about 800 we sold about $8,000. We were pleased with that number but unfortunately, it wasn’t enough to justify the amount of work that went into prepping for the conferences. Fast forward a year… we just returned from speaking at a conference of about 2,000 people and we ended up making $65,000 from the stage!

Yes, from stage!!! What?!

And that’s ALL because we followed Colin’s amazing formula step by step!! And it was SO EASY!! It made so much sense! In fact, we had people RUNNING to the back of the room to get our Fast-Acting Bonus!! It’s so relational and SO FANTASTIC!!!!'

- Amanda and Rachel - Tag Team Peeps

"This program gave me the simple frameworks I needed for my Webinars and FB Lives..."
"Before the program, I delivered webinars that felt scripted, awkward and the results weren't great. I had a fear of appearing sales-y and therefore wasn't maximizing opportunities.

This program gave me the simple frameworks I needed to easily make my presentations persuasive and fun!

I would recommend this program to anyone who wants to speak and sell their products on Facebook Live, Webinars or Live Stages."

Melanie Moore, Life and Mindset strategist

"Easy structures to follow along and build an engaging presentation that sells..."
"I wanted to 'up' the presentations we were doing Live and Online. I wanted to know Colin's secret to how he created and delivered a presentation that was not only highly engaging but left people wanting more! And that's what you get in the course. Easy structures to follow along and build an engaging presentation that sells"

- Justin Brown, Video Expert

"Highest grossing webinar sales ever"
"As a therapist, I'm not trained in selling, so when it came to 'selling' my courses it felt really uncomfortable. I didn't know how to do it in a way that felt in alignment with who I was.

However, I ran a webinar while I was half way through the program and I felt so much more comfortable and confident. And it led to my highest grossing sales ever."

Julia Kristina, Clinical Therapist, Coach & Course Creator

"$170,000 in one day"
"I had never done a live event and I was quite nervous. Colin calmed my nerves and showed me his "Sell From Stage Formula" to plan the agenda and gave me a process to sell from stage. I learned how the agenda prepares the offer. I offered masterminds at the event and I made $170,000 in one day. I've never made so much in one event. Now I have an exact formula I can follow every-time."

Sigrun, 7-Figure Online entrepreneur

"It was like I was on an Oprah’s Favorite Things show…"
"I was just sharing my story from the heart, but it was from the heart but through the method that Colin teaches, and even right before I was even done talking people were getting up and they were like, 'Zarayda we need this! Where can we sign up?' has transformed not only our business, it’s transforming our business model and we are able to create way, way more value for our clients which is the most important thing, while being much more profitable."

Zarayda, Presenter & Online Entrepreneur

We have been talking about transition moments. So here's mine.
Based on all the case studies and examples you've seen, you now know this process works and can work for you. So, below is the pricing table to help you choose which option you want.

The Sell From Stage Academy Investment Overview

Hurry! Enrolment closes in:




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90 Day Guarantee
I want this to be a no-brainer for you. So I'm offering a 90-day guarantee, which means if you put the system to the test in the next 90 days and aren't happy with the process we will refund your money. Terms & Conditions Apply.

Here are some Professional Speakers who use the Sell From Stage Formula...
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“This course over-delivered more than ANY I've ever taken. It’s incredibly well thought through and explained. I would have been happy if I had paid 10x the amount. This is high level material presented in a very easy-to-understand way.

I'm super excited to speak before groups of people to get business. I do very well in person when networking, and this knowledge is going to help me go to a whole new and improved level. Amazingly brilliant stuff. I can't wait to start speaking and selling on stages even more!!”

- Marty Wilson, Comedian of the Year and Professional Speaker

"This is the best investment I've ever made in a coaching and online program, it's changed the game for me"
I wanted to expand my 'speak to sell' presentations. I learned simple strategies that have changed the game for me. Now I feel like I'm leading my business with confidence, clarity and courage.

Colin's strategies have created opportunity like never before. This is the best investment I've ever made in a coach and online program, it's changed the game for me."

Jerome Wade, Professional Speaker

"I 100% recommend this course if you're a speaker or want to run webinars"
"After 103 Live speaking engagements I had still not figured out how to elegantly sell from the stage. I'd even researched it and couldn't find a system that wasn't sales-y.

After doing this course I now know the strategies and systems that work and they feel so elegant. I 100% recommend this course if you're a speaker or want to run webinars."

Denise Soler Cox, Speaker and Documentary Creator

"I wanted to combine storytelling with selling, this is where Colin's program helped"
You can plug in your story and transition it properly into your pitch.

I also joined because of Colin's easy teaching style and personality, he has that humble strength that you feel you can connect with him."

Ellie Parvin, Professor and Communications Expert

"Colin broke it down in a practical and logical way, which is exactly what I needed"
"I joined because I was looking to increase my confidence and visibility. I'm going to tell you upfront...It was the best invest I made all year!

Colin broke it down in a practical and logical way, which is exactly what I needed. What was different about this program, honestly...was that I actually finished, because Colin brought the value!"

Robyn Shields, Speaker

"He has the system worked out so well"
“I thought if you’re being paid to be up on a stage, you can’t sell while you’re up there.

But after working with Colin, he has the system worked out so well that not only are your clients okay with you selling on stage, they’re actually enthusiastic about it. Because they know that their people will get better value if you sell them programs or further workshops and that sort of thing!”

Marty Wilson, Professional Speaker

Daryl Black said...
"I joined because it was time to stop guessing about how to sell from stage and webinar"

This is one of the only programs I want to ACTUALLY be on the coaching calls live. I get so much value from the Academy. I can't say enough positive things about it and I think if you sign up you'll love it to"

Daryl Black, Leadership Speaker

"It completely broke through my mental block of selling and the first time I followed it I made $10,000"

I felt like I had a secret weapon in my back pocket. I was only 2 modules though the Academy and I applied it to a 30 minute Keynote and it completely broke through my mental block of selling and the first time I applied it I made $10,000. I encourage you to join Sell From Stage Academy® because imagine what you can do as you apply the ideas.

Andrea Ames, Professional Speaker

Still not sure if this is right for you? Here’s a bit more information about the ideal Sell from Stage candidate.
Sell from Stage Academy® will teach you how to craft powerful presentations that seamlessly incorporate your offers - making them seem like the natural next step for your audience on your webinars and live speeches.

This program was intentionally created for Coaches, Online Course Creators, and Speakers and Educators who want to…

Improve the conversions and audience experience from their webinars and sales videos
Add speaking and selling from stage to their repertoire (or add MORE speaking engagements to their business strategy)
Use "Live Launch Video Strategies" to enroll new clients into their products and programs
Run live events for their online communities to inspire more transformation and up-sell into high ticket offers
Learn how to sell from stage in a way that’s not “salesy” and that fits naturally into their presentation
Become better at speaking and presenting. Full stop.
Sound like you?
I'm really excited to welcome you inside the Academy.

The Sell From Stage Academy® Overview

***When you pay-in-full at the STANDARD level or join ANY ELITE level you'll receive a surprise training that only my highest level clients have access to.
Here are some coaches and consultants that use the Sell From Stage Formula..

"The course is very engaging & a great sense of community"
"What's unique about this course is that it's very engaging, there's a great sense of community.

And just a warning, prepare to take a ton of notes! I had to start a new book. It's really amazing stuff"

Kaila Lim, Sales Specialist

"Your stage is everywhere! Online and offline"
"I wanted to get out from behind my camera and get in front of it. Initially I felt scared of the title "Sell From Stage". Because I didn't want to get on a live stage. But don't let that scare you. Your stage is everywhere! Online and offline.

I'll be referring to what I learned forever!"

Michelle Adams, International Branding Photographer

"Colin debunked the myths I believed about speaking and selling"
I went from believing selling is sleazy, and speaking was scary. To now recognizing that speaking is a very powerful tool that we can serve our audience with.

Rachel Gilbert, The Intentional Influencer

"I'd recommend any business coached or owners to do the course if you want to do Facebook lives or Webinars"
'I got even more during the course than I expected. The gives you a very simple logical way to speak. I'd recommend any business coached or owners to do the course if you want to do Facebook lives or Webinars as you'll know how to structure your talk"

- Inga Desksne, Business Coach

"I just followed the formula and I booked clients" - Becky Fields
"I was so nervous stepping on stage, but at the same time, for the first time I felt confident in what I was about to say! I originally didn't take the course to 'sell from stage'. But I decided to follow Colin's formula and I 'sold from stage' the first time I used it! I booked clients from that first talk and I didn't even mean to sell from stage. I just followed the formula!'

- Becky Fields, Career Banker

Here are some FAQ's our students ask before diving in:
I want to mainly use this on Webinar or Live Streaming, do the formulas still apply?
Yes, 100%. In fact there is a special training inside the Academy that shows you how to apply all of the principles to both webinar, video and live streaming. This means you don’t have to wait to have speaking engagements to use it. You can literally start using the principles to sell on your webinars and live streaming tomorrow!

We also have slide decks and speech scripts with specific steps for webinars, so you'll know exactly how to speak and sell like a professional on any digital stage.

I don't have an online offer yet, should I wait to develop that first?
I've got you 100% covered. Firstly, many people who join don't have an online offer yet, and can easily sell their coaching, consulting or training service. But as a special bonus, I've added in "How to Build Your Online Offer". This will take you step-by-step through the process I use to create best selling digital courses. It will take all the stress and guess out so you can finally get your digital offer up and selling!

I’m already doing another course or program, shouldn’t I wait to finish that before taking this?
Firstly, I think it's great that you’re doing a course. Because it means you’re someone who is committed to growing. But here’s the problem with most courses. They teach you how to ‘build a product or a membership’ but they don’t teach you how to actually sell it. The Sell From Stage Academy® is the formula for you to sell the thing you're building. In other words, you don’t actually have a business without selling it. Don’t be like most struggling entrepreneurs who think that they need to just take courses to learn how to “build a product or membership”. It’s the successful entrepreneurs who know that it’s about selling the product that makes you a real business. And that’s exactly what we teach in this Academy.

I don’t want to sell from stage. I just want to be a better speaker! Can you help me?

Sell from Stage Academy® is all about helping you craft powerful presentations that touch hearts, shift minds, and move your audience to take that next step with you. In fact, there is a full section called “No Sell” Signature Talks, that takes you through the exact steps for building a standard keynote. This is great for conferences that don’t allow you to pitch (but as you’ll discover quickly when you use ‘the infusion selling formula’, your audience will approach you right after to join your programs.

In fact, Becky Fields (a Sell from Stage Academy® alumnae) was feeling the same way when she joined the program. As a career banker and coach for high-performing women in business, Becky started to get asked to speak in front of groups of women executives. When she joined Sell from Stage Academy®, she was more concerned with honing her speaking skills so she could make a good impression on her audience and not be boring.

But Becky realized that selling from the stage is actually EASY and FUN!

“I followed the exact formula Colin gave us on the first day, and you know what? I sold from stage the first time I used it. I booked clients from that very talk. I didn’t even really mean to! I just followed his formula. It didn’t feel like selling at all.”

Will this really be worth the money for me?
I can only speak from my own experience, and from what I’ve heard other successful entrepreneurs say. And that is ‘that spending money to learn how to make money is not a cost it’s an investment’. In fact, a lot of the students in the Sell From Stage Academy® use the formula in their first presentation or webinar and make back their entire investment. Obviously, I can in no way guarantee this as everyone's personal situation is different. But I'd recommend not to think about this investment as a ‘sunk cost’. This is the seed that will grow into the oak tree of your business. Most presentations I do I’ll gross more than $10,000 - $40,000+ in revenue on the backend. If I saw ‘investing in myself’ as being something I couldn’t afford I would never be able to teach you this proven formula.

I know you said that I won’t have to be pushy...but for real, how “salesy” is your Sell from Stage formula?
This program is all about giving you a process that teaches you to sell your products in a way that embraces your natural voice, and positions them as a natural next step for your audience (rather than just something to buy)

Take it from Robyn Shields, who said:

“The program gave me simple, easy to follow formulas that didn't feel lofty, rushed, or pushy. If I can learn how to present even 20% of what I learned from Colin, I would buy my own offer! And walk away feeling like I got the deal of the year. If you thought you could never be an effective speaker who sells, take Colin's course and you'll come out believing in yourself.”

This was Amy Porterfield’s concern also:

“I never want to come across as too salesy, or too aggressive, or the kind of girl that pitches on stage all the time. And so I wanted to do it in a way that felt really good to me, and that's why I wanted to work with Colin. So he gave me some strategies and tips that were really specific to what I was selling, and how I wanted to sell it from stage. And I listened to every word he told me, and I did everything that he told me to do. And not only did I generate more than $450,000 dollars from selling onstage at one event, but more so than anything, it felt good. It felt really good and authentic, and it felt like me.”

Is the content drip feed or fully available on purchase?
The good news it's FULLY available on purchase. Once you join, you get everything! Hey, we live in the Netflix binge era. I know my audience.

When is the Sell From Stage LIVE Event and what are the details?
The Sell From Stage LIVE Experience will be held annually and virtually until Covid restrictions are lifted. In the future, it will be held again in Orange County, California. Please be aware that ALL the strategies and coaching you need to become a persuasive speaker are found in the online course, bi-weekly coaching & community. Once dates are confirmed, if you can't make them, there will be an opportunity next year to join the next event.

I’m a professional keynote speaker. I can’t sell from stage… can I?
Yes you can! In fact, you’re actually doing your audience a disservice by NOT selling from stage — even when you’re already getting paid just to be there, and the pressure is (somewhat!) off.

But I totally get it — Marty Wilson (Comedian of the Year and CSP) was feeling the exact same way. When Marty joined the Sell from Stage Academy®, he was clocking almost 100 paid keynotes per year.

“I thought if you’re being paid to be up on a stage, you can’t sell while you’re up there. That’s just not the done thing. That’s just not good form. But after working with Colin, he has the system worked out so well that not only are your clients okay with you selling on stage, they’re actually enthusiastic about it. Because they know that their people will get better value if you sell them programs or further workshops and that sort of thing!”

I don’t have any presentations booked, will this program help me book speeches?
Yes! In fact, we have a special bonus to help you get booked for MORE presentations MORE often. When you join the program, you’ll get access to my exclusive “Find More Stages” system, which walks you through a step-by-step process to getting booked, and you can start with using the methods on Webinar, Video and Facebook live. Plus Colin will be running extra bonus trainings on this as the course unfolds.

I don't have my signature talk yet, do I need it to join the Academy?
No you don't. This is one of the main purposes of the program. It will give you the exact step-by-step formula for building your signature talk. Even if you don't want to 'sell from stage'. The 'No Sell' Signature talk section will hold your hand through the whole process and you'll be writing a signature talk sooner than you know it!

I'm fairly new in my business, is this Academy too advanced for me?
Don't get me wrong, this Academy has the most advanced strategies to speak and sell on any stage in the world. It's the reason some of the biggest influencers join (as you've see in the caste studies above). But as long as you have confidence in your ability to deliver value to your clients, why would you waste time and money trying to figure this out yourself. Especially when you can follow a proven process right from the beginning. It will allow you to lay the right foundations, that other only wish they had from the beginning (including myself).

So if you like me and my content, take a deep breath and trust yourself on the next level! I'll see you inside.

How long do I have access to the product, community and coaching?
At the standard level, you are guaranteed lifetime access to the Sell From Stage Academy® Product and Content. Minimum of 12 months access to the exclusive Facebook community and 18 months to attend a virtual event (or 2 Virtual Event options). You may end up receiving more than what is mentioned above, but that is what we have as a guarantee currently.

So, are you ready to connect with your audience from stage in a way that’s natural and authentic to YOU?
The Sell From Stage Academy® Overview
A step-by-step formula for coaches, online experts and speakers, just like you, to speak in a way that actually connects with your audience and converts them into clients (without feeling “pushy” or “sales-y”)

***When you pay-in-full at the STANDARD ACADEMY level or join ANY ELITE level you'll receive a surprise training that only my highest level clients have access to.

Got a question, or still wondering if you're the right fit? Simply email our team: [email protected] and we will get right back to you!

Hurry! Enrolment closes in:




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90 Day Guarantee
I want this to be an absolute yes! So I'm offering a 90-day guarantee, which means if you put the system to the test in the next 90 days and aren't happy with the process we will refund your money. Terms & Conditions Apply.

Got a question, or still wondering if you're the right fit? Email us at: [email protected] and we will get right back to you!

P.S. As this page ends, imagine what will be possible when you've created a presentation that generates clients every time. Imagine how it will feel to deliver your message confidently to your audience and watch as they enroll in your programs. If you're ready to have that happen in your life then now is the time to join.

P.P.S. Don't let the fear of 'what if' stop you from going after your future! This is your chance to finally use a formula that is proven to get results! Don't miss this chance, it's ready for you inside.

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